3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Family Peace
- Qalilanaan Alqutt Fata
- Trust
- The 14 Chakras
- Crush
- Money Chant
- Get a New Friend
- Aphrodite's Love Charm
- Get An Answer
- Find Your True One
#791 - Family Peace
1. On the piece of paper, right the names of the family members you wish to have peace and unity with. Now draw a circle around the entire group of names.
2. Place the paper/names safely under your candle.
3. Light the candle and pray or chant the following passage.
(with your full power of intent)
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, peace and unity for all the members of this family. Let the past be in the past and may the future be a new beginning.
4. Allow the candle to burn out. If you need to turn it off always use a candle snuffer. Never blow out the candles.
Please allow the Magick to work. As you are sending out your wishes to the Universe, it knows when the time is right.
If you use this spell please message me on how it worked for you.
Blessed Be
Last edited on Dec 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#792 - Qalilanaan Alqutt Fata
Cut the paper into a tiny heart. Put effort into it, as this is how you repay the person that you borrow a little luck from.
Put the photo in the bottle however you like.
Drop the paper heart in the bottle after the photo, it doesn't matter where or how.
Put the bottle/vase in a spot that means something to you.
Now, leave. Don't think about what you want to happen, or make a wish, just carry on with your day.
You will get one major good outcome, similar to an experience that your person or animal has had. You should put a lot of effort into cutting some more paper hearts, as the person or animal put a lot of effort into that good experience. If you feel guilty about something, than put effort into cutting little hearts again, and drop them in the jar.
Last edited on May 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#793 - Trust
Go outside while the moon is out. Make sure you can see the moon. Sit down. Light your candles. Look at the moon and say:
"Oh moon,
It is you who I call to,
And all the gods and spirits,
It is I who is in need of great friends,
Who trust me in every way.
Please bless (friends FULL names) with trust on me.
So mote it be!"
The trust will come to your friends 1 day after you say the spell.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#794 - The 14 Chakras
In many articles and informational websites I've read, there are many chakras above the head.
There are very few who go into the chakras below the feet or root chakra.
Being grounded is extremely important, and being in balance with ones spiritual and material world.
You would think that this means the chakras above and below the head would be in balance as well.
This is some information I have gathered and felt to be correct.
This is simply what I've studied, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
We're going from the top down.
-Stellar gateway(Shimmering white): A gateway between the ethereal\angelic world.
If open, you can receive messages from the higher planes.
If this is closed, you may not listen or take time to listen to these messages.
-Soul star(Shimmering gold and white): Receives messages from the stellar gateway.
It holds the message, and sends it down to the casual chakra.
If this is open, you will receive all messages sent.
If this is closed, you may lose some information, or your message might seem skewed.
-Casual(Light purple or lavender): A chakra that allows these spiritual messages to be translated from the higher planes, to you.
If this is open, you can receive messages with good clarity.
If this is closed, you may not at all understand the message that was sent.
-Crown(Violet): 7th of the basic chakras. It is a wisdom center, and says a lot about how spiritual you are.
If this is open, you are balanced in spiritual and bodily needs.
If this is closed, you may have an aversion to spirituality, or do not spend any\enough time thinking about it.
If this is overactive, you are conceptualizing too much, and you are not in balance with your body. You might be ungrounded.
-Third eye(Indigo): This is the chakra used when describing the sixth sense.
You can also receive messages and visions through this chakra.
It is most commonly used for development of psychic abilities such as
*Many forms of kinesis
This could be useful, but also damaging.
If open, you can clearly see and interpret your astral area,
and won't have any problems with unintended hearing and seeing of the astral.
...Or whatever it is your sixth sense reads.
If closed, you are like most people, and are fairly oblivious to the happenings of the astral.
If overactive, this can cause many problems with sleep,
and you may be picking up on sounds and messages not intended for you.
It can be like a radio going off in your head.
You are most likely ungrounded.
Throat(blue): The throat chakra, my personal favorite. :)
This chakra governs creativity, communication, and expression.
If open, your ability to be creative, expressive,and communicate is balanced.
If closed, you may not be expressing yourself enough, or communicating your needs well, if at all.
If overactive, you may talk too much, and not listen well to others.
You may be pushing some people away with this.
The three hearts:
Yes, there are three that are connected to this divine emotion.
Ethereal heart(Shimmering white, green, pink): This chakra governs divine love. The ability to forgive, love unconditionally,
and look past physical flaws. Love of your fellow man and woman.
If this is open, you can love people with an unconditional light, and are very forgiving.
If this is closed, you may have many conditions to love, and are very stubborn.
You won't forgive someone easily, if at all without ample reason.
If this is overactive, you may be too forgiving. You will tend to see the good in people,
and completely miss the fact that they've stepped on you every day.
Heart(Green): Main heart chakra.
Governs how you react around others, and trust levels.
(This can be closed or close to closed, and the divine heart still
be open. You can still have a general love for humans, you just
won't include as many in your circle of close friends.)
If this is open, you will approach others with a sense of
compassion, but will have clear boundaries for yourself and others.
If this is closed, you do not trust others lightly, and it can be very hard for you to not be cold,
or to let anyone in.
You are probably suffering emotionally, and you may be misguided by your heart.
Sacred heart(Pink): This chakra governs love of life and purpose.
If open, you generally love where your life is leading you, and you have a strong sense of purpose.
If closed, you may be feeling lost. Likely another chakra is overactive to compensate for this being closed.
You may feel weary of life, and wonder why you feel you 'have no place' yet.
If overactive, you may be so focused on your purpose and love of life, that you get lost in that.
Youy may not be spending enough time with your family and friends,
Taking care of yourself, or living life in general.
Navel(Yellow):The Navel or solar plexus chakra governs self image and self power.
If open, you can assert yourself, and generally have a high self esteem.
If closed, you are passive, and may think less of yourself than you are.
You may be hard on yourself, and hold some resent for moments you felt you didn't have the power to
Speak up about.
If overactive, you may be too aggressive, and try too hard to control others.
You may find yourself in unfulfilled or strenuous relationship at home, work, and life.
Sacral(Orange): The relationship and sexual chakra.
This chakra governs your view and feelings toward lust, intimacy, and romantic\sexual relationships.
If open, you are balanced in these feelings, and can handle both list and intamacy in your relationship.
If closed, you probably have some commitment issues,
or feel highly uncomfortable with relationships at all.
You may just be uncomfortable with intimacy.
You may just be uncomfortable with lust.
You may have experienced abuse in this way. (If so, contact the police or tell someone you trust. You need medical and emotional attention. It is okay to put an end to any kind of abuse. No one who truly matters will judge you.)
If overactive, you may feel very attached to your relationship, or be in love with the idea of love
To the point where you can hurt yourself of your not careful.
(Be careful ladies and gents. It's a big world, and there are good ones and bad ones.
Don't get so carried away that you end up broken hearted or worse. This is a dangerous chakra to damage.)
Root(Red): This chakra governs the material world, and your ability to survive in it.
This is the chakra that grounds you. It is literally the root.
If open, you are financially stable and grounded. You have a home, and it's stable.
You enjoy both the material life and emotional\spiritual life in balance.
If closed, you may be in an unstable living situation. You may be having financial problems.
Chances are you aren't very materially inclined, and may focus highly on another chakra.
If this is closed, you have an overactive chakra, and are definitely ungrounded.
If overactive, you are probably highly materialistic, and aren't very open to change in living or finances.
You may tend to focus less on spiritual and emotional needs, being stuck to the physical.
Earth star(Deep brown or black): Kind of like a super root.
More like a spirit root.
This holds the key to your past lives, and collects the experience and karmas of this life.
This is more or less something to look at and maybe cleanse.
It will probably help in past life regression.
If open, you can take a look into your past life with much ease, and look at past experiences.
If closed, you probably can't, or have a very hard time with this.
Gaia gateway(Deep green or black): This is what I would consider the pool of the earth star, or the very bottom of the tank.
It takes everything from the earth star, and reflects it back to the earth, and the earth in turn reflects it back to you.
It can be good or bad, but this is why Karmic cleansing is nessecary.
You wouldn't want to be a saint, suffering from the crimes of a serial killer would you?
Me either.
I hope I've given you some good information, or at least a different perspective.
Warmest wishes,
#795 - Crush
Name: Havily
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Brown
Lip Color: Dusty Rose
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Bob
Height: 5'6
Next, think of his/her personality. My example is
Personality: Very humorous and sarcastic.
Likes: Anime, Jokes, Chocolate.
Dislikes: Cartoons, Animal Abuse, Weirdos.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Then, light the candles.
Say '' My dream girl/guy is waiting for me, his/her name is ( Name) And she/he will love me, forever on. By the power of three, so mote it be''
I hope this works for you! Blessed Be, Forbidden Fae.
#796 - Money Chant
Light the incense and the candle if you chose to have them.
Say out loud this chant:
"Lord and Lady, hear my plea.
Help my friend _____ for me,
attract money into his life,
so he can live without having to die.
I burn this incense to reinforce my will,
and use your energy to boost this need.
By the power of three, so mote it be!"
Repeat this chant once a day until you feel it has worked (or you can do it once).
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#797 - Get a New Friend
While lighting the candle chant:
"Day to night,
Night to day,
I call upon my inner powers
To bring me friends who will always be true."
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#798 - Aphrodite's Love Charm
Take a few deep breaths. Holding the rose up in front of you, use one of the thorns to poke your right index finger. Make sure the drop of blood lands over the front side of the photograph.
Hold the photograph and the object you chose up above the offering, each item in one hand. Eyes shut, chant:
''O Goddess Aphrodite,
here I have made a sacrifice,
For the one I fancy.
Let them fall in deep, endless love with me.
I beg you, use this item of my choice,
To let them understand their feelings.
Take this offer, as I insist,
As they put it this (item) upon their skin,
Their eyes will open.
O, the beautiful Goddess of Affection,
This is my Plea.
With every single drop of my desire,
Make my wish come true.
Thank you for your help, So mote it be.''
After the Chant, remain still for a few more seconds. Do not open your eyes. Put all of your belief into every word, and once you feel extremely aware and confident of your choice, open your eyes. It is very important that you follow this step correctly.
Carefully place the object on you, in the same form it's going to be on your Lover. This is a mark of connection, as he/she will feel the same power of love that you do.
Use the extract to pour it on the center candle, putting it out.
Use one pf the remaining candles to light the photograph on fire. As you hold it over the bowl, give a final Thank You to Aphrodite. Imagine your feelings being intertwined with the photo, and feel the fury, anguish, and despair of not being with them burn away into ashes, as they will be all yours.
Once finished, extinguish the remaining candles and take the bowl of ashes outside. Find a good place of soil, and dig a small hole. Dispose of the ashes there.
The very next day, personally give the item to your target and tell them what to do with it (What you had done with it; where you have put it).
If you feel you want to reverse the spell, Find the place where you buried the ashes. They will most likely have eroded away, but pour Salt water over the patch.
This spell has a very high chance of functioning. Message me if there are any strange happenings, or if you cannot get the spell to work.
Last edited on May 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#799 - Get An Answer
On the night of a full moon, chant:
"Good moon,
Round moon,
Full moon that appears,
Let me foresee the future."
Look at the moon and ask your question.
You will receive an answer within 7 days.
Last edited on Nov 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#800 - Find Your True One
Light the 5 red candles and place them around you.If they dont fit add a 6th.Then take the 2 white candles and place them infront of the red ones. Pick up the rose and hold it then close your eyes and say "God/Goddess of love please give me my true love.His/her name will be my true love till the end of time."
Last edited on Nov 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.