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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3002 Love Spells
3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Love Potion
  2. Love
  3. The Friendship Spell
  4. Love Attraction Magick Mirror Spell
  5. Lunar Love Smoke
  6. Knot Binding Love Co-Op Spell
  7. Love Sprinkling
  8. Catnip Attraction
  9. Crush
  10. Mermaid Spell

#2701 - Love Potion

a potion to attract love and friendship
You may need:

  • Rose water
  • Strawberry Extract
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Salt (For pure Love)
  • Red food coloring.
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    You may need:

  • Rose water
  • Strawberry Extract
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Salt (For pure Love)
  • Red food coloring.
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    Mix all the ingredients together in a pan and boil until dissolved.
    Strain the reminding herbs and such out of the pan and pour into a bottle.
    Hold your hands over the potion and imagine a glowing silver or pink orb being lowered into the potion.

    ''Love pure, and Love strong
    This love will past long
    Roses and candle light
    Love, Love, Come to me tonight.''

    Wear on neck, wrists and forehead to attract love.
    Or pour into ritual bath to attract love for a month.

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    #2702 - Love

    A simple love spell.
    You may need:

  • Mirror
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    You may need:

  • Mirror
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    As you look into a mirror, say the name of the person you want to love you over and over while thinking about them.

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    #2703 - The Friendship Spell

    Cast this spell on a evening of New Moon.
    You may need:

  • three pieces of cotton or woollen yarn about 30 cm in length: the first red, second one blue, last one white
  • three feathers(any kind)
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    You may need:

  • three pieces of cotton or woollen yarn about 30 cm in length: the first red, second one blue, last one white
  • three feathers(any kind)
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    Braid the three pieces of thread together while you repeat these words:

    ''Thread of the red,the blue,and the white,
    Weave your Magic Spell tonight''

    Now take the three feathers and tie the stalks of the feathers onto your colorful braid.They should be tied at evenly spaced intervals.
    Then repeat these words:

    ''Thread of red,the blue,and the white
    Weave your Magic Spell tonight
    All that I deserve bring
    When I touch these feathers and string
    Cast this Spell and make it true
    One for the white,for red and blue''

    Then tie the braid around your wrist to make a magic bracelet.Whether youd like to ttrengthen or find a new friendship,touch one feather at a time and make a wish.

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    #2704 - Love Attraction Magick Mirror Spell

    To Find A New Love Or To Streghten Your Relationship...
    You may need:

  • A samll hand mirror
  • A small photo of yourself
  • A piece of paper and pen
  • 2 red strings, threads, or cords
  • A red cloth
  • (if you're already in a relationship then a get a small photo of your partner instead of the paper and pen)
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    You may need:

  • A samll hand mirror
  • A small photo of yourself
  • A piece of paper and pen
  • 2 red strings, threads, or cords
  • A red cloth
  • (if you're already in a relationship then a get a small photo of your partner instead of the paper and pen)
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    Step1. Set up a basic altar for yourself as usual.

    Step2. Once you've cast your Magick Circle, place a photo of yourself face up on your altar.

    Step3. Place the hand mirror on top of your photo, with the mirror part facing your photo.

    Step4. If you're looking for new love, take your piece of paper and write the specific qualities you are looking for in your soul mate. Do NOT name a specific person. Place the piece of paper on top of the mirror, with the writing facing down towards the back of the mirror. If you're already in a relationship, instead of using this piece of paper, place a photo of your partner on top of the mirror face down.

    Step5. Wrap the 3 objects together with your red string or cord.

    Step6. Wrap everything in your red cloth.

    Step7. Now bind the entire package again with your 2nd red string or cord.

    Step8. Bury everything underground (at least a few inches under the surface) next to an apple tree or a rose bush, or your favourite tree.


    Questions or comments, just message me.

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    #2705 - Lunar Love Smoke

    Attract a new love interest into your life or make an existing relationship stronger.
    You may need:

  • Love oil
  • Charcoal
  • Incense
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    You may need:

  • Love oil
  • Charcoal
  • Incense
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    Place 6 drops of any love drawing oil onto each of four pieces of charcoal. Place each charcoal on an incense burner or plate and take them outside with you into the light of the moon. Arrange them in a circle with each piece of charcoal at one of the cardinal points.

    Stand inside the circle and try to expose as much of your skin as possible. Close your eyes and visualize exactly what your heart desires. Light the charcoals, stand in the center, and dance for the moon while holding these images in your mind. the moon will make it so.

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    #2706 - Knot Binding Love Co-Op Spell

    You'll Be Doing This With Your Partner To keep Your Relationship Strong, For As long As You Desire.....(Make Sure You Got Your Partner's Permission First)
    You may need:

  • Read The Instructions....
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    You may need:

  • Read The Instructions....
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    Step1. One partner will take a square handkerchief or cloth and tie 2 knots in it.

    Step2. The other partner will take it and tie 2 more knots in it.

    Step3. Next, both partners will take all four knots and tie them all together to make one big knot. Both people need to pull as hard as possible to make this big knot as tight as you can.

    Step4. Both put your hands on the big knot and visualize a life of happiness, forever...together.


    Questions or comments, just message me.

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    #2707 - Love Sprinkling

    Attract a love/friend/relationship using this spell.
    You may need:

  • Basil
  • Lavender
  • Rose Petals
  • Yarrow
  • Ginger Blossoms
  • Mortar
  • Pestle
  • Rice powder
  • Candles
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    You may need:

  • Basil
  • Lavender
  • Rose Petals
  • Yarrow
  • Ginger Blossoms
  • Mortar
  • Pestle
  • Rice powder
  • Candles
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    Use a mortar and pestle to grind the herbal ingredients into a fine powder. Blend the powder together with rice powder. Turn up some soft soothing music. Now, light some candles through the house, and begin sprinkling this love dust in each corner of your home. As you do this, make sure to visualize the type of love you desire.

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    #2708 - Catnip Attraction

    Attract a new love interest into your life with this easy spell.
    You may need:

  • Catnip
  • Cinnamon water
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    You may need:

  • Catnip
  • Cinnamon water
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    Make cinnamon water by adding a dash of cinnamon to purified water. Soak catnip in cinnamon water overnight. Strain the liquid and sprinkle it on your doorstep every evening for 21 days in the shape of a new crescent moon.

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    #2709 - Crush

    Makes a guy/girl get a crush on you
    You may need:

  • Red or pink candle
  • Pink water color paint
  • Red water color paint
  • Paper
  • Lighter
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    You may need:

  • Red or pink candle
  • Pink water color paint
  • Red water color paint
  • Paper
  • Lighter
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    First on a piece of paper paint a red heart with the guy/girls name on the inside, in pink water color. Then say:"I call upon earth, water, air, and fire to help me with my hearts desire.(Guy/Girls name) you will love me. (Guy/Girls name) you will need me. (Guy/Girls name) you will care for me. (Guy/Girls name) you are binded to me. Goddess from above help me with my love, so mote it be. Burn his/her name in the fire.

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    #2710 - Mermaid Spell

    Does NOT last forever!
    You may need:

  • Water in a bathtub or the ocean
  • A symbol (Neclace or Bracelet)
  • A bunch of shells
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Water in a bathtub or the ocean
  • A symbol (Neclace or Bracelet)
  • A bunch of shells
  • Belief
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    1. Get into your source of water
    2. Put on you Symbol
    3. Align the shells in a circle around you
    4. Hold one of the shells in your hand
    5. Say the spell:
    ''Eyes of the ocean look upon me. Give me a tail not two feet. Beauty upon me. My Necklace/Bracelet is the key to my power of the ocean. My legs return to me when dry. My tail upon me when wet.''
    6. Stay in the water for 5 more minutes
    7. take the shells that surrounded you and take them with you.
    8. Take the shell you were holding and whisper into it;
    ''I wish to be part of the ocean''
    9. Then throw the shell as far as you can.
    (if you are on land find a water source that leads to the ocean and throw it in.)

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    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters