2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- The Perfect Companion
- Quartz and Necklace Wings Potion
- Financial Spell
- Moon Kissed Luck
- Protection Potion
- Immortality
- Help In Casting
- Mental Preperation For Hard Times
- La distruzione Di Tutta La Magia
- Snow Moon Spell
#1251 - The Perfect Companion
Draw your companion AS A BABY on a paper.
Color him or her.
Fold hamburger style and write his or her info.
Fold the other way.
Before you go to bed, say,
Holy Spirit of The Lord,
Create the perfect animal companion for me,
Plunged from the heavens into my room,
This is my wish, so mote it be.
Keep the paper with you always. You are the only one allowed to see your companion, he or she will be invisible to other people as he or she is a spirit. So you can take him or her to school/work! Yay! You must also train your companion to guard and follow you wherever you go. Blessed be!
#1252 - Quartz and Necklace Wings Potion
1. Put the stones in a pentagram formation on the bottom of the pot
2. Fill the pot with water, and put it on the stove
3. As you start to boil the water, rip some of the feathery part off and put it in the pot. Tell your god/goddesses about why you want wings or your feelings about them
4. Stir the potion, try not to disturb the stones, and pick a few songs or poems that make you think of wings and you feel passionate about and sing it
5. When potion reaches a boil, put some of your hair in the potion. Say how you want wings or what you want to do with them
6. Turn down the heat, little by little, until you are on your lowest heat setting. Then just stir for the next 30 minutes
7. Use the same feather to apply the potion to your back, and package the rest of it for later use
8. Put on the necklace on, and don't take it off
9. Keep the stones by your side whenever possible
10. Apply potion whenever you want, preferably daily
#1253 - Financial Spell
If inside sit down at a table.
Place the penny down on a flat surface. Heads up, tails down.
Chant this twice:
Money, in life, is my trouble
So I need help, on the double
In three weeks I wish, hopefully
That these troubles are gone
So Mote It Be.
After saying the chant take the water ( and the leaf is you have one) and place it alongside the penny. Then drop the penny in the glass of water ( and the leaf afterward if you have one ) then say the chant above three more times.
By three weeks the trouble you have with money should be either easier to deal with or gone, depending on how bad you are with the money problems.
Blessed Be
#1254 - Moon Kissed Luck
2) Bless the area ( Normally I would plant a tree, which is new beginnings and purifications) others can use a spell
3)wrap the object in the leaf of your choice, object is preferably small
4) Allow object to be surround in moonlight for three lunar phases- preferably closer to the full moon
5) wear the item
#1255 - Protection Potion
Put the hot water in a bucket. Use the rock to make the ingredients chopped up. Now, put in all the ingredients. Sprinkle in the sugar. Say this:
"This liquid will protect (name)
And keep them from death
Who it is is who is left."
Stir the mixture and pour it in to the jar. The person whos name you said in the spell must have this had around them. After 4 months, if results don't show pour the liquid out.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1256 - Immortality
Say one time
"Demons and witches hear me
I want to live forever
I will have powers of a vampire
But will not live off blood
Iwill be immortal and live forever
This is my will so mote it be!"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1257 - Help In Casting
So lets start with this tested spell ! It is for to get your goals in spell castings !
Light up candle. Take candle in your hand and close eyes.T hink about you and the candle becoming one. Hold it there for about 1 min. Now meditate and relax , how much YOU think its needed.
When done , blow out candle and put on some place you love it.- where ever you feel Love or need to put it !
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1258 - Mental Preperation For Hard Times
So lets start , with this maked up within 3 days , and working spell , to summon luck and you go easily through some hard or stressful period for you!
Take energy drink 2 blue candles and 1 candle of any color you want in front of you. Take 3 deep and confidente breaths. Slowly light up candles , and drink it a litle bit. Now close eyes and clear mind. Hold it there for about 2 mins. Now you need calmly to chant this powerfull lines :
"Water , Air, Earth , Fire , I summon you ,to help me , to be with me , any way I go , you go , I have hard time , be with me , this IS my wish so mote it be !" Say it 2 times , slowly and calmy , but still with full confidence!
Meditate till the candles burn out .
Last edited on May 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1259 - La distruzione Di Tutta La Magia
Warning: In doing this you have to commit to what you have just done. If you do not know latin then learn it. Things all come in to play for a reason and by doing this then you made it to where there is no reason.
I am not liable to any harm this may cause to you or others that perform this spell. I will not be accused of any actions for someone else to perform this spell because it is the caster's choice weather he/she perforn this spell or not.
Note: I have created this spell, but shall never perform it myself. Take this to heart when you read all this.
#1260 - Snow Moon Spell
At the time of the Snow Moon, is when you ask the Snow moon to assist you in making positive changes in your life. Just as nature is poised to awaken from its winter rest, you can also awaken to a new purpose or calling.
On the night of the Snow Moon, announce your magickal intentions to the Snow Moon. As a token of thanks, light a violet candle and speak to her:
''As the Earth wears a cocoon of white,
In icy splendor Snow Moon, you guard the night.
Let me make changes, let me be reborn,
Now I plant the seed of magic; I an transformed.
Leave your candle lit until it goes out on its own.
P.S. This is not my spell I got it in one of the Witches' datebook a hear or two back and I loved this.
If you have any questions please message me and I'll be glad to answer.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.