2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 2354 Luck Spells
- Healing Spell
- Tell Me My Fortune
- Morning Spell
- Make It Rain
- Eye of the dragon
- The Orange Envelope Spell
- Good Luck for 1 day
- Luck
- Wish Come True
- New Year Spell
#1961 - Healing Spell
A spell to heal yourself
When you need healing, just take your hand, put it over the injury and chant in your head ''injury vanish''.
abbazabba has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Feb 01, 2012
#1962 - Tell Me My Fortune
This will tell your fortune in your dream.
Place the clover on the amulet. Then chant,
"Oh, good luck and fortune
Please tell my luck today in my sleep.
If it doesnt work, use a green candle.
blueseal1029 has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Feb 25, 2012
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#1963 - Morning Spell
A spell to get up at the time you want.
A few minutes before you wake up do this:Concentrate on the time you want to wake up- like say in your head the time and concentrate on it. Whisper ''So mote it be.''
Go to bed.
Then you should wake up at that time. D
abbazabba has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Feb 01, 2012
#1964 - Make It Rain
Call rain to you.
Knock on the wood three times and say
"Rain and Rain
Coming from the drain
It's no pain
So mote it be"
MasterWizard has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Feb 24, 2012
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#1965 - Eye of the dragon
This will help you find the lost item.
Chant, O' spirits of the earth, help me find a item I have lost. Chant this 2 times a day.If it doesnt work tell me!
blueseal1029 has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Feb 25, 2012
#1966 - The Orange Envelope Spell
A luck spell to be used over and over again when extra luck is needed.
You may need:
1 Green Leaf [any]
1 Yellow Flower [any]
1 Blue Flower [any]
A bowl
A handful of dirt
1 Orange Envelope
Green; the colour of Nature, this leaf i did pluck
And as this leaf is green, please bring me luck.
And harm none, so mote it be.
~ With the leaf still in your power hand, pick up the flower in the same hand:
Yellow flower in Earth did grow,
On me, please, good luck bestow.
And harm none, so mote it be.
~ Now the blue flower while still holding the leaf and yellow flower:
Colour of Spirit at your behest
I ask by this spell that i be blessed.
And harm none, so mote it be.
~ Place the three in the bowl, and as sprinkling the dirt over them, say:
As I sprinkled with Mother's soil
May I remember that I still
Must work hard and I must toil
if I am to have my will.
And harm none, so mote it be.
~ Focus on the bowl and repeat the last invocation twice more, seeing yourself gaining luck. once you feel it is fully charged, pour the contents in the orange envelope and place it somewhere where it will not be disturbed. Whenever you feel you need more luck, take it out, hold it between your hands [like you're praying] and focus on the luck aiding you. Be sure to thanks the deities for the luck you have gained from this spell.
Nekoshema is an editor of Spells Of Magic. She has been a member of the site for 17 years, since Feb 14, 2008
#1967 - Good Luck for 1 day
A useful spell for when one is having a bad day.
Say this incantation while drawing a circle in the air with your wand/blessed hand/power hand.Lucky penny,
Four-leaved freind,
Horseshoe hung above your bed.
Lucky potion,
Boil and brew,
Make myself a lucky stew.
Then blow your wand/blessed hand/power hand and enjoy good luck for the rest of the day!
Emilea has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Feb 19, 2012
#1968 - Luck
I dont know for how long it works but this spell will give you luck,
On a night of full moon recite this words:
"Lady luck, come out of hiding
Bless your light upon me
As the light of the moon shines above
With the light of luck, bless me"
Lauft has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Nov 14, 2011
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#1969 - Wish Come True
Make a simple wish come true.
Lay down in bed and close your eyes. Dream of something small you want and then say "I wish I wish I wish I had (small thing you want)".
spelltomend has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Nov 06, 2011
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#1970 - New Year Spell
Brings you good luck for the whole year!
On the 31st of December,get a piece of paper and write all the bad things that happend in the year that is ending. Burn the paper to avoid bad luck in the new year.
Lauft has been a member of the site for 13 years, since Nov 14, 2011
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on Feb 20, 2012
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2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters