2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 2354 Luck Spells
- Curse Spell
- The Angels Calling
- How To Make A Spell
- Chant of Traitors
- Curse Remover
- Bond with the God(dess )
- Levitate Chant
- Vampire Diaries Witch
- Super Real Success
- 15 Ingredient Protection Powder
#1241 - Curse Spell
Hopefully if you want it badly enough it will work.
1. Rise from your bed at midnight. Sit cross-legged on the floor in a dark, empty room and whisper the words: Evil, live, live, evil over and over for one minute. In your minds eye, picture the person you want to curse.2. As the image of the person appears to you, visualize great harm coming to him or her. For example, you might watch with delight as a car runs over him or he falls down a flight of stairs.
3. Savor the victims agony but dont forget: the misfortune you visualize is the misfortune your victim will suffer in real life.
If you visualize the victim losing an eye, the victim should lose an eye. If you visualize death, the victim should die. Carefully consider the consequences of your actions before you proceed.
4. As you continue to revel in the imaginary evil you have brought to your enemy, whisper: Powers of darkness, make this so. Contemplate your actions for a minute or so and then your work is done.
mystiqua12 has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Feb 05, 2014
#1242 - The Angels Calling
This spell, under supervision of an expert, can call on Angels of Good to help with what you need as long as it's good not bad.
Just think in your head:''Help, help, that's what I seek,
May help come within one week,
The answer now shall be known,
Every step of the way is shown''
NekoCat325 has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Jan 03, 2014
#1243 - How To Make A Spell
This is making your own spell.
First Get a piece of paper and write down the spell's incantation and ingredients Then chant this spell
Wind, Fire, Water, Earth I call on you, to make this spell magic.
So mote it be
Hope it worked for you
Have any questions about this message me I will try hard to answer it.
animegirl45 has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Dec 14, 2013
#1244 - Chant of Traitors
This chant attacks those who conspire against you in thought or action
Instructions:This ritual should be performed sitting down with a table with the black candle 2 feet in front of you. Meditate heavily on the words of this chant. Yell the incantation if you are angry.
''Be Ke Kokpot! I curse bad fortune upon all who conspire against me! I curse I'll fate on those who take action against me! I cure bad health on all those who lie to me! Be Ke Kokpot!''
Albious has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Jan 31, 2014
#1245 - Curse Remover
This will help you guys how to remove a curse that you (or someone else) put on you.
You may need:
1 tablespoon of curry
1 tablespoon of dill
1 tablespoon of vervain
1 tablespoon powdered ginger
1 consecrated black candle
paper and black ink pen
1 black string, knotted nine times
a square of black cloth a little larger than your hand.
first night of the waxing moon
Place the paper in the center of the bag. One at a time, add the herbs, covering the slip of paper.
Next, take the lit candle and drip 5-10 drops of wax over the paper and herbs.
Visualize the person who has cursed you and say their name aloud three times while tying the bag shut with the knotted string.
The final step is to bury the bag someplace on the property of the person who cursed you.
The bag must remain there undisturbed until the next waxing moon. At that time, dig up the bag and burn the contents.
This will weaken that person's power (usually until the night of the full moon) and the curse
BadApplez has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Feb 02, 2014
#1246 - Bond with the God(dess )
This spell allows you too bind with the god or goddess of your choice! ( this is my first spell I don't know if it works or not! Mail me the results.)
Light your candle, then chant,'' O god/goddess, I ask to bond with you for eternity, and even after the end of my days.''
Then blow the candle out. You should do this where the god or goddess power is the strongest.
khionelover1 has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Feb 04, 2014
#1247 - Levitate Chant
This spell may or may not work but can possibly get you to levitate.
Chant: "Black as night bright as light allow this witch to take flight"
breezepagan has been a member of the site for 12 years, since Apr 20, 2013
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Spells Of Magic
on Feb 04, 2014
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Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1248 - Vampire Diaries Witch
Its has a 50/50 chance of working to turn you into a witch.
"Witches from east, West, North, South hear me. I wish to be a witch. I shall be a witch tonight. I shall wait one day to get my powers. I will be a witch like Bonnie Bennet off the Vampire Diaries. Please give my my wish I will be a witch tonight and get my magic powers in one year"
DamonSmile55 has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Dec 07, 2013
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Spells Of Magic
on Feb 04, 2014
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#1249 - Super Real Success
Best preformed on new years day. This spell will help increase your ability to be successful.
Put the dragon in the bowl, surrounded by the treasure, and then chant:
"Look inside the dragons lair;
see the treasure gatherd there.
with this spell I charge and bless
all these things to bring success."
Keep the dragon bowl somewhere you can see it as a reminder of your achevements.
BethMagic1 has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Jan 31, 2014
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Spells Of Magic
on Feb 03, 2014
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1250 - 15 Ingredient Protection Powder
This powder will protect, give you luck, give you more money, bring you love, and heal the hurt or sick.
You may need:
Ashes from wood
Black pepper
Blessed salt or salt
Shell of garlic
Bamboo leaf
A citrice of some sort
Potato (Dehydrated, like in those instant mashed potato mix packages
SillyBilly has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Jan 25, 2014
2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters