2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Angel Spell
- Simple Health Blessing
- The Pink Bubble
- Remote Healing
- Fulfill Your Wish
- Get Permission
- Memory Aid
- To Summon Cute Guys
- Change Fate
- Overall Positivity
#2021 - Angel Spell
Dim the lights very low or turn them off completely, light the candle, and set the
crystal and the bag in front of the candle.
Begin by taking a quiet moment, with your eyes closed and your body still, to
concentrate and summon all your power and energy from the universe around you.
Take a deep breath in, and let it out slowly, feeling your power grow inside you and
spread throughout your body, and into your arms and legs.
You are going to use the crystal as a magical magnet to attract a Guardian Angel spirit
to watch over you. Angel spirits need to be regularly re-attracted with the crystal
magnet otherwise they can get bored or tired or distracted and wander off.
First you have to visualise the power of the crystal as a magnet.
With the candle alight, hold the crystal in front of the candle about 2-3 feet away so
you can see the flame through the crystal.
See the light flickering behind the crystal, flowing through the crystal and sparkling
and dancing around the room. This is the magical magnetic power in its visible form.
Watch as it moves and flows and ebbs, and feel the power washing over you.
Once you can feel the magical energy, recite the following to begin to release the
power of the crystal magnet:
Crystal magnet in the candle light,
Your powers so strong, your magic so bright,
Release your energy to the universe wide,
And draw a Guardian Angel here to my side.
At this point, move closer to the candle flame so the light becomes brighter and
stronger, and the sparkles and reflections of the light through the crystal are clearer
and more powerful.
Turn the crystal in the light to find the best angle to express the magnetic and magical
energies. See if you can get the light to cast mystical shadows on the walls, and then
see if you can see any meaningful shapes or signs in the light patterns.
Recite the chant above again, twice more, each time moving a little closer to the
By now any nearby Angel spirits will have been attracted to you by the crystal and
the magic in the room, so it is time to command them to watch over you.
Guardian Angels who be here with me,
I command thee to watch me and keep me safe,
Blessed with luck and gifted with success,
So mote it be.
#2022 - Simple Health Blessing
Goddess bless body and soul
Health and wellness is my goal
#2023 - The Pink Bubble
Ground, and Shield yourself before starting.
I want you to sit, or lay down, in a comfortable position. Focus your attention on you breathing for a couple breaths. Possibly, 3. Listen to each inhale, and exhale. Feel your breathing. Become aware of your breathing.
I want you to feel yourself getting deeper, and deeper into meditation. Let go of worries, fear, and negative energy. Feel every muscle within your body becoming relaxed. Once you feel relaxed I want you to vision something you desire, it can be anything. Example: a goal, a wish, a want, a need, anything.
Try and picture it as clearly as possible. Keep it in your head. I then want you to picture a pink bubble surround the thing you desire. Clearly picture the bubble surrounding it. Notice the color. Notice the thing you desire. They are both real.
Pink is the color associated with the heart. When this colors vibrations surround whatever you visualize it will bring what it is you want to you. You must understand that it will only bring something that which is in perfect affinity with your being, something of good intentions.
After a few seconds I want you to imagine the bubble drifting into the air, and into the universe. Along with the bubble goes the vision you desire. Together they will float into space. (This symbolizes that you are emotionally "Letting go" of this item. Letting go allows you to stop thinking about it daily. It will no longer hold you back from your daily life, but it will come back to you in return. It might take a while but it will come when you are ready.)
After you let the bubble drift away, picture yourself floating in space, as well. I want you to collect all the energy the bubble manifested. Follow the path of the bubble.
Once you are in the middle of space I want you to absorb energy from the stars, the moon, the sun and the planets. Absorb the energy for a few seconds. This will make you one with the universe. It will make you one with your higher-self. Keep thinking about your wish, intention, goal, etc.
Then imagine each of your Chakras awakening and expanding. Imagine the light shooting from your Chakras and connecting with that bubble you let go. You should visualize a rainbow connecting you to the bubble. This is connecting you to your wish, goal, intention, etc.
Then imagine the rainbow slowly manifest into a million colorful butterflies. They should surround you for a couple seconds and then fly directly into the bubble. Slowly make your way back down to earth, close your chakras, and slowly open you eyes.
Stay seated, or lying down, for a few seconds to acknowledge your vibrations. Move your hands, then toes, then head. Now you can get up. Keep thinking about your goal, wish, intention, or whatever it is that you wanted, throughout the day.
#2024 - Remote Healing
First thing first always ground yourself, and shield yourself.
Sit, or ly, quietly in a comfortable position. Choose a place where you won't be interrupted.
Grounding yourself: I like to vision a root of a tree growing beneath my feet and lowering itself deep into the ground and connecting within the earths core. Now you are able to use the earth energy below you. Once you feel you are connected then you can shield yourself.
Shielding yourself: Imagine a white light coming from the moon and surrounding you like a bubble. Make sure you really envision it. Make it hollow. The bubble can be any color, but I use white for the light of the higher power.
Now it's time to do the technique,
1. You should be sitting, or lying down. Now, you should focus on your breathing. Listen and feel each inhale, and exhale.
2. As you breath imagine white energy arising from the ground and entering the base of your feet. Imagine the energy flowing throughout your body. You should feel a tingling sensation.
3. Now imagine white light from the moon connecting to your crown chakra. Once you see that you are connected to the moon, its time to begin.
4. Take your right hand and write the name of the person you wish to heal on you left palm. Use your first finger on your right hand to write. Carefully draw each letter individually. As you right the letters, envision the person face. Feel connected to them. Imagine them free of pain, or insanity. Imagine them happy.
5. After you write the persons name cuff your hands 2 inches apart from each other.
6. State to yourself your intentions for this person. As you repeat your intention, I want you to blow into the center of your cuffed hands. As you blow keep stating mentally your intentions. It is important.
7. After you blow enough energy, which you will know, bring your hands right in front of your heart. Imagine green light coming from your heart and entering between your hands. This is healing energy. Keep stating your intentions, and the persons name.
8. After you get enough healing energy, hold your hands in front of you and state aloud,
''With this healing energy from deep within my heart I wish to heal ______________ of any (psychical pain).''
(or emotional drainage, anxiety, fear, worries, depression, etc.)
After you are done programming the energy release it into the air and state aloud.
''Go now, energy, and do as I say. Find the one I speak of and fill ___________ with all the love and divine light I possess.''
Continue to sit, or continue lying down. Feel your vibrations and imagine the white energy entering the person you wish to heal. Imagine the energy wrapping around their body, and healing them.
Throughout the day remember to keep focusing on your intentions, and the energy surrounding that persons body. The stronger your trust in the energy, the more effective it will be.
Cancer Technique:
This technique helped me cure my friend from cancer. It really does work. I just envisioned white light entering the person body and turning into white knights that flowed through his body killed all the cancer cells, and damaged tissue. It helped his pain, and shocked his doctors with each check up.
Good Luck! :D
#2025 - Fulfill Your Wish
First of all you need a visionary board, if you don't have one then make one with a thermocol and a black paper.you could make it with any paper.
Now stick the pictures of your wish on the board. If you don't have the picture then you can write your wish on the piece of paper and stick it on the board. Then look at each wish carefully and visualize that you have achieved that wish
For example: If you want to buy a house. You look at the picture of the house and visualize that you have got the house. Now do this everyday till your wish comes true.
#2026 - Get Permission
Ask someone if you can do whatever it is you're wanting. If they say no, then say the following five times: "Give it to me, give it to me now!".
#2027 - Memory Aid
Sprinkle cinnamon, cloves and vanilla in honey, inhale the fragrance, then place beside you while studying for a minimum of one hour.
On the day of the test dip the spring of rosemary into the honey and rub it against the back of your neck.
#2028 - To Summon Cute Guys
'' As I/we say so mote it be!
Cute guys I/we now wish to see!''
Never underestimate the power of a child's wish
after going to the park she pointed out three cute guys skateboarding shirtless screaming uncle it worked she was so thrilled
the more people you can get to say the spell the better
#2029 - Change Fate
Set up altar with the four candles in each corner, and in the center put the pentacle and the
wishing candle over it. Wait to do the spell until the full moon, and then make sure you do it
at night and where the stars are in full view.
On the new moon, look unto the sky for the 7 brightest stars. Hold up a lighter and say/chant: "I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish this night. For change of ______ this night I ask, and by the flame, I ask it last. Seven brightest stars in the sky, light the flame I hold high."
With this light your lighter, light the wishing candle, and light the little candles in it's flame.
Now go about business as usual.
#2030 - Overall Positivity
Light the candles and incense if you chose to use them. Then chant:
"Patron god, I pay heed to thee,
I wish for you to bless me.
I ask for luck, charm and smiles,
And to embrace life's joyous miles.
Bless me with happiness,
And make my sadness less-
I ask this of you, so mote it be;
as it harm nay, blessed be."