3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Spell of Truth
- Match Maker
- Mermaid in an Hour
- Summoning "Massacre the Deathbringer"
- The Soul
- Sex and Love Spell
- Confidence
- Dark Attraction
- Soul Vampire Spell
- Angel Spell
#841 - Spell of Truth
Sit with your legs folded on top of one another. Clear your mind, make sure you are focused on one question, and one question only. Light one candle in front of you, and as you light it, verbalize your question. Continue thinking about it. If it gets to the point where if you try to think of something else, the thought comes back and interrupts, blow out the candle and verbalize the question again. Now concentrate on who the question is directed at. Visualize them and think about them and their response. Make it a rational, realistic answer. Now, repeat the following:
"I seek out the truth, I call upon them, I want to hear the truth in what they answer."
Say that twice, then say:
"This is my will, so mote it be!"
Say that once. Now, ask the question. If the truth is told, your thoughts will be normal. If a lie or partial truth, the person's voice will ring in your ears.
Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#842 - Match Maker
Sprinkle rose bloom powder on the bed of some one you want to fall in love with you and say:
"This is the bed I wish to lay in 2 times."
Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#843 - Mermaid in an Hour
Fill the cup halfway with cold water put a teaspoon of salt mixed in a cup mix it until salt is gone and put the necklace or bracelet in there. Put your hands over the cup and say:
"Lords of the sea make me what I wish to be I wish to be a mermaid I wish to be be a mermaid with the tail color (the tail color you want) I wish to be a mermaid with the power to (powers you want). I shall not turn into a mermaid in the rain but I shall turn into a mermaid in any other water lords of the sea. Lord of the seas make me what I wish to be a mermaid I will get my tail and powers in an hour so mote it be, so mote it be."
Take the jewelery out and wear it forever as long as you want to be a mermaid.
Side Effects
Stomach aces
Head aces
Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#844 - Summoning "Massacre the Deathbringer"
-Make sure to have your blood first, otherwise you'll need the knife
-Set the candles in a triangle, with the black candle at the top point. Put what you're using for the blood in the middle.
-If you haven't gotten your blood beforehand, use the knife. You don't need a lot of blood, just a few drops will do.
-At this point, there is ABSOLUTELY NO TURNING BACK. You HAVE to be fully commited, or she'll kill you as she'll find you ''too weak.''
-Say this with utmost respect, ''Massacre the Deathbringer, I call upon you. I wish to serve for you. I wish to transform just like you. Please let me become your mortal child.''
-Now watch for the candles. If the wind blows them out, she has accepted your plea. Now, you may not see her, but you should feel overwhelming energy. You may or may not see a spark fly from your blood. Wait at least thirteen seconds for her to ''bless'' it. Once she's done, drink the blood. Thank her for accepting you. You may proceed to go to bed.
-If the flames are still active, however, run. She finds you ''not worthy enough.'' Run into your house before she kills you.
Side effects (if you're accepted):
-Feeling more powerful
-Phantom limbs
-Seeing everyone as ''lower than you''
-Random transformations at night (you won't remember, however)
-Dreams of Massacre (you will see what she looks like)
If you're NOT accepted:
-Feel like something's watching you (and does not feel welcoming)
-Nightmares of Massacre
-Feeling like you're ''living in fear''
-Getting random burns and shocks and not knowing how you got them
PLEASE BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL! You CANNOT cast a protection spell before this because she's too powerful! And PLEASE, I mean PLEASE treat her with respect (not getting any respect is the main reason why she wants to slay humanity)!
#845 - The Soul
Look in a mirror for a few minutes and close your eyes visualizing a curtain in front of you.
Pull the curtain apart and you'll see your soul form.
Last edited on Nov 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#846 - Sex and Love Spell
Sit on the floor crossed legs and candle in front of you.
Light the candle and say this spell 4-5 times during the night.
"Sex is what I want, love is what I need so let me have sex with (persons name you want you have a relationship with) so mote it be."
Say this spell 4-5 time before you go to bed first you and the person you want to have a relationship with will have dreams of each other .
Side Effects:
*Seeing thing
(email me what you see during the night)
*Bruises on you arms neck thighs and shoulders
(something like hickeys but more weirder)
*Nausea (depends on the person)
By the way this spell can also make the person you like say if it was a character from a fictional movie real so be careful okay we don't want a hole heap of weird people running around saying stuff that people don't want to hear so please be careful!
Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#847 - Confidence
Make sure you cast this at noon or midnight on a waxing moon (the bigger the moon the better). Cast your circle. Put a single white candle at each point of the pentagram. Sit in the middle of the pentagram. Meditate and clear your mind. Try and enter to the state bordering sleep. When you've gotten there you need to deepen this state as much as you can. The only source of stimulation you will have is your own thoughts. Now in your head chant these words.
"Make me confident but do it fast
I no longer want to stand aghast
Let me talk with confidence and ease
I'm tired of crying these useless pleas."
Chant for as long as you'd like. Once you feel more confident and have the urge to confront your crush (or whoever your using this for) then you may get out of this state.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#848 - Dark Attraction
1. Breath into your chakra, starting from root, the dark energy. By visualizing it as a mild blue-black electric bolt.
2. Light up candles, mix grave dust and resin and add salt.
3. Write in a paper with the mixture the name who you wanna attract.
4. Pour/dump the mass of energy into the paper and burn it.
5. End ritual with a hail satan, or thank any entity or spirit guide you have.
6. Dump all ritual kits, like bowls and take a bath.
Last edited on Oct 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#849 - Soul Vampire Spell
This spell could take up to two weeks to work. (You don't have to be with your best friend for two weeks, though)
Stand next to your best friend and place this phone/tablet/laptop on the ground (if it's a computer stand in front of it) wrap your arm around each others waist, still standing side by side. And chant this twice:
"Oh demon gods, oh demon gods. We wish to be vampires. Not for a day, not for a week. But until we lie in our coffins, asleep. Powerful, strong, with fangs, you see.
We want this so mote it be!"
On the first week you might get fangs growing in or tooth pain.
On the second you should feel uncomfortable around humans (at night).
Side Effects: Swelling, dizziness, ache, sickness.
Reverse spell (have to follow the same instructions):
"Oh demon gods, oh demon gods, thank you for granting our wish. You gave us fangs, power and strength. But our human lives we miss. We do not wish to be vampires, we're sorry we disturbed you well. Return us back to human form and you can return back to hell."
Last edited on Feb 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#850 - Angel Spell
Hold up the feature if you choose it , if not say these words 3 times:
"Angels, Angels come grant my wish I want to become an Angel with beautiful white fluffy wings, I can also fly with them and I can go to heaven if I choose. I can also hide my wings from humans. Angels, Angels please grant my wish, so mote it be."
Make sure to be a bit louder for "so mote it be."
Side effects: Large bumps( where wings will grow), vomiting( painful), headaches, thirsty for water and back pain.
Note: It will take one-two month to grow your wings and 1 year to fully grow them and once they sprouted you can show them to people you trust.
Contact me if you got any questions.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.