3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Enchant an Item
- Basic Door Protection
- Summon your Angel
- Bring to Justice Spell
- Make your Marriage Last Forever
- Spell to make your Husband Loyal
- Spell to Get a Lost Lover Back
- Waxen Heart Love Spell
- Raspberry Leaf Love Spell
- Reconciliation to Summon a Mutual Love
#2901 - Enchant an Item
"Oh dear gods and goddesses I have got this ________ it is very weak, I wish to give it power so it will defeat."
#2902 - Basic Door Protection
1. Take your wand in your right hand (or left it dosent mattter).
2. Tap top and bottom of door or window whilst imagining a red film coming from the wand tip and glueing itself to the door whilst saying:
"Allow no evil to cross this door
,allow only freinds and family to pass.
If it dosen't work mail me and ill see what I can do."
#2903 - Summon your Angel
First imagine how you would want your angel to look like.
Next store up half of your power in a ball.
Then the ball will start taking shape of the angel you imagined.
You might feel weak or tired after but thats only because you used up a lot of power.
#2904 - Bring to Justice Spell
Place the document next to you. Now place a brown candle in front of your, and the other brown candle in front of the document.
Now close your eyes. Imagine the person who is suing you. Imagine them lying to the court. Open your eyes and stare into the brown candle in front of you.
''With lies and dishonesty,
With justice and help.
The lies prepared today,
They shall soon not yelp.
Not a word of a lie,
Not a word of excuse.
Make this truth inside them,
Now let it loose.''
This is really if the person is going to lie. Yet, to take precaution, I still suggest getting your story straight just in case this doesn't work.
Now close your eyes again. Imagine the document being torn apart by the judge's hand, and the judge says, ''Case closed.'' It can be any judge; but more preferrably the one that will be in court. Now open your eyes and stare at the OTHER brown candle in front of the document. Now say the following chant:
''Justice and judges,
Acceptance and pleads.
Make me now in the lead,
Now make the judge at ease.
My case is the truth,
Nothing else to be.
Now help me out here, judge,
Mote it be.''
That SHOULD make you win the case; but keep in mind, this is ONLY for last resort, AND if the person is suing you, NEVER VICE VERSA. I hope you have a good case, and plead well. Hope you win the case!
#2905 - Make your Marriage Last Forever
Marriage spells just like love spells are really tricky and must be performed with care and tact. This spell is not intended to be performed if you are someone who wishes to get married. It is for already married couples who want to make their marriages to last forever.
First you need to separate the petals of the rose from the flower. Write the name of your spouse and yourself on the petals. For example of you have written your name on one petal you need to write your spouses name on the next petal. Use black ink. Do this until you have filled the names on all petals. Then dip these petals in rose water and lay them under your bed covers.
Ideally, this spell is best performed just before the both of you go to bed. Once you have arranged the rose petals under your bed covers light the jasmine candle or jasmine incense and turn out the lights. Say the following spell twice before you retire to bed for the night:
"Oh Venus, the Goddess of love
It is my humble prayer to thee
That my marriage, the both of us
Forever we may be."
For a better effect place either a rosemary or lavender twig under both your pillows. This can be performed once a month or once in two months depending on the current status of the relationship that the both of you share.
#2906 - Spell to make your Husband Loyal
First take a lock of your husbands hair and have it tied with a ribbon that is pink in color. Light three pink candles. Then hollow out the apple and place the lock of hair inside the apple along with 7 rose petals, a lock of your own hair tied with white ribbon and add 3 drops of cinnamon oil. Next pass the apple through the flame of each of the three pink candles visualizing your husband and yourself. Tie the apple in a piece of white cloth and have it buried under your bedroom window. This will help strengthen the bond between you and your husband.
#2907 - Spell to Get a Lost Lover Back
This procedure works best if followed on a full moon night. Take the sheet of paper and write your lovers name on it thrice using a red or black marker. Light the white candle and place it to your left. The red candle must be lit and placed on the right. Next singe the horizontal ends of the paper over the white candle and the vertical ends of the paper over the red candle. Be careful not to burn the paper. After doing this place the paper and your lovers photograph in the black cloth. Fold the black cloth to form a makeshift bag and tie the top with a red ribbon. Then hold the bottom of the bag over the red candle and chant three times envisioning your lovers face:
"Oh the gods of the holy trinity, bring my lover unto me."
Repeat the same process with the white candle. Then bury the bag under fresh earth. Of you dont have a backyard; you can even bury it in a potted plant. The spell takes approximately 48 hours to come into effect. Once you are reunited with your lover remember to throw the bag in a moving source of water like the sea or river.
#2908 - Waxen Heart Love Spell
Love Spell Timing
The best time for casting a love spell is on a Friday, as that day is associated with the goddess of love, Venus. The ideal moon phase is the Waxing Moon, which occurs during the period when a New Moon transitions into a Full Moon. Spells cast under a Waxing Moon are usually reserved for bringing new things into your life or gaining something. The time of day is of no particular importance, but be sure that you are relaxed, yet alert and fully attuned to your magical deed(You may also wish to drink a cup of mint tea afterwards)
Melt the pink or red candles in a pot (or cauldron if you have one) stirring frequently. Once the candles have melted, remove from heat and let cool. When the wax has cooled but is still malleable, take it to your altar and begin to shape it into a small heart. While you are working the wax with your hands, reflect on all the qualities that you would like in a lover or companion. Let the thoughts flow from your head, down your arms and fingers and into the wax. Picture the words flowing out of your fingertips and being moulded into the heart.
Once the heart is shaped, take a pin and carve the initial of your first name into the center of the heart, and then anoint the heart, the two white candles, and the quartz crystal with the peppermint oil. When anointing an object with oil, rub the oil in a downward motion as this signifies bringing the magic into you. First rub from the top of the object to the middle, then from the bottom to the middle. Never rub up and down as this defeats the purpose. Rub the excess oil on your third eye (middle of forehead) and breastbone.
Once that is done, light the white candles and incense and pass the crystal through the smoke of the incense three times. Repeat this action with the heart. Focus on the smoke tendrils curling around and enveloping the crystal and heart as you move them and repeat these words:
"My love is pure and my heart is full,
Venus, hear my plea,
Bring my true love to my side,
Wherever he may be."
Hold the wax heart in one hand and the crystal in the other hand and close your eyes. Engage in quiet meditation and focus on your breathing. Imagine that you are surrounded by a fiery red haze, and with every inhalation, the haze fills your lungs and strengthens the love and power inside of you. Continue meditating as long as you deem adequate. After the candles and incense have burned down, place your homemade wax heart, the rose quartz crystal and some ash from the incense into the red pouch or knotted handkerchief. Place this homemade talisman someplace where you are able to see it daily, i.e. on your dresser or night table, on a window sill, or in your car. You may also choose to place it underneath your pillow each night so you may dream of your lover
#2909 - Raspberry Leaf Love Spell
This spell must be performed three nights in a row. Begin two nights before the full moon. On the third night you perform the spell, the moon should be full. The spell is far less potent if performed during any other time. This spell is also best executed outside under the light of the moon and barefoot (so that you are firmly connected to Mother Earth).
Begin by preparing the tea. Next, fill the bowl with water and add 3 drops of lavender oil. Place the candles in the bowl and light them. Cut off a lock of your hair, add it to the bowl and place the bowl on the ground. Take three sips of the raspberry tea. Place the tea on the ground next to the bowl. Walk around the bowl seven times, repeating softly to yourself the name of the one you love. Take three more sips of tea. Walk around the bowl another seven times repeating "I (your name) desire (your love's name) love". Blow out the candles. Cover the bowl with your piece of clothing. Finish the rest of the tea before you go to sleep.
Repeat this ritual on the second and third night. On the third night, the night of the full moon, bury your lock of hair. Pour the water from the bowl onto the bare earth over it. Wear the piece of clothing while you finish the tea. Give the candles to a close friend for safekeeping.
This is a powerful spell. Do not practice it lightly!
#2910 - Reconciliation to Summon a Mutual Love
This spell should be cast at dawn, as this is a time of new beginnings. You should perform the spell during the first dawn following a new moon. In casting the spell at this time of the month, when natural cycles are beginning again, you are creating a new start within the cycle of your relationship.
This spell should be performed facing east, the direction of the sunrise. As the sun rises, the increasing light and warmth will mirror the warmth of your heart.
Place the two white candles, in their holders, side by side on the red cloth. These candles represent you and your partner. Light the candles so that they burn in unison.
Sit quietly and meditate on the happiness your relationship has brought to you. Release your judgements, anger and preconceived ideas. Focus on what you want from your relationship and what you can give to it.
Six is the number of marriage, harmony, balance and equilibrium. For this reason, you will use six stones during this spell. Mystically, Onyx is used to help change habits. Rose Quartz is used for forgiveness and to open the heart.
Pick up the first stone. With the stone in your hand, say out loud one gift you have received from your relationship. Place this stone next to the burning candles.
Pick up the next stone. Say out loud one positive energy or quality that you want to bring to your relationship. Place the stone next to the burning candles.
One by one, pick up the next four stones. With each stone in hand, verbalize a different gift your relationship has given you or a new energy you want to bring to the relationship. Place the stones around the candles so that when each stone is placed, a perfect circle has been formed.
Allow the candles to burn down. Once the candles have burned out, place the six stones in a velvet pouch. Sleep with this pouch under your pillow until the next new moon.