This chant attacks those who conspire against you in thought or action
You may need:
1 large black candle
You may need:
1 large black candle
This ritual should be performed sitting down with a table with the black candle 2 feet in front of you. Meditate heavily on the words of this chant. Yell the incantation if you are angry.
''Be Ke Kokpot! I curse bad fortune upon all who conspire against me! I curse I'll fate on those who take action against me! I cure bad health on all those who lie to me! Be Ke Kokpot!''
This will help you guys how to remove a curse that you (or someone else) put on you.
You may need:
1 tablespoon of curry
1 tablespoon of dill
1 tablespoon of vervain
1 tablespoon powdered ginger
1 consecrated black candle
paper and black ink pen
1 black string, knotted nine times
a square of black cloth a little larger than your hand.
first night of the waxing moon
You may need:
1 tablespoon of curry
1 tablespoon of dill
1 tablespoon of vervain
1 tablespoon powdered ginger
1 consecrated black candle
paper and black ink pen
1 black string, knotted nine times
a square of black cloth a little larger than your hand.
first night of the waxing moon
On paper, write the full name and birth date (if known) of the person who has cursed you.
Place the paper in the center of the bag. One at a time, add the herbs, covering the slip of paper.
Next, take the lit candle and drip 5-10 drops of wax over the paper and herbs.
Visualize the person who has cursed you and say their name aloud three times while tying the bag shut with the knotted string.
The final step is to bury the bag someplace on the property of the person who cursed you.
The bag must remain there undisturbed until the next waxing moon. At that time, dig up the bag and burn the contents.
This will weaken that person's power (usually until the night of the full moon) and the curse
This spell allows you too bind with the god or goddess of your choice! ( this is my first spell I don't know if it works or not! Mail me the results.)
You may need:
Candle ( any color :-)
You may need:
Candle ( any color :-)
Light your candle, then chant,
'' O god/goddess, I ask to bond with you for eternity, and even after the end of my days.''
Then blow the candle out. You should do this where the god or goddess power is the strongest.
Its has a 50/50 chance of working to turn you into a witch.
You may need:
You may need:
"Witches from east, West, North, South hear me. I wish to be a witch. I shall be a witch tonight. I shall wait one day to get my powers. I will be a witch like Bonnie Bennet off the Vampire Diaries. Please give my my wish I will be a witch tonight and get my magic powers in one year"
This powder will protect, give you luck, give you more money, bring you love, and heal the hurt or sick.
You may need:
Ashes from wood
Black pepper
Blessed salt or salt
Shell of garlic
Bamboo leaf
A citrice of some sort
Potato (Dehydrated, like in those instant mashed potato mix packages
You may need:
Ashes from wood
Black pepper
Blessed salt or salt
Shell of garlic
Bamboo leaf
A citrice of some sort
Potato (Dehydrated, like in those instant mashed potato mix packages
First make sure they are all dry and dehydrated. Then, grind them all up into a fine powder, but zest the citrice. You can then proceed to bless or concecrate it if you like. You can then spinkle it around your house or keep it with you in a pouch or something as a necklace. If you like, you can even brew it into a potion or tea! Just remember not to use very much salt, because that can make it too salty and taste bad.
This is a spell I made up and has worked for some to grow a tail.
You may need:
You may need:
Go into the ocean on the evening of a black moon ( not when the sharks are out) and recite the following words when you feel ready.
"Mermaids and witches of the sea please lend some magic power to me. Give an ear so you can hear a wish of mine I have wanted forever. To swim in the ocean blue and live on land too.
I wish to become a mermaid to swim with the fish that is my wish. I would love a maginicent ---- tail please I beg do not fail. I would love a matching top too so I may be covered while in the deep blue. My time underwater is eternal for gills on the neck are essentail.
Beautiful mermaids swimming in the sea please let me become a mermaid every time I say "mermaid tail", wait my wish is not to forever swim with the fish. I would like to become human again every time I say "humans feet" while in my mermaid form. Please make this happen in one day to one months time.
Power of the sea so mote it be.."
Then exit the water and think about your wish believe it will come true and pray to your god / goddess
Set up your area at bed. Say this spell 3 times before going to bed for a week:
Oh -name of person-
Me being -your name-
From now on will make you shiver.
Shake, tremble, hurt, suffer and quiver.
When you hear my name or see me,
A what of fright sweeps over you
And you slink into the shadows
Until I haunt you again
On the last of the week, outside with your sticks and match, burn the photo of your victim. Do NOT use oak wood, however, for it resembles luck, greatness and overall goodness. A good (but not limited to) wood is Sassafras wood, for it resembles hatred and badness.