2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Charming an Item for Good Luck
- Adventure Spell
- Leprechaun Luck Spell
- Summon An Elemental Wolf
- Peace
- To Ace a Test
- Witches Curse
- Enchant a Laser Pen
- Sing Better
- Wish Spell
#1281 - Charming an Item for Good Luck
This spell has to be performed at night or dawn. First you draw a pentagram on the piece of paper. Put the item you wish to charm in the center of the pentagram. Focus on the object,and then imagine power flowing from your soul to the item.Then say the following words
"Lady of Luck, please send me your good luck. Make this item filled with good fortune. Send a lot of good luck so mote it be"
After you chanted those words wrap your item in the yarn. But be creative(i made my item into a necklace). Finally, soak the pentagram in water, then tear it up into little pieces, then you can bury the paper,put it in a box,or a bag.
Last edited on Mar 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1282 - Adventure Spell
This spell should be done in a spirit of fun and is good to do with a group if desired. Anoint candle with oil or sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on it. Then light it in a fire-safe bowl.
''Life is good
And all is well
But now and then
I find it dull
I wish for fire
To add a spark
A flash of light
Inside the dark''
You can change this spell to whatever you are most comfortable with. Enjoy :)
#1283 - Leprechaun Luck Spell
2: Take a fresh piece of hair and put it in as you say:
''Leprechaun's luck as good as gold. Bring bad luck here no more.''
Say it about three times.
3: Either drink, or pour out around your house for full effect.
#1284 - Summon An Elemental Wolf
Draw what your wolf will look like. Color in your wolf, according to its element, or just color it in and find out its element by the color(s). Draw you next to your wolf. Write down your height next to yourself.
Draw lines above yourself, according to your height. I.E.: If you're 5'4", draw 5 lines first, then draw the 4 lines. Do the same for your wolf. Underline the heights of you and your wolf.
Fold the paper hamburger style. Write its info with the pencil on either side. (Name, element, breed, fur color, eyes, tail, accessories, abilities, strength, speed, what it eats, etc.)
Fold paper hamburger style again. Write and say this aloud, "(Element), wolf of mine, come to me, by egg of (element). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So Mote It Be." ("So mote it be" should be written as big as you can.)
Fold paper again. Draw a pentagram on either side. Fold it once more.
Now every night, for three nights, chant, "God/goddesses, grant my dream wolf in the real world from egg to end." Then, chant, "(Element), wolf of mine, come to me, by egg of (element). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be."
Kiss the paper and put it under your pillow. As you fall asleep, dream of you and your wolf coming together.
Type of eggs:
- Water-Sitting in the pool(if you have one)/blue egg
- Terra-Rock egg
- Fire-Flaming egg/red egg
- Air/wind-Maybe invisible and strong wind comes/white egg
- Copper-Copper egg
- Silver-Silver egg
- Nickel-Nickel egg
- Aurora-Colorful egg
- Nature-Green egg
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1285 - Peace
First you will write down all of the things that are bad and are taking the peace out of your life onto the paper with the pen then light the candle in anything you have to contain fire. Then put the piece of paper in with the candle and it will burn while you chant this spell once
"O mighty goddess please come down from the heavens and grant me free from the guilt and shame from yesterday and make my life at peace. So mote it be"
Then sit quit for a bit and meditate focusing on what you want gone then the spell is dun
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1286 - To Ace a Test
Light the candle In front of you then place your hands in the bowl of water and say: "As my hands hit this water I shall ace my test, so more it be". 5x for two days and you should ace that test.
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1287 - Witches Curse
"You force to lay a curse
On your head
I'll be turse
You provoked this
Witch on high
Now a curse
You will die
Say your sorry
Will never do
I know that it
Not be true
This curse you'll bear
The rest of your living days
i think this
Be fair
So mote it be twice"
You'll know it worked when the person you've cursed is in pain and suffering!
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1288 - Enchant a Laser Pen
Open your circle and place your laser pointer in the center of the room, then say something that would be considered an incantation, this must come from heart, I will give an example(this specific example will enchant the pointer with the element of water, it's good to charge objects like laser pointers before an elemental ritual etc.)
"Elements of water, I call upon you to infuse your magick into the comfort of this material object, to bring it great advantages. I ask permission from a majority of the great goddesses, Fae, Atremis, Demeter, Cerridwen, Freya. Allow me to bless the object before me with this element I have chosen, water. It is my will, so mote it be."
Note: Your incantation must always end with "So mote it be." and if you are in a group have the people you are with say "So mote it be" as well.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1289 - Sing Better
Say this spell 5x
"My voice needs improvement
Like the moon it shall shine
My voice 10x better
Let it be mine"
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1290 - Wish Spell
''Please goddess please make this work I beg of you blessed be''
Hold the lucky thing (Or pendant) to your chest and chant this once.
''Gaia Gaia Gaia, please grant my most wanted wish in (how many days you want), so mote it be'' kiss the pendant/lucky thing and wait if it comes true.
(That's all really, it's pretty easy but limit how much you wish for....it can be used many times as you like but don't wish for anything stupid....it could turn out bad)
(Really bad o_o)