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2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2352 Luck Spells
2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2352 Luck Spells
  1. God/Goddess Spell
  2. Simple Sleeping Potion
  3. How to make a good luck charm
  4. Transform an enemy into a werewolf!
  5. How to Make a Voodoo Doll
  6. WERETIGER ritual
  7. Good Luck / Protection Charm Spell
  8. Vampire Spell
  9. Everything Will Work Out Enchantment
  10. Mermaid Spell

#201 - God/Goddess Spell

It will make you a god in 4 days. Say it 4 times a day
You may need:

  • Your voice and alone time
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    You may need:

  • Your voice and alone time
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    Say this 4x

    Gods and Goddesses hear my plea

    its my greatest wish so i hope to be

    a god of nature,life and fury

    blood and war may stay indoors

    drama may come to me

    i will deal and delete these horrible feats

    so let me be a god and mote it be

    Added to on Nov 04, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #202 - Simple Sleeping Potion

    This potion is designed to help the drinker relax and ease into sleep easier by easing the mind.
    You may need:

  • Purified water
  • Dried orange peel
  • Pinch of ground Sage
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Light Incense
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    You may need:

  • Purified water
  • Dried orange peel
  • Pinch of ground Sage
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Light Incense
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    1. Put the desired amount of purified water into a glass/cup.

    2. Add a pinch of the ground sage into the water

    3. Use the cinnamon stick to stir the mixture

    4. Light incense and circle the glass top with the smoke

    5. Chant

    With this potion I find sleep

    falling into darkness deep.

    Mother moon, light my dreams

    and light my path with your beams.

    Where this potion will reside

    in my bed, let me close my eyes.

    Let me awake in the warmth of the sun

    and at that time the potion is done.

    6. Drink the potion and lie down.

    Added to on Oct 29, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #203 - How to make a good luck charm

    Will make a good luck charm.
    You may need:

  • Candle (any type)
  • Water glass
  • Stone (any type)
  • Empty Jar (preferably glass with a lid)
  • Lavender (just picked)
  • Matches
  • Your voice
  • Your breath
  • Circle of summoning
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    You may need:

  • Candle (any type)
  • Water glass
  • Stone (any type)
  • Empty Jar (preferably glass with a lid)
  • Lavender (just picked)
  • Matches
  • Your voice
  • Your breath
  • Circle of summoning
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    First, make your circle, then take your jug and say these words.

    ”Boreas, North wind I call you, Notus South wind I call you, Eaurus East wind i call you, Zepherus West wind I call you, into this jar i call now come!”

    then put your jar down anywhere outside the circle.

    Now take your candle and light it, put it down anywhere outside the circle (NOT NEXT TO THE JAR)

    then take your water glass and fill it up, put it down anywhere outside the circle (NOT NEXT TO THE JAR OR CANDLE)

    Finally take your stone and place it anywhere outside the circle (NOT NEXT TO THE JAR CANDLE OR GLASS)


    take your lavender and light (the flower) on fire now blow it out and wave the smoke around in a circle, say

    “bless me, bless me, oh elements bless me, cast your happiness into me and your bless my soul, so mote it be! May it be high or may it be low, come and let the world show! Bless me, bless me wherever you may be, bless me bless me, so mote it be!” Do this for as long as you want but you must keep your hand going around in a circle (Clockwise of Anti- clockwise) and If the smoke goes, then light the lavenders and blow it out again.


    release the winds by opening the jar, do not expect a big tornado or hurricane to rise out that is just childish, throw your water into the ground and blow out your candle, take the stone (it will bring you good luck) and keep the stones/sticks witch you used in your circle of summoning for now they can be used in other spells.”

    Added to on Oct 29, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #204 - Transform an enemy into a werewolf!

    This will turn them into a werewolf!
    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Photo of enemy
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Photo of enemy
  • Voice
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    Light the candle and chant this 3 times, but every time you finish chanting, lower it into the fire again!

    Et conversus sum in versipellem esse, non sum decepti, sed pro converto?

    Added to on Oct 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #205 - How to Make a Voodoo Doll

    This isn't really a spell but it's still good to know.
    You may need:

  • Clothes of the person the doll is to represent OR cloth that has laid under your pillow for 5 days
  • Some DNA of the person the doll is to represent (hair, blood, skin, nail clippings, saliva, tears, sexual fluids, etc.)
  • Catnip [optional]
  • Lavender (or another flower abundant in your area) [optional]
  • Inscence [optional]
  • A small bell [optional]
  • Old jewlery [optional]
  • Something to stuff the doll with
  • Beads, sequins, etc. [optional]
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Anything else you feel is important to the person the doll is meant to represent
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    You may need:

  • Clothes of the person the doll is to represent OR cloth that has laid under your pillow for 5 days
  • Some DNA of the person the doll is to represent (hair, blood, skin, nail clippings, saliva, tears, sexual fluids, etc.)
  • Catnip [optional]
  • Lavender (or another flower abundant in your area) [optional]
  • Inscence [optional]
  • A small bell [optional]
  • Old jewlery [optional]
  • Something to stuff the doll with
  • Beads, sequins, etc. [optional]
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Anything else you feel is important to the person the doll is meant to represent
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    Get out all your items first, so you don't have to stop to go grab them.

    Light the incense if you have any, and begin sewing a gingerbreadman-esque shape out of whatever cloth you have. Make sure to leave a hole along the hem.

    Stick your fingers (or tweezers) inside the hole and pull the inside out, so that the hemming is concealed.

    Sew beads and sequins on if you have them, then begin stuffing the doll. Put everything you want to go inside in there, then sew up the hole.

    You can write runes on the fabric, sew button eyes on the doll, put your makeup on it, and/or make it clothes to help tie the doll to you even more.

    Last, if you burned incense, take the ash from the incense and rub it into the fabric of the doll.

    And that's it. You just made a voodoo doll. Congratulations.


    -if you don't have fabric, you can take a plastic zip lock bag and tie it with rubber bands to be vaguely person shaped. I don't recommend this, though.

    -if you cannot obtain the dna of the person, you can print off a picture of them and put it in instead.

    -you can light a candle instead of incense and put the doll's feet and head into the melted wax instead of rubbing incense ash into it.

    -you can do this by a river and instead of using incense, let the water flow over the doll once its finished

    -if you don't have synthetic stuffing like in stuffed animals, you can use grass, ash, cloth, etc.

    ps. Be nice to the voodoo doll.

    Added to on Oct 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #206 - WERETIGER ritual

    as the title says. I AM a weretiger, message me to let me know if it works... good luck!
    You may need:

  • . full moon, or new moon
  • . outside
  • . alone
  • . 13+ years old
  • . one white candle and one green candle
  • . lighter or match
  • . small, square black cloth
  • . voice, strong, and powerful
  • . night time, fully dark sky.
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    You may need:

  • . full moon, or new moon
  • . outside
  • . alone
  • . 13+ years old
  • . one white candle and one green candle
  • . lighter or match
  • . small, square black cloth
  • . voice, strong, and powerful
  • . night time, fully dark sky.
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    step one:

    go outside with all the ingredients

    step two:

    sit down on the ground or patio (whichever the moon is exposed), set the white candle on the right of you, and the green candle on the left. light both.

    step three:

    raise the square black cloth so the moon shines onto it. then chant 3x with out messing up:









    step four:

    put the black cloth onto the flame of the green candle, let it burn.

    now, let both of the candles burn out naturally. here are the side effects:

    sharper teeth, and nails

    pain in rib cage, arms, legs, tail bone, and migranes

    meat cravings

    more angry, agressive

    eye color change

    way more hairy, hair getting thicker

    blacking out more/ dosing off more

    hair and nails growing faster

    senses enhanced

    if a female, then wanting to mate for cubs

    if a male, the wanting more sexual intercourse

    Added to on Oct 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #207 - Good Luck / Protection Charm Spell

    This spell is to create a Good Luck or Protection Charm
    You may need:

  • 4 Candles - 3 white and 1 green
  • Lighter/Matches
  • Your Charm
  • Clear Head and good intentions
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    You may need:

  • 4 Candles - 3 white and 1 green
  • Lighter/Matches
  • Your Charm
  • Clear Head and good intentions
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    Place the white candles in a triangle in front of you with the green candle in the center. Light the candles. Bask your object/charm in the candle light.

    Chant 3x: God and Goddesses hear my plea. Protect this (name object) for whom I please. Bring them good luck and prosperity. So mote it be!

    Once done blow out the candles and let your object/charm absorb the smoke by circling it around and through the smoke


    There you go! now you have a good luck charm. Please let me know how it worked for you guys. I have done it a couple of times now and it has worked very well every time. Though when you do notice the luck not working so much any more I would recommend doing the spell again. Mine typically last for a couple of months. This spell works for you and your friends. It'll work on any object for anyone!! Thank you and once again I would love feedback!!!

    Added to on Oct 17, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #208 - Vampire Spell

    This is a simple spell to turn you into a vampire
    You may need:

  • Night time (optional but better)
  • Belief
  • Jewelry (any kind)
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    You may need:

  • Night time (optional but better)
  • Belief
  • Jewelry (any kind)
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    What 2 Do:
    Say this spell 3x

    "The creature of the night,
    With eyes red and bright,
    With skin pale white,
    With teeth sharp as a knife,
    Make me a vampire.
    With one special power,
    Which is (power you want),
    That thirst on blood,
    This is what I want.
    I shall not burn in the sunlight,
    If I don't have my protective jewelry,
    I shall run with the speed of light.
    I shall live forever in my life,
    Let me live this life.
    That I am ready for,
    Make me a vampire,
    After 5 nights.
    Forever more.
    So mote it be."


    • You can still eat regular food, but for some people.
    • it may not taste the same.
    • You can wear any jewelry that you want.

    Added to on Oct 14, 2018
    Last edited on Dec 06, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #209 - Everything Will Work Out Enchantment

    This is a simple jar spell/enchantment that I wrote quickly in order to solve a problem. This is an enchantment to help show solutions to a problem you are dealing with, solutions that will end positively and in your favor.
    You may need:

  • small vial or jar
  • blue yarn or ribbon
  • origami stars
  • small pieces of paper
  • green marker
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    You may need:

  • small vial or jar
  • blue yarn or ribbon
  • origami stars
  • small pieces of paper
  • green marker
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    (((copied straight from my digital grimoire, sorry if the formatting is awkward)))

    Preface (optional' you don't have to read this at all):

    I was writing this spell while I was hyped up on adrenaline. My friends' and I's movie plans were almost ruined because of me and while I was calming down, I decided to sit down and write a spell. I didn't have time to do much research so I mostly went off of my own knowledge and what materials I had nearby. This is mainly a spell to have things turn out in your favor with also a dash of luck. Once the small vial/jar is done, I suggest trying it to a bag or item that you usually carry around with you, I usually tuck this jar into my backpack.

    Why I chose these materials: I didn't have much reason for technically making this into a jar spell. I only had a jar nearby, thought it would be convenient and easy to carry around. It was also the same for the origami stars, they also symbolized soaring free and escaping troubles. The stars can be any color, mine are various neon colors, but I suggest making them yellow or white to symbolize pureness and optimism. The blue yarn is tied around the jar in order to center the energies inside and to also symbolize steadfastness and stability. I also believe that blue has a calming influence. The green papers are just to sprinkle in extra luck.


    "Whatever problems I am facing will positively work out in the end and in my favor."


    1. blue yarn or ribbon
    2. small vial or jar
    3. origami stars
    4. small pieces of paper
    5. green marker


    I suggest making the origami stars beforehand, they can be any color and all that is required is that they fit in the jar/vial that you will be using. Before starting any spellwork, make sure to center, ground, and cast a circle.

    For the first step, place or hover your hand/wand over your vial.


    "My troubles, they pester

    they bubble boil and fester

    but with this jar will hold much luck,

    to fight against the force of dark

    and make my troubles ignite and spark."

    Take your pieces of papers, and start to color them with your green marker. As you color say:

    "These papers show how fragile and small my problems are,

    green ink to pierce my problems' shield,

    and to make them yield."

    After this, place your now green papers into the vial (you can crumple or fold the papers if you wish for something better looking).

    Take the origami stars and hold them in your hand, hover another hand/wand above the stars if wanted. Say:

    "With these stars, I shall break free of my chains and soar

    my problems will hold me no more.

    They will bend to my will,

    and turn out in my favor,

    my strength will not waver,

    I will turn out on top."

    Now seal your container.

    After sealing it, take your blue yarn and tie it around your vial.

    While tying it, say:

    "With this thread,

    I seal these contents,

    to be with me,

    to give me luck,

    and to bring me prosperous futures my way.

    Here, this magic shall stay."

    You may conclude the spell here, or say whatever closing statement you wish. Remember to close the circle you've cast and thank any spirits or deities that took part in this enchantment with you. I also suggest leaving your jar out overnight in the moonlight, to charge it even more with power, the mindfulness, and stillness energy the moon gives off.

    Added to on Sep 30, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #210 - Mermaid Spell

    This a 2018 mermaid spell
    You may need:

  • Symbol (if it's close to you or given to you
  • by a friend, loved one, etc it'll work better)
  • Water (it'll be better if you're in a body of water like the
  • ocean or a tub but you don't have to be in it; one
  • body part is fine)
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Symbol (if it's close to you or given to you
  • by a friend, loved one, etc it'll work better)
  • Water (it'll be better if you're in a body of water like the
  • ocean or a tub but you don't have to be in it; one
  • body part is fine)
  • Belief
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    What 2 Do:
    Put on the symbol and get in water or
    put one part of the body in it then say
    this spell 3x

    I want to be with the ocean
    I want to be a part of the ocean
    Swimming through the deep
    With a (color) tail and no feet
    I wish to be a mermaid/merman
    With powers of (3 powers) to use
    I shall be swimming among the blue
    This is my lifelong dream
    I now want it to come to me
    When I touch water, I shall grow a tail
    When I am dry, I shall become human again
    (I want to be this forever)
    I shall get my this wish in 1 week
    So mote it be

    The line "I want to be this forever" is optional
    If you want to be a mermaid/merman forever then
    you can say the line, if not then skip it

    You can choose up to 3 powers

    The symbol can be anything

    Added to on Sep 16, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters