First place the two candles on each side and the paper in the middle. Light the fist candle while saying:
"Aprodite please hear my prayer to make this boy/girl real. On the paper write his/her full name, age and date of birth. If you would like more accurate results draw and colour your dream boy/girl. Then light the second candle while saying this is who I want to be around me to love forever, so mote it be!"
Put the paper in the bowl and set it on fire with both candles. Mail me if it works because it should.
Light the candle. Wash the clothwith thewater,and put it on your arms and legs. Close your eyes and chant 7-9 times:
"Wolves, foxes, cats, jackals guide me into what I need and desire but the full moon. I will be come a werejakal. Thee power of jakals mote it be."
You may get hurt if you don't do it right but this is still for beginers
You may need:
Ring (preferably silver)
Full Moon (optional)
Pink Candle
Cup (preferably a wine cup)
Purified Water
You may need:
Ring (preferably silver)
Full Moon (optional)
Pink Candle
Cup (preferably a wine cup)
Purified Water
Light your pink candle on fire. Put your ring in your hand, put your hand over the flame. Think of the person you want to like you, picture every moment you have had with them. once done put ring in fire while holding the other end of it. Once your hand starts to burn put ring ring in the cup of water wait till you think the ring is cooled. Drink the water (in case you ever loose the ring you will still kinda have it and if you wear ring will double the power). Then put ring on and your done.
A spell to ensure your husband/boyfriend cannot physically cheat on you.
You may need:
Red rope/cord
You may need:
Red rope/cord
Cut the cord to the guesstimated length of your husband/boyfriend's member. Tie nine knots while saying:
''With this knot to me you're tied
Only for me shall you rise
Only for me shall you grow
And if wild oats you try to sow
Limp and flaccid you shall be
Until you come back home to me.:
Write the rumors on a piece of paper, draw an X across it and burn it.
''Rumors, slander standing stout
With this X I cross you out
I toss their words into the fire
All these lies no longer hire
All bad things done and said
Leave my life, be gone, be dead
All the evil that they say
At this time will go away
Rumors carry me no more
Be gone, be dead, be no more.''
Herbs of Intent (send me a message if you need help with this)
You may need:
Pet's collar
Herbs of Intent (send me a message if you need help with this)
Soak the collar in the herbs.
''This collar I have in my hand
Shall protect my pet
All evil shall be banned
It will keep him/her in good health and always loved
It is a source of good luck that is always watching from above''