2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Little Luck
- Spell Catcher
- Death Potion
- Freezing an Object/Person
- Good Mood
- Very Powerful Blood Curse
- Black Widows Curse
- Ritual for the Execution of Desire with 40 Candles
- Gain Good Luck
- Gain Bad Luck
#1891 - Little Luck
Write on the candle your name and near your name write "luck". If there is enough space on it, you can also draw a pentagram on it. Then light it up and put it somewhere safe. Let it burn. And you will have a small luck by your side that day.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1892 - Spell Catcher
Lay your charm in front of a candle of your choice and light the candle. Chant this 6 times:
"My charm is my charm
And catches my spells,
No other shall wear it,
For it holds my tales to tell."
Blow the candle out and let your charm be engulfed in the smoke from the candle, catching your spell.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1893 - Death Potion
Rip up the rose petals into tiny little pieces then add them into the bowl. Do the same with the leaves. Then, in another container, make a mixture of a cup of lemon juice, a cup of water, two teaspoons of vanilla, and crushed wild strawberries. Then pour in the mixture.
Next, crack the eggs into the bowl then add a cup of milk. Then mix all of it together. Now put the potion into a pot and put it on the oven for however long you think it needs to cook. Not very long for not very long life, long for slow death/sickness.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1894 - Freezing an Object/Person
"This spell might hurt and cause frost bite,
You can't resist it and you can't fight,
This spell will freeze and won't be nice,
I here by now put you on ice"
Last edited on Nov 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1895 - Good Mood
Write how long you want it to last. Burn the paper. Believe it will work.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1896 - Very Powerful Blood Curse
There are 2 parts to this curse but before you go cursing people i would recommend that you have a photo of that person and a sacred place (your room closet, drawer e.t.c)
Light the red and black candles and place the red one to your front left and the black to your front right, take your piece of string and let your anger and pain consume your mind (remember all the bad thing the person had done to you and their negative actions)
Then Tie the first knot for rage (still holding the string inbetween the black and red candles look at the photo of the person then chant:" I tie this knot with the rage inside of me provoked by (victims name). With this knot of rage I ask of the gods and godesses of the sky please make this person see and feel what she/he has done to me"
Then tie the second knot -resembling the pain caused (think of the pain the victim caused you) as you say: "I tie the second knot with the inner pain i feel because of (victims name) I wish for this person to feel the pain she/he caused me and others so i ask of thy witches of power help the pain (victims name) caused and manifests to go straight back to her/him i will it". Imagine all the things She/he put you through happen to them.
Then tie the third knot for their actions as you say: "I tie the third knot with the rememberance of being a victim to (victims name) actions. His/her actions and negative ways shall bounce back when sent, I bind (victims name) negative words to herself/himself with the power of my rage i will it , i manifest it so mote it be"
Tie the fourth knot to join the knots in a circle as you say: " I tie the fourth knot with the will of revenge, make this wicked person regret her/his negative ways, So that He/she knows that what comes around goes around, He/she shall feel the unbearable negativity go round and round with this knot i bind (victims name) to this curse with my negative energy mote it be"
If you still feel hatred then take small and sharp and cut you finger and let a few drops of your blood sink into the string. Then place the knoted circle inbetween the red and black candle (let the candles melt). When the candles have melted and gone out the curse is complete.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1897 - Black Widows Curse
''Curse of the Black Widow
Let -name- be tangled by the web of darkness
Let he/she struggle until they take no more
When the hour glass is torn'' say it 5 times.
WARNING: be careful of who you put the curse on. Very strong spell
#1898 - Ritual for the Execution of Desire with 40 Candles
It is better to do on the moon rising in the days of strength from 12 to 3 nights. Buy in the church 40 tapers (not cut). Put them on a beautiful tray. Put the tray on the floor. By the wall leans a little mirror.
Light all the candles and pray in your own words on the implementation of the most cherished desire. Pray until the candle does not go out. Your request must be emotional.
When the candle burned, then pick up the mirror and wrap it in a red cloth. This - the generator of your energy. Now, when you will be overflowing emotions, look in it for 5 minutes. It will concentrate in himself the power of which will come in handy for the execution of your wishes.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1899 - Gain Good Luck
You want good luck? Tell your mind that if you want it.
Chant this quickly: "Water, fire, and wind come to me as a friend. Give me luck, good luck. Like the others but no bad luck."
Sooner or later you will have good luck!
#1900 - Gain Bad Luck
Tell your mind you wanna have a bad day.
Chant this three times: "Sky blue, worth it. Nice heart, worth it. Give me a bad day, bad luck please rise apon me. I want to havea bad day!" Now sooner or later you will have bad luck.
Last edited on Nov 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.