Snowy Day

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SpellsLuck  ► Wish  ► Snowy Day
Want to make it snow? Use this easy spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Snowy Day'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Repeat the following three times: "Hecate magna invocavero te, id nix cadat alta erit I praebet sic fiat semper"


Added to on Mar 01, 2012
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does it just automatically make it snow

Dec 10, 2020
Keep in mind it will snow if you are somewhere where snow is possible at this time [snow in the desert in the middle of summer would result in rain] The spell should work rather quickly so depending on how much energy you used, it should snow within the hour, max of a day of the casting. I would check the weather report beforehand to ensure it was the spell and not already going to happen. [I also want to caution you, if weather spells work, you're moving weather patterns, not creating a single cloud over your house, so it could bring large consequences, so think before casting]

Mar 08, 2022
of course not (I already translate the meaning per words in below-est comments) , only chant 3 times then the snow will come? as contradiction: if this spell works then it already snow everywhere, because children like to play snow, also there is no overheat place, But until now we still even frequently feels Sun is so hot, and yet so many heat problem.

the transilation Hecale large I call it the deep snow falls, so it will always be 1 provides '' note * Hecale large is a type of bug

Feb 09, 2021
Hecate was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. not a large bug while Hecale might be a bug your are calling out to the goddess of magic

Ok so i translated it in english if i said it in english will it work?

Nov 26, 2021
Probably not but you can always try. It's better to translate a chant into a language you understand so you know what you're saying. [and since I see Hecate's name, I'd suggest avoiding this one unless you work with her. She's one of the more stern Goddesses, so she might punish you for disrespecting her]

Unless you work with Hecate and already practice weather magik, I do not see this working.

[translation-Latin]: .1. Magnus(great), invoco(invoke/call upon), te(you) [Great Hecate ;i; invoke/call upon you], Nix(snow), cado(fall), altus(deep/profound/high,tall), erit(will be), praebeō(proffer/provide/show), sic(so/thus), fiat(let it be/so be it), semper(always/forever?)[provide/show ;me; this snow will be fall deep, thus so be it forever]. 16 (i personally think only a very little effort will not bring wonderfull result)

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