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2989 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2989 Love Spells
2989 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2989 Love Spells
  1. Steal his Heart
  2. Aerokinesis
  3. Fertility (You & Partner)
  4. The Heart Sutra
  5. Bring Them Together
  6. Give Someone Compassion
  7. The Curse of Intelligence
  8. The Great Compassionate Mantra
  9. Happy Marriage Spell
  10. Friendship Spell

#791 - Steal his Heart

This spell is to make your crush or the one you love to have deep feelings for you.
You may need:

  • • Cinnamon powder
  • • Ginger powder
  • • coriander powder
  • • Two bay leaves
  • • Sage
  • • Lavender sticks
  • • Clove oil
  • • Any vaginal fluid
  • • Needle
  • • Thread
  • • Fire resistant material ( coal burner advised)
  • • Fire source
  • • Aloe vera
  • • A white piece of paper (A
  • • A red pen
  • • A pink rose
  • • Honey
  • • Lemon juice fresh
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    You may need:

  • • Cinnamon powder
  • • Ginger powder
  • • coriander powder
  • • Two bay leaves
  • • Sage
  • • Lavender sticks
  • • Clove oil
  • • Any vaginal fluid
  • • Needle
  • • Thread
  • • Fire resistant material ( coal burner advised)
  • • Fire source
  • • Aloe vera
  • • A white piece of paper (A
  • • A red pen
  • • A pink rose
  • • Honey
  • • Lemon juice fresh
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    Place all the ingredients in a circle around you and the coal burner. Sit in the middle with your legs crossed and the coal burner in front of you. Close your eyes and meditate on your love and what you want to get out of the spell. Then open your eyes take a deep breath then close your eyes again then chant:

    "I call on all the gods and goddesses of
    love, peace, prosperity and protection.
    Please I humbly ask that you bless this spell I mean no harm and no harm may come my way with you protection is only peace that may prosper in love's form in your worthy presence I bless each and every ingredient I have present thank you so much gods and goddesses for coming into my presence."

    Open your eyes then take a small metal plate and place it into the coal burner take the sage and aloe vera and place it there and say while you touch with your hands.

    "May the gods and goddesses bless. With these my love with ______________ will be protected."

    Place some honey and lemon and say:

    "May the gods and goddesses bless. With these my love with _____________ will be sweetened and lustrous."

    Add a drop of clove oil and say:

    "May the gods and goddesses bless. With this my love with _____________ will have good luck, will prosper and will grow stronger each day."

    Get a pinch of ginger, cinnamon and coriander then say:

    "May the gods and goddesses bless. With these my love with ____________ be happy, passionate and drawn to each other and healthy."

    Then take the bay leaves on one write your name on the other write his and rub your vaginal fluid on the one with his name the stitch the leave together withe edge of the paper while stitching with only three stitches say along with each stitch.

    "I bind you __________ to me you will only crave me my body and my love if you have not had me or seeing me you will not sleep I will be in your thoughts and your dreams I will be the one you wish to have by your side a zombie you will not be just with love and not obsession you will be filled."

    Then fold the paper light it and throw it into the fire along with the rose and lavender stick then chant:

    "A rose as complete as our love will be you are now mine and you will come to me. Come to me ________ come and let us be complete."

    Then thank the gods and goddesses for witnessing the spell.

    This is to be cast on the first waxing moon or on a full moon. Please take precautions. Hope this works please contact me if it does.

    Added to on May 06, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #792 - Aerokinesis

    Trade your obsessions for something even better.
    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Will
  • A well air-conditioned area
  • An obsession and/or addiction
  • A strong conscious state
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    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Will
  • A well air-conditioned area
  • An obsession and/or addiction
  • A strong conscious state
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    Note: This spell requires an obsession/addiction. This does not mean that you need to go get alcoholic drinks to give yourself an addiction. All you need is something like a second-hand habit. I am not responsible for people getting drunk due to their lack of common sense. Other than that, continue.


    Sit down, preferably cross-legged, and think of your obsession. Now think of an object that represents it. Imagine this item getting picked up by an air current. As it gets picked up, raise your right hand. You should see the item rise higher and higher into the air.
    Once your right hand is head height, begin raising your left hand. The item should start to fall, as if the current has dissipated. When your left hand reaches head height, the item should have hit the ground. Now lower both hands. As you do this, the debris should begin to blow away. Once all debris are gone, chant:

    ''As magic flows strong,
    Addiction will no longer belong,
    As I have learned the error of my ways,
    And shall not practice this on any days,
    For balance shall always reign,
    As without it, there would be pain.''

    Once you have completed the chant, stand up. What you would once feel compelled to do should be gone, and replaced with something different.

    Added to on May 05, 2016
    Last edited on Jul 15, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #793 - Fertility (You & Partner)

    This is a spell that will help you and your partner have a better chance of conceiving a child.
    You may need:

  • You and Your Partner
  • Strand of hair from each person
  • Piece of Bark from an oak tree
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 bowl of water
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    You may need:

  • You and Your Partner
  • Strand of hair from each person
  • Piece of Bark from an oak tree
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 bowl of water
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    Hold Hands for the whole spell. Female fills bowl with water. Male Lights the candle. Each places their strand of hair in the bowl. Male takes the Bark and moves it over / around the flame clockwise as many times as it takes to say the chant 3 times.

    Male kisses the bark then hands it to the Female while kissing her. Female takes the bark and stirs it in the water clockwise as many times as it takes to say the chant 3 times. Both partners kiss, placing the oak between their hands

    Say the chant together then kiss again. Place the bark somewhere that you will see it everyday ( and while your having sex, have it near you) As you walk by it during the day, say " thank you (god / goddess)

    "Mother and Father
    we will be
    bless a child
    unto me
    if we're not ready
    give us a sign
    Tell us (god/goddess)
    If we need more time
    If it harm none,
    let it be done.
    Blessed Be."

    Added to on May 04, 2016
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #794 - The Heart Sutra

    The Heart Sutra(also known as Prajnapramita Sutra) is a sutra that should be recited to teach dharma and to bring people to have a peaceful rebirth.
    You may need:

  • None apart from being able to chant.
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    You may need:

  • None apart from being able to chant.
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    "Om namo bhagavatyai arya prajnaparamitayai! arya-avalokitesvaro bodhisattvo gambhiram prajnaparamita caryam caramano vyavalokayati sma: panca-skandhas tams ca svabhava sunyan pasyati sma. iha sariputra: rupam sunyata sunyataiva rupam; rupan na prthak sunyata sunyataya na prthag rupa; yad rupa sa sunyata; ya sunyata tad rupam. evam eva vedana samjna samskara vijnanam. iha sariputra: sarva-dharmah sunyata-laksana, anutpanna aniruddha, amala avimala, anuna aparipurnah. tasmac chariputra sunyatayam na rupam na vedana na samjna na samskarah na vijnanam. na caksuh-srotra-ghrana-jihva-kaya-manamsi. na rupa-sabda-gandha-rasa-sprastavaya-dharmah. Na caksur-dhatur. yavan na manovijnana-dhatuh. na-avidya na-avidya-ksayo. yavan na jara-maranam na jara-marana-ksayo. na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-marga. Na jnanam, na praptir na-apraptih. tasmac chariputra apraptitvad bodhisattvasya prajnaparamitam asritya viharatyacittavaranah. cittavarana-nastitvad atrastro viparyasa-atikranto nistha-nirvana-praptah. tryadhva-vyavasthitah sarva-buddhah prajnaparamitam asritya-anuttaram samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhah. tasmaj jnatavyam: prajnaparamita maha-mantro maha-vidya mantro 'nuttara-mantro samasama-mantrah, sarva duhkha prasamana, satyam amithyatat. prajnaparamitayam ukto mantrah. tadyatha: gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha. iti prajnaparamita-hrdayam samaptam."

    Added to on Apr 30, 2016
    Last edited on May 06, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #795 - Bring Them Together

    Use this to bring two people that have broken up back together.
    You may need:

  • 4 red candles
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    You may need:

  • 4 red candles
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    Light the candles and place them at the 4 points of the compass. Then sit in the middle of them. Say "May (your name) and ( their name) forever be, bring this boy/girl back to me. This is my will, so mote it be" After saying this, concentrate on his / her face until the candles burn down.

    Added to on Apr 30, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #796 - Give Someone Compassion

    Gives a person compassion and kindness
    You may need:

  • Rose Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Pink peice of paper
  • Pentagram
  • Wand/or finger
  • Glass bowl or jar
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    You may need:

  • Rose Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Pink peice of paper
  • Pentagram
  • Wand/or finger
  • Glass bowl or jar
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    So the first thing you need to do is make an elixir with the rose quartz and the amethyst, to do that you need to fill the glass jar or bowl with water and drop the gems in, then leave it in sun or moonlight for 3-6 hours.
    Once that's done you can start the spell, write the persons name on the peice of pink paper and place it in the center of your pentagram, dip your wand or finger in the elixir. Circle it around the paper while chanting:

    ''Kindness compassion find the one I seek, to see their ways to a better phrase, of thinking, this is my will so mote it be''

    After that place the paper in the elixir until the ink is all blurry and you can't see the name anymore, then you done.

    Good luck!

    Added to on Apr 30, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #797 - The Curse of Intelligence

    This isn't really a spell, but rather a dilemma I have, and this is nothing against people who don't have this, it is just a fact.
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    Hello Everyone.
    I have a question for all of you.
    Why do we exist?
    Why do we have to suffer through our lives if we know we are going to die?
    And do we have a purpose?

    These are all questions I have been asking myself now, but whenever I tried to ask people these questions, they either blew me off or thought I was suicidal, but never actually understood what I was saying, and I think I have finally figured out why. They aren't intelligent enough to comprehend these questions. I do not proclaim myself to be the most intelligent person there is, I am just stating a fact. In all honesty, I would rather be in their shoes, living life happy and normal. But I am to intelligent to live that type of life. I know that there are other people like me. That is why it is called the curse of intelligence. I may sound naive, but I think that if we banded together, we would be able to actually figure out those things and finally break this curse of knowing that everything we do is meaningless.

    Added to on Apr 30, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #798 - The Great Compassionate Mantra

    This mantra is to not only bring success into your life, but it will grant you mercy from the Bodhisattvas and ensure you into Nirvana or whatever you want to be reborn as.
    You may need:

  • None Apart from having a kind and compassionate heart.
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    You may need:

  • None Apart from having a kind and compassionate heart.
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    Chant with great amount of mercy, compassion, and kindness:

    "O Namo Ratna Trayya Nama rya Avalokitevaraya Boddhisattvya Mahsattvya Mahkruikya Sarva Bandhana Chedana Karaya. Sarva Bhava Samudram sosana karana. Sarva Vyadhi Prasamana Karaya. Sarva Mrtyu Upa-drava Viansana Karana. Sarva Bhaye Su Trana Karaya. Yasmat Namas – ktva Idam Arya Avalokitevaraya Bhastinam Nlakaha Pi Nama Hdayam Vartayisymi Sarvrtha-sdhanam ubham Ajeyam Sarva-bhtnm Bhava-mrga-viodhakam Tadyath, O Aloke Aloka-mati Loktikrnta. He Hare Arya Avalokitevara Mah Boddhisattv, He Boddhisattv, He Mah Boddhisattv, He virya Boddhisattv He Mahkruik Smara Hdayam. Hi Hi, Hare arya Avalokitevara Mahesvara Parama Maitra-citta Mahkruikya. Kuru Kuru Karman Sadhaya Sadhaya Vidyam. Ni Hi, Ni Hi Varnam Kamam-game. Vitta-kama Vigama. Siddha Yogesvara. Dhuru Dhuru Viryanti, Maha Viryanti. Dhara Dhara Dharendresvara. Kala Kala Vimala Amala Murte rya Avalokitevara Jina Ka Jata-makutavalam Ma Pra-lamba Maha Siddha Vidya Dhara. Vara Vara Maha Vara. Bala Bala Maha Bala. Kala Kala Maha Kala Ka-varna Nigha Ka – paksa Nirghatana. He Padma-hasta Cara Cara Desa Caresvara Ka – sarpa Kta Yajnopavita Ehyehi Maha Varaha-mukha, Tripura dhanesvara Narayana Va Rupa Vara Marga Ari. He Nlakaha, He Mahakara, Hala Hala Visa Nir-jita Lokasya. Raga Visa Vinasana. Dvesa Visa Vinasana. Moha Visa Vinasana huru Huru Mala, Huru Huru Hare, Maha Padmanabha Sara Sara, Siri Siri, Suru Suru, Bucruc Bucruc, Bodhiya Bodhiya, Bodhaya Bodhaya Maitri Nlakaha Ehyehi Vama Shitha Simha-mukh Hasa Hasa, Munca Munca Mahattahasam Ehiyehi Pa Mah Siddh Yogevar Bhana Bhana Vaco Sadhaya Sadhaya Vidyam. Smara Smaratam Bhagavantam Lokita Vilokitam Lokesvaram Tathagatam Dadahi Me Drasana Kamasya Darsanam Pra-hia Daya Mana Svh. Siddhaya Svh. Maha Siddhya svh. Siddha Yogesvaraya Svh. Nlakahaya svh. Varaha-mukhaya svh. Maha-dara Simha-mukhaya Svh. Siddha Vidyadharaya Svh. Padma-hastaya Svh. Ka-sarpa Kta Yajno Pavitaya Svh. Maha Lakuta Daharaya Svh. Cakra Yuddhaya Svh. Sankha-sabdani Bodhanaya Svh. Vama Skandha Desa Sittha Ka Jinaya Svh. Vyaghra-Carma Nivasa Naya Svh. Lokesvaraya Svh. Sarva Siddhesvaraya Svh. Namo Bhagavate rya Avalokitevaraya Boddhisattvya Mahsattvya Mahkruikya. Sidhyanthu Me Mantra-padya Svh." That was the Sanskrit version which is the original version. You could also chant the Chinese version which goes: "N mo h là dá nà du là yè yé n mo a l yé wó lú jié dì shuò b là yé pú tí sà du wó yé mó h sà du wó yé mó h ji lú ní ji yé n sà bó là fá yì shù da n dá xi n mo x jí lí du y mng a l yé wó lú jié dì shì fó là léng tuó wó n mo n là jn chí x l mó h bó du sh mi sà wó a t dòu sh péng a shì yùn sà wó sà du n mó wó sà du n mó wó ji mó fá tè dòu dá zhí t n a wó lú x lú ji dì ji luó dì yí x l mó h pú tí sà du sà wó sà wó mó là mó là mó x mó x l tuó yùn jù lú jù lú jié méng dù lú dù lú fá shé yé dì mó h fá shé yé dì tuó là tuó là dì l ní shì fó là y zh là zh là mó mó fá mó là mù dì lì y x y x shì n shì n a là shn fó là sh lì fá sh fá shn fó là sh yé h lú h lú mó là h lú h lú x l su là su là x l x l s lú s lú pú tí yè pú tí yè pú tuó yè pú tuó yè mí dì l yè n là jn chí dì l sè ní nà b yè mó nà su wó h x tuó yè su wó h mó h x tuó yè su wó h x tuó yù yi shì bó là yè su wó h n là jn chí su wó h mó là n là su wó h x là sng a mù q yé su wó h su wó mó h a x tuó yé su wó h zh jí là a x tuó yè su wó h b tuó mó jié x tuó yè su wó h n là jn chí bó qié là yé su wó h mó wó lì shèng jié là yè su wó h n mo h là dá nà du là yè yé n mo a l yé wó lú jí dì shu bó là yè su wó h n x diàn d màn du là bá tuó yé su wó h."

    Added to on Apr 29, 2016
    Last edited on Apr 30, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #799 - Happy Marriage Spell

    Having a little trouble with your spouse? Hoping for a happier marriage? Wanting a magickal way to bless this officially united romance? If you want a happy marriage, just use this spell.
    You may need:

  • Candle (hopefully red or blue or pink)
  • Incense
  • Essential Oil
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    You may need:

  • Candle (hopefully red or blue or pink)
  • Incense
  • Essential Oil
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    Envision the other partner as being with you in spirit.

    Annoint the candle with oil or light the incense. Then light the candle and envision you and your partner in loving and fun circumstances. Take as long as you need to fix those images in your mind, then say the spell.

    If doing this at a handfasting, each partner can take turns saying a section, although each would say the first stanza, and you can hand out the spell to your guests who can repeat the last line of each section.

    "God and Goddess,
    As you are joined with each other,
    So am I joined with (name of person)
    In faith and hope and love.

    Help us to work together.
    Toward a happy, healthy relationship,
    Balanced and equal,
    In work and compromise and love.

    Let our union be harmonious,
    Productive, caring and filled with joy
    And let us overcome life's difficulties
    With cooperation, communication and love.

    God and Goddess,
    Watch over this union
    And let it grow stronger every day
    With passion and joy and love,
    So mote it be."

    Added to on Apr 28, 2016
    Last edited on Jul 08, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #800 - Friendship Spell

    This spell will make you closer to you friend/s.
    You may need:

  • Your friend with you/ or photo
  • One White Candle
  • Day or night
  • Full moon (works best)(Night)
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    You may need:

  • Your friend with you/ or photo
  • One White Candle
  • Day or night
  • Full moon (works best)(Night)
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    First meditate with the friend/s you want to be closer with/or get a photo of them and focues on photo/s then imagine you and your friend/s having fun, then chant this 3 times:


    "Friend for now, Friends forever
    come to me as we will stick together
    when I'm sad your there
    when I'm happy your there.
    Please be my friend forever
    So mote it be.
    So mote it be."

    Added to on Apr 27, 2016
    Last edited on Apr 30, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2989 Love Spells from Spell Casters