2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Mermaid Spell That Maybe Works
- Wishes Granted by Archangels
- Wishes Granted by Archangels
- A Leader is Born
- Mermaid Potion
- Genie in a Bottle
- Stone of Power
- Relaxation Water Potion
- Bring Pain Inside-Out
- Get Me Warm
#1291 - Mermaid Spell That Maybe Works
2. Put your hand over the bowl and chant:
'Carus Deus Omnipotens, si ego sum vere vilis futurus a mermaid tunc tribuo mihi donum verto unus ut ego tactus unda.'
3. Then, put your symbol into the water and chant three times:
'Carus Deus, sic mote is exsisto'
4. Leave bowl with the symbol and water outside under the moonlight for a night.
5. On the next day, wear your symbol but KEEP the water until you don't want to be a mermaid anymore.
PS: Whatever happens to you happened because it is God's will. Only in His power we will be as we are, so with all the magic in the world, don't forget to believe on God Almighty too. You will never know what gifts He will give us. Anyways, add me!
#1292 - Wishes Granted by Archangels
Put three candles in the highest place you have at home,
inside a plate with sugar all around the candles. Light
the candles. Ask for three wishes to your guardian angels
Ask one wish for business, one wish for love, and one
impossible wish.
Publish this spell on the third day after you requested
the wishes [by mailing it to another person, posting it
to a usenet newsgroup, or announcing your thanks to the
saints in a newspaper classified ad] and see what happens
on the fourth day...
#1293 - Wishes Granted by Archangels
inside a plate with sugar all around the candles. Light
the candles. Ask for three wishes to your guardian angels
Ask one wish for business, one wish for love, and one
impossible wish.
Publish this spell on the third day after you requested
the wishes [by mailing it to another person, posting it
to a usenet newsgroup, or announcing your thanks to the
saints in a newspaper classified ad] and see what happens
on the fourth day...
#1294 - A Leader is Born
By the Moon I wish to become a leader
For (insert how long you want to lead for) I wish to lead for....
I believe I will make the perfect leader....
So mote it be!
Say this once or more if you wish to.
Spell effects have been known to wear off so you may want to chat it more than once.
You can also cast this on others.
#1295 - Mermaid Potion
Take the cup and fill it with water, add a tablespoon of salt, mix and add your symbol into the water. Chant the following spell 2 times:
Mermaids near and far, make my wish, my dream come true, the tail color of ( say the color you want) will make me happy, a scaly top too, I will get a power along with my tail, but that's for you to choose. Mermaid when wet human when dry, I will get my tail and power in an hour,. I will fret, if this is what I get, mermaid when wet human when dry, so mote it be so mote it be!
Say that twice and stir again, take your symbol out of the water and drink it, in an hour put your symbol on and touch water.
Last edited on Mar 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1296 - Genie in a Bottle
2) Wrap it in tissue or wrapping paper. (I used a piece of purple plastic that is used for wrapping flowers) Then, tie it with a ribbon (optional) of your choice.
3) While holding it above your head, chant:
''King/queen of the genies, here my plea,
Grant me wishes, a little more than three.''
4) Stare into the container of genie sugar you've made. Then, say this in your head (or out loud):
''King/queen of the genies, here my request,
Please grant me (amount of wishes), if that's best.''
5) Hide the Genie bottle you made in a safe, private place. Pray for your wishes every morning, noon, and night. On the third day, your genie sugar will turn into your genie
If it works, let me know.
Blessed be!
#1297 - Stone of Power
Spirits, spirits, to you I plea!
energy and power
I humbly ask of thee!
Imagine the energy flowwing out of the ground around you an the trees and everything around you.
then, while holding the stone, chant the following twice:
Stone, stone, with beautiful shine,
Use the energy that was once mine,
Wishes wishes please come true!
Use the energy I share with you
That takes are of the energy and the wishing aspect.
Now we move forth to the protection aspect.
take your stone and
Chant ''Water'' while you dip it into the water. Watch the energy Seeping into the stone.
Chant ''Fire'' While you wave your stone through the fire of a candle. The energy is joining the stone in thin whisps.
Chant ''Earth'' While you rub with salt. The energy from the salt falls into the stone.
Chant ''Air'' While you touch the stone, now heavy with energy, With a feather. The energy flies into the stone.
Now picture the ebnergies joining into a beautiful white ball and sinking deeper into the stone.
#1298 - Relaxation Water Potion
Lay your head down on your pillow. Close your eyes, but don't fall asleep. If you feel in a medative state move on to step three. Think about your crush, think about him. Open your eyes
Grab your water and say chant 5 times while thinking about golden orbs sinking into it. Keep the water with you untill you see him/her. When you see him/her drink a TINY bit of the water
"Oh god of calmness listen to me
Poseidon I call upon thee
Calm, and water blessed my Aprohidite
My love makes my heart race
Aprohidite should know
Poseidon work with Aprohidite
Bless this water with the power of calmness
When I'm around my love/crush (whatever one you want to call it)
I beg you all
Bless this water with love and calmness
Please do as I ask
This is my will
So mote it be"
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1299 - Bring Pain Inside-Out
First you must create a pentagram either on the paper with sand, or on the ground outside. Place the candle in the middle and light it, only focus on the flame.Once the wax is a liquid place the flower pedal on / in it and blow so the wax holding it stays.
Next take the knife and cut your finger, allow the blood to drip on the flame and after a few drops is placed on it, focus on the one person or group of people you wish to have pain or misfortune. (the result will vary on your energy level)
After you're done erase the flame and pentagram with the glass of water.
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1300 - Get Me Warm
Clear your mind. Think of a warm place. Imagine that you are there. Now you need to chant:"Mighty God I wish I was here and warm. This is my will so mote it be."
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.