3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Sigil Magick
- Unfaithful Friend
- Heart be Healed
- Never leave me Friend
- Yes and No Stones
- To Have an Old Friend Contact You
- Talisman to Meet Your Perfect Match
- How to Bind Someone in Friendship
- How to Make Friends
- Truth
#2761 - Sigil Magick
When you finished what ever shapes pop out at you the most those are the ones you want in the sigil. Pick at least 2 from each side and begin assembling them. All you have to do now is name your sigil and charge it.
* it won't take effect immediatly but soon you will notice a change.
#2762 - Unfaithful Friend
Write this spell on the white paper:" As I build up this circle, I want all unfaithful friends to suffer relationship problems as they betrayed one who trusted them. And i call upon the Deities of love to help me perform this spell. For those who have been betrayed, and teach lessons for those who are unfaithful." While chanting draw a circle around it then fold it in half. While folding, chant " As i fold this paper I command all the entities mentioned to cast and perform this spell. " Cut the paper in half burn it and sprinkle the ashes into your garden.
#2763 - Heart be Healed
1) Place your picture under the white candle and picture of them under the pink candle and put them in front of you slightly apart.
2) Use the ribbons to join the pictures together (this represents your love).
3) Light the candles.
4) Say the following as you are moving the pictures away from each other so that the white ribbon, candle and picture and moving away to your left and the pink candle, ribbon and picture of your ex are moving to your right (this represents your love for them going away)
"My heart is broken, it needs to heal
I separate the love that I still feel
Heal my heart help me move on
When the candles go out my love will be gone."
Blow out the candles.
#2764 - Never leave me Friend
Take the jar as far from your home as you can bury it with a colored ribbon on it and go home takes 24 hours to work.
#2765 - Yes and No Stones
Grab the stones. Paint one white and the other black. White represents "yes" while black represents "no". When you're done, place them in a small pouch or bag. Ask whatever questions you have, then reach into the bag and pick one to receive an answer.
#2766 - To Have an Old Friend Contact You
Light the yellow candle then chant: "Friend, oh dear friend of mine. Please heed to this request of mine. Long apart we have been, more so longer than it seems. I yearn to hear your voice, old friend, a voice that can't be mistaken. Let this opportunity be taken".
Then get the agate stone and chant : "By the power of this stone I give you the message to speak to me in any form in any way or any form of message". Pass the Agate through the flame of the candle and recite the incantation of manifestation: "Per omnes vires terrae et maris per omnes potentias lunae it solis velut volo ut liceat esse carmen canta et fiat beata sint".
Leave the stone by your device of communication until your friend contacts you once this has occurred thank the goddess and throw the agate in a stream as an offering to her.
#2767 - Talisman to Meet Your Perfect Match
Hold the amethyst in your right hand and send posistive energies into it whilst visualizing yourself meeting your perfect match (do the same with the onyx). Chant the incantation as you put together the talisman by tying the stones using the red cord: "Love I seek. Love I shall find. A match I seek. A match for me. Someone to be with for eternity".
Hold the talisman in your right hand and chant: "This spell be done to gain true love , a love as beautiful as the heavens above. So these words forever I ponder, let not my goal be turned asunder". Consecrate it with the ritual of your choice and then carry it with you until you meet your match.
#2768 - How to Bind Someone in Friendship
Cast the circle and sweep the floor with a besom. Visualize for a few moments what you want and how it will be when you finish the spell. Before lighting the candle, inscribe it with the astrological symbol of jupiter (for prosperity) and saturn (for binding). Then light it.
Chant: "Friendship eternal, true and steadfast I shall have thee now at last". Take the red thread and the two personal items and as you bind them together chant: "You and I bound together in friendship and trust now and forever!". Then tie the thread and knot it securely visualising the magick being locked in.
Now take the picture hold it in your gith hand and send loving energies into it then chant: "More than brothers/sisters we are now to each other. We endow our knowledge our secrets and all and both of us together shall stand tall free from mistrust deception and lies. By this spell i strengthen our ties together we stand now and forever here to support one or the other!"
Now recite the latin incantaion for manifestation: "Per omnes vires terrae et maris. Per omnes potentias lunae et solis. Velut volo ut liceat esse. Carmen canta et fiat. Beata sint!". Put everything in the green box and keep it hidden (put a protection spell on it if you want) but make sure to put it out in the sun for a few minutes every Thursday.
#2769 - How to Make Friends
Write the names down of the individuals you wish to befriend on the first page and set it in the middle of the road overnight in the rain. If it's gone or you can't read the writing it's a good sign. If it's still there but can't read writing it's still a good sign. If t is still there and barely wet, you will have a hard time making friends.
#2770 - Truth
Say the following: "Come to me, truth. Make it be so I know. Tell me the truth. Make it so they squeeze it out, scream and shout".