Light a candle in a quiet room and then stare at the flame. Wait for it to be straight or telepathically make it straight, then chant unto the fire: "By the power of three times three, I conjure thee! I conjure thee! Let (Full Name) be a good friend of me! By the burning candle I now carry out the spell". Now blow out the candle. As the smoke rises into the heavens, this spell has begun.
Light a pink candle. Stare into the flame while visualizing the person you want to love you. Say, "(Name), love me. I command thee by the power of three. So mote it be".
This spell will help determine if your lover actually loves you or not.
You may need:
10 Red candles
1 Black candle
Lots of rose petals
Item of your lover
You may need:
10 Red candles
1 Black candle
Lots of rose petals
Item of your lover
First, get the red candles and rearrange them into a star pattern. Take the black candle and put it into the middle of the formation. Use the petals and connect all the red candles to the black candle. Add the belonging of the lover into this arrangement. Say, "My love is dear. There is one thing I fear: I want to know if he cheats on me, so I can tell him that we cannot be".
This is a three times three spell to use on people who were corrupt in their ways. It has no negative consequence unless you think ill of the person while casting the spell.
You may need:
Personal object (hair, fingernail)
You may need:
Personal object (hair, fingernail)
"Wind in the north, run through the trees Three times three, let them see, let them see. Sands of the east, rich soils beneath Three times three, set them free, set them free. Fires in the south, awaken from sleep Three times three, let them see, let them see. Water of the west, flow to the seas Three times three, set them free, set them free."
It works best if you have something representing that person, like a strand of their hair or a fingernail. The spell may not work instantaneously, you may have to repeat it for the person to see error in their ways.
Light a candle. While focusing on the flame, chant: "Now I know that this spell was a big mistake. I wish to undo the magic that I made. Make everything back to normal". Say this three more times. Once you finish, blow out the candle.
Light a red candle and place near it a picture of someone you wish to be your love. Put a crystal on the picture. Close your eyes and say, "Together forever. You and me. From now until forever, across land and sea. So mote it be".
Makes a dagger holy and useful for fighting negative entities.
You may need:
A dagger or any type of blade
You may need:
A dagger or any type of blade
Hold the dagger or blade in front of you as you chant: "I place this spell on my dagger. I give it divine strength. I wish it to pierce ones with unclean spirits. By the will of the gods and the heavens: Grant my dagger the gift to pierce the unholy. By the power of three, so mote it be".
This spell makes someone else more attractive from a distance.
You may need:
Picture of a person
1 Red candle
You may need:
Picture of a person
1 Red candle
Take a picture of the person and place it face up on a table. Light the candle with the stick match and place the candle on top of the picture. While the candle burns say the following chant, the more times you say the chant the more attractive the person will become.
"Picture where the candle burns, of such beauty the world burns; For a glimpse of your lovely face or a touch of style and breath of grace".