2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Crush
- Money Chant
- Get a New Friend
- Aphrodite's Love Charm
- Get An Answer
- Find Your True One
- Angelic Transformation
- Love
- Crystal Protection Charm
- Steal his Heart
#791 - Crush
Name: Havily
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Brown
Lip Color: Dusty Rose
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Bob
Height: 5'6
Next, think of his/her personality. My example is
Personality: Very humorous and sarcastic.
Likes: Anime, Jokes, Chocolate.
Dislikes: Cartoons, Animal Abuse, Weirdos.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Then, light the candles.
Say '' My dream girl/guy is waiting for me, his/her name is ( Name) And she/he will love me, forever on. By the power of three, so mote it be''
I hope this works for you! Blessed Be, Forbidden Fae.
#792 - Money Chant
Light the incense and the candle if you chose to have them.
Say out loud this chant:
"Lord and Lady, hear my plea.
Help my friend _____ for me,
attract money into his life,
so he can live without having to die.
I burn this incense to reinforce my will,
and use your energy to boost this need.
By the power of three, so mote it be!"
Repeat this chant once a day until you feel it has worked (or you can do it once).
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#793 - Get a New Friend
While lighting the candle chant:
"Day to night,
Night to day,
I call upon my inner powers
To bring me friends who will always be true."
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#794 - Aphrodite's Love Charm
Take a few deep breaths. Holding the rose up in front of you, use one of the thorns to poke your right index finger. Make sure the drop of blood lands over the front side of the photograph.
Hold the photograph and the object you chose up above the offering, each item in one hand. Eyes shut, chant:
''O Goddess Aphrodite,
here I have made a sacrifice,
For the one I fancy.
Let them fall in deep, endless love with me.
I beg you, use this item of my choice,
To let them understand their feelings.
Take this offer, as I insist,
As they put it this (item) upon their skin,
Their eyes will open.
O, the beautiful Goddess of Affection,
This is my Plea.
With every single drop of my desire,
Make my wish come true.
Thank you for your help, So mote it be.''
After the Chant, remain still for a few more seconds. Do not open your eyes. Put all of your belief into every word, and once you feel extremely aware and confident of your choice, open your eyes. It is very important that you follow this step correctly.
Carefully place the object on you, in the same form it's going to be on your Lover. This is a mark of connection, as he/she will feel the same power of love that you do.
Use the extract to pour it on the center candle, putting it out.
Use one pf the remaining candles to light the photograph on fire. As you hold it over the bowl, give a final Thank You to Aphrodite. Imagine your feelings being intertwined with the photo, and feel the fury, anguish, and despair of not being with them burn away into ashes, as they will be all yours.
Once finished, extinguish the remaining candles and take the bowl of ashes outside. Find a good place of soil, and dig a small hole. Dispose of the ashes there.
The very next day, personally give the item to your target and tell them what to do with it (What you had done with it; where you have put it).
If you feel you want to reverse the spell, Find the place where you buried the ashes. They will most likely have eroded away, but pour Salt water over the patch.
This spell has a very high chance of functioning. Message me if there are any strange happenings, or if you cannot get the spell to work.
Last edited on May 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#795 - Get An Answer
On the night of a full moon, chant:
"Good moon,
Round moon,
Full moon that appears,
Let me foresee the future."
Look at the moon and ask your question.
You will receive an answer within 7 days.
Last edited on Nov 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#796 - Find Your True One
Light the 5 red candles and place them around you.If they dont fit add a 6th.Then take the 2 white candles and place them infront of the red ones. Pick up the rose and hold it then close your eyes and say "God/Goddess of love please give me my true love.His/her name will be my true love till the end of time."
Last edited on Nov 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#797 - Angelic Transformation
This is a spell for anyone wishing to become a angel of god and wanting to help others :D
This is kind of a long process so be warned!
Now, You want your bowl to be kind of big, it can be HUGE or small as long as you can fit your contents in and not make a mess. Frist while repeating a passage form the bible pour in the salt into the bowl.
Here is the chant
The Blessing of the Father Almighty be upon this Creature of Salt, and let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hence from, and let all good enter herein, for without Thee man cannot live, wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me. After the salt is emptied into your bowl grab your water and repeat this saying as you pour the water in I exorcise thee, O Creature of Water, by Him Who hath created thee and gathered thee together into one place so that the dry land appeared, that thou uncover all the deceits of the Enemy, and that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleanness of the Spirits of the World of Phantasm, so they may harm me not, through the virtue of God Almighty Who liveth and reigneth unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen'' Now take your small cross and object of air or light and drop them into the bowl first the cross then the element while chanting ''O,Angels come and heed my plea, I wish to be just like you and fly with Angelic wings, For I to want to help god and humans alike, so now I ask to take flight!'' Now add your Cinnamon and sage into the mix while doing this chant aloud 4x ''O, Herbs of healing and Magick I cast out negativities from thee! Thou mayest aid me in my plea to soar with angelic wings!'' now when you are done light your favorite candle and grab your feather, Take a little cup your ''Blessed Angel Water'' and dose the candle with it Quickly Grab the feather and start to fan the scared smoke around the room and you, Even breath it in while chanting 4x '' Now I call upon the angels to grant my wish at last! I now take the vow to be just like you all! a creature of light and god I shall be! I shall now soar on (your choice of colored) wings to protect humanity! Mote it be'' When the smoke has cleared you are now hopefully apart of the angelic army of god here are some good signs you may be in!
1. Having dreams of angels or you as a angel
2. Back pains
3. More positive thoughts
4. Having a positive effect on people more often
5. Eye color changing or skin color becoming lighter
6. A more positive life in general
5. Supernatural experiences
If none of these or you think it didn't work, Try Again!
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#798 - Love
Make the petals form a star. Get a spoonfull of oil and pour it on each of the petals. Light the incense and swirl it around the room as you chant:
"I call on the Gods and Goddesses
Grant my plea
Make (crush) like me
So mote it be"
Side Effects:
- Your Crush Noticing You
- Your Crush Talking To You
- Your Crush Asking You Out
- Your Chrush Texting You
To Reverse: "The love we share is broken now".
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#799 - Crystal Protection Charm
Place the necklace on your altar, then put the Quartz point below it. Make sure the point is pointing towards the necklace. Put your peice of Amethyst or other protective stone below the Quartz point. Use your wand or finger to circle around the top of the necklace, make sure you circle around clockwise, do this while chanting:
"To this charm I lend my part, to keep me safe from physic harm, lend the power from this stone to make me feel protection prone. This is my will so mote it be" After that circle your wand anti clockwise to seal the spell. Then your done.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#800 - Steal his Heart
Place all the ingredients in a circle around you and the coal burner. Sit in the middle with your legs crossed and the coal burner in front of you. Close your eyes and meditate on your love and what you want to get out of the spell. Then open your eyes take a deep breath then close your eyes again then chant:
"I call on all the gods and goddesses of
love, peace, prosperity and protection.
Please I humbly ask that you bless this spell I mean no harm and no harm may come my way with you protection is only peace that may prosper in love's form in your worthy presence I bless each and every ingredient I have present thank you so much gods and goddesses for coming into my presence."
Open your eyes then take a small metal plate and place it into the coal burner take the sage and aloe vera and place it there and say while you touch with your hands.
"May the gods and goddesses bless. With these my love with ______________ will be protected."
Place some honey and lemon and say:
"May the gods and goddesses bless. With these my love with _____________ will be sweetened and lustrous."
Add a drop of clove oil and say:
"May the gods and goddesses bless. With this my love with _____________ will have good luck, will prosper and will grow stronger each day."
Get a pinch of ginger, cinnamon and coriander then say:
"May the gods and goddesses bless. With these my love with ____________ be happy, passionate and drawn to each other and healthy."
Then take the bay leaves on one write your name on the other write his and rub your vaginal fluid on the one with his name the stitch the leave together withe edge of the paper while stitching with only three stitches say along with each stitch.
"I bind you __________ to me you will only crave me my body and my love if you have not had me or seeing me you will not sleep I will be in your thoughts and your dreams I will be the one you wish to have by your side a zombie you will not be just with love and not obsession you will be filled."
Then fold the paper light it and throw it into the fire along with the rose and lavender stick then chant:
"A rose as complete as our love will be you are now mine and you will come to me. Come to me ________ come and let us be complete."
Then thank the gods and goddesses for witnessing the spell.
This is to be cast on the first waxing moon or on a full moon. Please take precautions. Hope this works please contact me if it does.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.