3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Death of a Pet
- Missing Pet
- Familiar Bonding Working
- Call/Declare Familiar
- Getting a Familiar
- Love
- Love Attraction Mixture
- Safe and Sturdy
- Canine Love
- Vamperic Desire
#951 - Death of a Pet
Drop of honey on the grave for the good times that you've had.
''You're free to go now, little one
Rejoice and play, the time has come
For your spirit to be on its way
Have fun, be happy, your love will stay.''
*Meditate at the grave with the token, visualize the love your pet had for you staying behind and infusing the token.
Last edited on Mar 31, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#952 - Missing Pet
''My little ________ has gone astray
I wish for his/her return today
Keep him/her safe from hrm
Return him/her to my waiting arms.''
Wear the gift till the pet returns.
#953 - Familiar Bonding Working
Combine all ingrediants in 2 satchets, one to wear, one to place in a place your familiar frequents.
- Catnip - Helps create a bond.
- Vervain - For peace and protection.
- Gardenia - For Spirituality.
- Saffron - For strength.
- Love Seed - For friendship.
Burn the candles while meditating.
Last edited on Sep 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#954 - Call/Declare Familiar
''The angels/gods grant thee
Power to work with me
To help me in my craft
And keep me safe from evil.''
Burn the gift.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#955 - Getting a Familiar
Okay sit down with our pet facing you. They must be facing you otherwise this won't work.
Once their facing you or your holding them(smaller minor animals) put your hands on their neck and rub gently (small animals like snakes hamsters and stuff just stroke along their back) while saying this:
"I ask you my fellow companion
To be my familiar in the times that come
May you be as strong as a dragon
And may we sing this anthem
If you answer yes to my question
Will you be my familiar be?"
Wait for some sign that means yes. (My dog starter licking my face right after I finished) if they have answered yes you may go on. If not nothing else below this will work without their permission. Now you must name them. This is like a Magick name. It is only used in private where no one else except you and the familiar hear it. No one else except you two know it and it has some sort of significant meaning to the both of you. Once you have chosen a name you seem fit say this:
"You have said yes to my question and for that I thank you
Now we may enter the world of Magick together
But not without a name that fits you and me both
I shall call you______!
So mote it be!"
Great you have chosen a name you can now move onto the next step. I chose the name Akari which means the light. And to us that fits because I consider my dog "my miracle" so they have said yes and you have a name. If you want to communicate with them telepathically go on. If not you are done. To speak with them say this:
"Now_____we have a name for you and me
I would like to mash our minds,
So that we are one.
We may talk freely and shut off the connection
At any point in time but your presence shall always be there
Right next to mine
May this happen
So mote it be!"
Good job you may now telepathically speak with your familiar.
Never use the name where anyone other than you two can hear.
The familiar will help you in magick and you may draw energy from them for certain spells. With their permission! Never draw off of your familiar or do things without them giving consent. Good luck with your new companion!
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#956 - Love
First pour the oil or water into a bowl. Then take two strings and place them in the bowl with one end sticking out. Close your eyes and chant: "my love won't run, (s)he will always be mine. A true love is a love, the kind that we have. So mote it be." Meditate for a minute or two then tie the two strings together. Dip the cotton ball in and spread it on your neck, chest, and lips.
After you put the strings in the water place a necklace in the bowl. After you chant but before you put on the oil/water take it out and put it on, DONT DRY IT!!!
Last edited on Sep 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#957 - Love Attraction Mixture
Before all, Cast a circle with Air as the focused element and light the pink candle.
Take the small jar, fill it with however many rose petals, lavender flowers, and chamomile flowers you think you need. Add a small piece or two of Rose Quartz.
Seal the jar, hold it to your forehead and say:
"Goddesses bright,
Bring me love,
As I might
Send away the loneliness,
Allow a love anew to find my heart,
One who I will love,
truly, unconditionally,
without fear of disloyalty."
Seal the jar shut, and seal it permanently with the pink wax.
String the cord, tie three even knots into the cord near where the jar is, on both sides preferably.
Wear it wherever you wish, as long as you have it on you, love should come your way.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#958 - Safe and Sturdy
- Do any pre-spell rituals you may have.
- Set up the supplies in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Just make sure that the black candle is in the center, and that your piece of jewelry is around/in front of it.
- Light the candles
- Meditate on what your intent is, whether it is to protect against a certain person, to protect against accidents in general, or whatever your purpose may be. Dwell on it.
- Visualize the black candle radiating protective waves, while the Strength tarot card radiates powerful energies and the Star card gives hope. You can also visualize for any gemstones you incorporate.
- Use your wand, staff, or dominant hand to direct these energies into your piece of jewelry as you say: "I charge this *jewelry name* with the job of protecting me. I fill it with strength, to keep me going. I fill it with hope, to maintain my happiness. And I fill it with protection, to keep me safe. With this intention, I charge you!"
- Note: You can add in any aspects you fill the jewelry with if you add any ingredients such as gemstones.
- Use your wand/staff/dominant hand to project your own energy and intent into the jewelry, sealing it all within. Then snuff out the candles.
Voila! You can now wear your jewelry like armor.
Last edited on Aug 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#959 - Canine Love
Go outside, light the candle while sitting down. Focus on the flame for a few minutes and meditate. Think of the canine you want to change into. Chant this 5x:
"Canine and venus goddess of love grant me my true canine power. Blessed be."
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#960 - Vamperic Desire
Place the candle on a clean table and light it, drip the ink or blood in a diamond like shape take a snip of your hair and slowly burn it.
Chant: "I desire the feeling I see most pleasurable, I want my blood drank and fused to the mother of the night letting my soul and body as an offering."
After a night has passed, go for a walk you should see a man in a
dark beige trench coat walk up to him and say: "I have offered my self to the mother of the night, May we live on this, Brethren he will take you into a dark not often visited place and suck you almost dry.
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.