2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Become a Witch
- Wish
- Water Bending
- Remove Negativity
- Mirmaid in the Mist
- Make your BF/Crush speak truth
- Very Easy Wish
- Wishing
- Become Something Else
- Dream spell (Ward off nightmares)
#1431 - Become a Witch
Say this 10 times
"Spirits of magic! I ask you please to grant me the power of becoming a witch/warlock!
I will have Telekinesis,and I will be able to channel power from elements or other witches to make me stronger, I will be able to manipulate the elmements, I will be able to contact other dead witches, I will be able to make my own spells and cast other ones. I will be able to see the future. All my spells will work!
But with these new found powers will come weaknesss, If I use to much magic my nose will start to bleed and I will pass out. If I get to scared I will temporary lose my powers. Candles will make my magic stronger and I will be able to do more magic with a candle. When I make spells they will always work. This is my will, So mote it be !"
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1432 - Wish
Write down your wish on the paper and then fold it hamburger style. Draw a pentagram and fold it again, doesn't matter how. Chant while writing "I call all gods and goddesses to help my wish come true no matter how hard it may be to do."
Fold the paper once more and write 11:11 on the paper. Write down everything on the paper before 11:11 then chant the spell and read your wish at 11:11. After that put the paper and the crystal or whatever if you chose to do that. If your wish doesn't come true on the first day keep repeating the chant and your wish at 11:11 until it works.
Last edited on Apr 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1433 - Water Bending
Put the bowl in front of you crisscross apple sauce, close your eyes then chant the spell 2 times. "God of the sea I humbly ask thee to give me some of you water powers"
Last edited on Apr 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1434 - Remove Negativity
''With the lighting of this flame
I call upon the four
Winds of change
To carry away and
Keep at bay
All negativity
From my day
As I will it
So mote it be''
#1435 - Mirmaid in the Mist
Take the water and put in a bowl and put the seashells in the bowl. Put the sea salt in with the the sea shells and mix it a up. Rub it all over your partner and then say
"Oh how I want to be a mermaid in the mist roming free over the sea. Oh that's what I want to be"
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1436 - Make your BF/Crush speak truth
''Emotions tangled and in darkness
As they first start
But today and now
They come spilling out
Earth fire air and water
Let his emotions come out verbally
No yelling or threatening or irritation
Emotions express yourself
In the moment that needs to be corrected
Do not hold back
And tell the truth
Let Nothing get in the way
Including shyness or anger
By the powers of three times three
Do not place unto me as a curse
As I shall it
So mote it be''
(By my friend WanderingThames but she is not on SoM)
Let me know when it works for you :)
#1437 - Very Easy Wish
Hold the animal in your hand and say this spell: "I have been wanting this for as long as I remember so please make it come true (Say wish) So help me please. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1438 - Wishing
Take the bark and you and say
"Oh please oh please
You know me
Oh please oh please
I want ( say your wish )
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1439 - Become Something Else
First you take the bottle and fill it with water. Then you put the bottle over the sink and say
"Gods and goddesses of the sea
Make me what
I wish to be
(say your wish)
So mote it be"
While you are saying the spell pour the water slowly into the sink.
Last edited on Apr 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1440 - Dream spell (Ward off nightmares)
1. With a pencil (must be sharpened), draw a small cloud in the middle of your paper. Then write down one secret and one happy memory from any time. Fold the paper and hide it where nobody can find it except you. (Everyone, even your pet(s)).
2. Take a white candle and place it in the middle of your cloud. (Unfold the paper). Do not burn yet.
3. Chant the following:
My dreams have taken over me,
Horrible dreams for me,
Gods of light and heaven thee,
Grant me my wish,
I wish for no more sorrow,
Please grant me happy dreams.
4. Immediately after chanting, light the candle and burn the paper from step one. When it starts burning crazy, throw it in a fireproof pot of water. Throw away the paper.
What counts as a mis-cast?:
1. The paper is gone, someone finds the paper. Anything that has to do with where the paper is found.
2. Your pencil breaks, or the candle is lit too early.
3. The spell is done in the morning/ waning moon.
4. Someone comes in the room you use the spell in.
Side effects:
You may encounter slight out-of control dreams (crazy dreams).
READ: This spell is a 50-50, meaning you may not get good dreams the first try.