Look at a star, not the sun or moon. Look at the star directly out the window. Do not get distracted. Keep focusing on the star and while you are, chant this:
"Star bright, star light.
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight"
Now wish the wish you want to come true in your mind. That wish may come true someday.
Just a simple way for beginners to break up couples or friend for reasons of jealousy/hatred.
You may need:
A cord
Two black candles
You may need:
A cord
Two black candles
Light the candles as you say:
"Couple I see, couple I name,
I cursed thee,
Cords of dismay,
Cords of hate,
Cords of jealousy,
This being the cords of three,
Fall under my spell,
Your relationship shall now fail,
Dismay you shall feel,
Jealousy of each other there shall be,
I times this with the cords of three,
But let hate be the curse I put upon thee,
And So may it be."
Then bring the cord and focusing all your energy and remember your reasons of hatred for theses 2 and imagine them during the final fight and then cut the cord and burn the two halves in very far locations (as far as you want them apart).
Dig a hole in the ground and trace a pentagram over it with your longest and shortest finger imagining electric blue/purple flames going over it. Then put the pictures side by side in the hole and drop the match or put the lighter above the pictures until they start to burn. After 30 seconds chant this latin spell
"i amare
tu amare me
mihi de
ita mote sit
amare me donec senioribus et cinereo
sed nostra amor numquam marcescunt"
Bury when burnt out and leave it there. If its ever disturbred the spell will come un-done.
When cast all windows, doors and any possible exits are charmed so you may never leave the room unless the spell is undone
You may need:
You may need:
Stand outside the room you are charming making sure your targets are inside then recite the following "Make these troubles are no more, go in through the outdoor". And they will be trapped.
Make sure the person is next to you. This usually grants that person luck. Like say, they have a crush and don't know how to talk to him/her, this spell may help. Just follow the steps:
1. Touch the person's third eye- near the forehead
2. Chant the following. Its important.
''I ask Diana to
Come and bring
this unlucky
(gender and
name) luck
as I trace
Her symbol
With my
Magick hand.
3. Trace the symbol in the air of the Triple Goddess- tip, look on Google
4. After, take some liquid lavender, its optional though, and make the symbol also on the person's forehead
5. Say,
''Blessed be''
You may repeat this multiple times, though one time works fine.
Best cast on a Thursday, when the moon is almost full. Helps your luck overflow with bounty.
You may need:
1 small crystal opal or emerald works, but it should be a favourite of yours
1 egg cup
2 bowls [one smaller than the other]
1 jug of rainwater.
You may need:
1 small crystal opal or emerald works, but it should be a favourite of yours
1 egg cup
2 bowls [one smaller than the other]
1 jug of rainwater.
Place the crystal in the egg cup, then the egg cup in the medium sized bowl and the medium into the large. Visualize your intent. When ready, slowly pour the water into the cup with the crystal. Say:
O power that I believe in help me see
that if I put faith in thee,
you will bring me luck times two
and for this I will thank you.
As it harm none, so mote it be.
Keep pouring the water, repeating the phrase until the water flows into the last bowl. When the last bowl is filled [or has water in it, hopefully you have enough to fill it] say:
I thank you for your potency,
for luck in the past and luck to be
As it harm none blessed be.
Use the rain water to water your plants. Keep the crystal with you at all times for your luck to change.
This spell will make you switch bodies forever and the 2 people will think that they were the person that they are switching into.
You may need:
1 picture of the person
2 candles one white or blue and one pink
You may need:
1 picture of the person
2 candles one white or blue and one pink
Light the blue/white candle and the pink candle. Use the color of candle to denote the sex of yourself and the other person. Once the candles are lit, say: "Gods and Goddesses, please let me switch bodies with (name). I really hope my request will be heard. So mote it be". Hold the picture of the other person over the flames.
Put the 4 candles in a triangle and light the candles. As you do this, say: "Dear Gods and Goddesses. Please let me control the mind of (person). Please, so mote it be". And go to sleep.
By the morning, the candles should be burnt out. You will now be able to control the other persons thoughts.