3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Nobody But Me! (Crush Protection)
- Love Me Now
- Take over Astral Projection
- Prana Energy Ritual
- Love
- Protection (For Others)
- To Resolve Conflict
- Make Your Familiar
- See Who Likes You
- Honest Truth Spell
#711 - Nobody But Me! (Crush Protection)
First of all, meditate for five minutes (or however long you need to imagine your crush's face) beforehand. An optional step is to imagine them with anyone else in another five minutes of meditation. This will make you either angry or upset, and the angrier/more upset you are, the stronger the spell.
Next, imagine an invisible link to you and him/her. This is so that they will refuse to love anybody except you. After this, chant seven times exactly,"(Crush's first name) is mine! Nobody else may have him/her. Anybody who tries to get close to him/her shall be rejected!"
At the end of the seventh chant, say,"So mote it be." I do this every night to renew the protection upon my crush, since I don't know how long it lasts.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#712 - Love Me Now
- Grind up ingredients.
- Mix them together.
- Light it on fire and chant:
"Love me now, love me then, you shall love me till I say when. Kiss me now, love forevermore until I shut you out my door."
Then, the next time you see them say: "Love me now, love me forever."
Last edited on Dec 20, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#713 - Take over Astral Projection
In this spell you will need to meditate and not ground yourself, for about as long as you would need to, to make yourself feel calm and free hearted. Then, you must light the white candle at 1:30am and go to bed straight away. Keep your mind as blank as possible when falling asleep and going into your own Astral Projection. Once you have reached yourself in Astral projection; find your victim that you have chosen while they are in their own Astral State. Now when they are in their Astral state, go towards their form and push your conscious with force into their own. You will be able to use their Astral Projection like it was your own. You may find secrets from their conscious, you might even enjoy every second of it. But remember, you putting yourself into them then waking up might put a piece of yourself into them. I have no clue what happens if you do..just don't do it. P.S. Make sure they are deeply asleep when you go to sleep.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#714 - Prana Energy Ritual
You must get the freshest air possible so either do this outside or by a wide open window. Stand with your feet at least 12 inches apart. Spend a few moments pondering on the fact that there is an abundance of the invisible energy prana in the air.
You then need to take in four very deep breaths of prana slowly. While breathing in say something along the lines of:
"I am now breathing in the power of life, I am being filled with extremely powerful prana energy."
Then hold your breath and say:
"I have taken in a large amount of extremely powerful prana energy and will give it to my Higher Self, who will use it to create a miracle for me."
Then go and sit in an upright chair, feet and hands apart, eyes closed. Imagine you are standing at least six feet away from you, facing yourself. The following must be visualized taking place in your imagined double standing 6 feet away. Imagine that the surplus prana you breathed in earlier is now forming as a brilliant ball of white light about the size of a tennis ball in your solar plexus region.
Then see a shaft of light emerge from the ball of light traveling up through your body and into the center of your head. Then see the shaft of light bend ninety degrees and emerge out of the right side of your head a few inches. Then see it go upwards and form a ball of extremely bright white light six feet high and about four to five feet wide.
Lets say for example you want a new car. Visualize inside this large sphere of light that you have this new car, engage all of your five physical senses in imagining that this car is now yours. See the exact model, the sound of the stereo, the smell of the leather seats, the grip of the steering wheel etc.
When you have spent a few minutes visualizing you now need to verbally command your desire along the lines of:
"I command that (the car) is now mine! I command that (the car) is coming to me now! As I will it, it is done!"
Sit quietly for a few moments and say:
"I thank you very deeply my Higher Self for answering my prayer."
You may or may not feel strong tingling in your hands or feet or genitals. If done correctly you will feel a strong euphoria that is evidence that your Higher Self has received the prana and will answer your prayer. If you do not feel the strong euphoria then you have done something incorrectly in the ritual or the aka cord between your lower self and your Higher Self is blocked.
Repeat at least twice daily. Time scale for fulfillment could be anything from a few hours to a few weeks.
Last edited on Aug 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#715 - Love
Give the ingredients to her and say that you love her.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#716 - Protection (For Others)
Meditate as always beforehand. Visualise your friend's face. Now collect energy from the earth and visualise a shield of magic surrounding them. Now say " (Name) is vulnerable, unsafe, and unprotected. Now within my kind magic, protect them from other mages like me".
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#717 - To Resolve Conflict
With a white candle lit, and the highest of all good intentions in your heart, write the name of the person or situation acting as the source of conflict. Recite the following spell thrice and drop ashes into a blessed white or clear bowl.
"Distress that clouds my heart and mind,
Cause no more harm for thee I bind,
Water of life shall sanctify,
Peace and Love I amplify."
To strengthen this spell pour cooled waters of life over ashes and stir into paste. Massage into heart or temples and let dry.
To bless bowl simply hold in two hands and imagine white light originating from you moving into the bowl through your hands, simply think or speak aloud the intentions of the bowl. After the spell remember to wash the bowl and remove the blessing.
(Water of life is water with an herb boiled in for a specific purpose; for example orange peel for friendship or rose petals for love)
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#718 - Make Your Familiar
Add all Ingredients into container then stir vigorously for 2 Mins then find bigger container with lid to keep for longer. When you take a bath, put a drop of this potion into the water. Imagine what you want your familiar to look like. While wet, say "Familiar of mine - become real"
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#719 - See Who Likes You
First say these words: "I wish to see the one who loves me, the one who loves me so. I wish this wish to see who loves me or not". Then close your eyes. If you visualize someone, that person is someone who is attracted to you.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#720 - Honest Truth Spell
1. Write the full name of the person you wish to tell you the truth.
2. Set it on fire. Stare into the flame and chant:
"Gods and Godesses, hear my wish. Make this person unable to lie in my presence. I give you the name of this person, in a gift of fire."
3. Sprinkle salt into the fire, and continue:
'Listen to my wish and make it so, so mote it be."
They should now be unable to lie to you. Lemme know if it works!
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.