Imagine yourself playing football as you relax, holding a liverpool card in one hand. Draw a star on the card and write "liverpool" in it. Say: "Goddess and my will, make me have more luck in football. So mote it be".
If you are deeply in love, go to a lonley place in the meadows/woods with your beloved. Place within their shoe a single oak leaf. Wait there as you contemplate your mutual feelings and speak them aloud to each other as evening falls. If all is right, you will receive a visit from the fairy host.
Lay sugar on wax paper and sprinkle on the vanilla. Stir into the sugar until it all becomes mixed. Next, sprinkle on the red food coloring and add more sugar until it becomes a pink color. Save in a glass container. You can use this as a special treat for offerings to the fae.
Hold the green crystal in one hand while you say the following:
"As I hold this crystal, on this very night, I see your face upon my mind. May your looks and kisses be only directed towards me. Think only of me. Come to me, come to me. I will it so and it shall be. So mote it be".
Look at the picture and what what you want to happen while you visualize the other person.
Hold the crystal in one hand and the picture in the other. Visualize and say aloud what you want to happen (i.e. "I want (name) to date me"). Now chant the spell: "May I get the wish I want. Make her love me forever. Don't let them think of another, never look back. So it is, so I say, so mote it be".
You can never change back, and lose all control of your mind, you'll just be bloodthirsty. But if you want to be a vampire, this is for you.
You may need:
2 Red candles
2 Black candles
Eye dropper
You may need:
2 Red candles
2 Black candles
Eye dropper
Light candles. Put the red ones facing North and South, and black ones facing East and West. Poke yourself with the needle and with the eyedropper suck your blood into it (make sure it has 4 drops of your blood). Then, drop one drop of blood onto each flame and repeat this 4 times:
"I drop the blood. I lose my mind. I live in the dark. I shall explore the world to find more blood".
Now you should become a full vampire the next full moon.
Take your pen (new is always better) and tie your strand of hair around it ( if your hair is too short, lay it on top of the pen). Put the pen in the sunlight. Chant:
"(god/dess) Of (say their power here) please bless this pen with my hair on it for me to use and me alone for magick."
Leave the hair on it for an hour in the sunlight. After the hour, use the pen for spells, rituals, or your book of shadows.
I don't know how long this will last, but hey, happiness brings peace.
You may need:
Anytime (Time of Day)
Anywhere (except a place where people will think you're crazy)
1 Royal Blue Candle
You may need:
Anytime (Time of Day)
Anywhere (except a place where people will think you're crazy)
1 Royal Blue Candle
Get a picture of the person you'd like to make happy. Set it down somewhere and place the blue candle in front of it, so it's the picture first, the candle next, and then you behind the candle.
Close your eyes and imagine the person laughing and being happy and smiling and anything good you can think of.
Now open your eyes and stare at the candle, but in the background make sure you see the picture of the person behind the candle.
Now say the following chant:
"Happiness and glee,
Make their anger flee.
Longlasting and forever,
Make their happiness ever so clever.
Everlasting and joyful,
This spell will last.
Make their happiness come up fast."
I don't know how long this spell will last, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks, who knows. But be warned; if this is used and they're supposed to be sad, like let's say that somebody had their father die or something, and they're happy and laughing, that's... not good...
Also, for confusion, I will define the spell:
First two lines force the anger out of that person.
The next two lines tell the spell how long to last (but it won't last forever just for any confusion).
The last three lines force the spell to come up quickly.
This is good if this person is thinking of killing themselves. But backfires may occur and they could have thoughts of suicide, extreme depression, ominous crying, and more. So make sure you meditate before the spell!