2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Make a Wish
- Magick Spell Jar
- New Maker
- Spirit Sight
- Wishing
- Immortal Spell
- Lavender Bath
- Merman Spell
- Good Day Spell
- Wishes Come True
#2121 - Make a Wish
Take the pen and paper and write a wish on the paper. Before bedtime, fold the paper in three and place it under your pillow. As you are falling asleep, chant: "I desire for my wish to come true. I have dreamt for so long. Once my eyes are shut and I am sound asleep, my wish itself shall come true. So mote it be"
Once you wake up take your piece of paper from under your pillow and read your wish three times in your head. Rip the piece of paper once halfways and place it in the trash.
#2122 - Magick Spell Jar
Take one of the quarts and put it out in the sun for a while, let the sun absorb it. The God is the Sun, so its rays are his power, tell the stone to absorb the energy and hold it. Do the same with the second stone, only at night. The Moon is the Goddess, and the Moon's rays are also the Goddess' Energy, so let the stone take it in.
Once the stones have been charged, take the other three stones, charge them with your own energy as well. Begin by mixing all the herbs together in the jar, you can ether mix them or layer them on top of each other. Make sure to cleanse and charge all of the herbs in your hand before you put them in the jar.
Once all the herbs have been put in the jar; take the items that represent the four Elements and put them in the jar. Along with the five stones on the top. Sprinkle salt over the top and then close the bottle and lay your hands and it charge it.
Now you have a Magick Jar. You can put it at your alter, your desk or work place, or windowpane
#2123 - New Maker
Make the water warm, not hot. Add the olive oil and mix with your fingers. Think of what you want to make look like new. Add the salt very slowly, little by little, mixing together the water and object. Chant: "Old and broken, not any more. Goddess of the sea, I call. Help me bend and fix this junk who has broken and aged". Stir the mix two more times and chant this again up to three days in a row.
#2124 - Spirit Sight
''I think of thee alway, night and day'' ''If you were here I would be ok''.
''So come back let me see thy face'' ''Then the love of my heart will be in its place''. This spell will allow you to see them for a limited amount of time. This spell only works once per day so, you will have to wait 24hrs to use it again. I have used this it works.
#2125 - Wishing
Place your hands together as if you are holding up a ball. Imagine golden energy coming from your heart, traveling down your arms, and covering your hands. Now imagine two beams coming from the centers of your palms and colliding, forming a ball. Say, "I wish (whatever)". Thrust the golden ball into the ground and visualize it exploding.
#2126 - Immortal Spell
Think that you are immortal then say:
"I am immotal stay out of my way or your life is gone and then youll pay."
#2127 - Lavender Bath
#2128 - Merman Spell
Only by believing will this happen... instructions!!! READ AND DO CAREFULLY. 1. Light up the candle and put them anywhere in your bathroom. 2. Light up the incense stick and do the same as you did with the candle. 3. Scatter the seashells in your bath when the water is full and warm. 4. Put your stone somewhere you can see it in your bathtub 5. Get a small tray or bowl and put the jasmine herbs in them. Place them infront of you somewhere in your bath.
6. Sit in the bathtub and make sure youre hair in completley soaked, then chant:
"Oh great goddess of the sea change my body for my glee. Give me fins instead of feet, so I can swim not walk on the beach I give my all to the god so witches please hear thous plea changes me to what I want to be."
Then close your eyes you should feel a serge of energy the spell is complete usually it takes about a week to 1 month. Good luck
#2129 - Good Day Spell
You can do this anywhere you like, on the go or sitting down.
First, you rub your hands together for as long as you like and briefly feel the energy that radiates from them in cupped hands. Bring those cupped hands to your lips and whisper/say/shout into them;
"I wish for a good day,
I wish for a good day,
Please grant it Queen of Fae,
Please give me a good day."
Sometimes before a lesson I hate, I change "day" to lesson. So you can change the wording anyway you like, I know it doesn't make much sense. It works well for me though.
After whispering that into your hands open your hands and imagine glowing balls of energy floating to the sky; your message.
Hopefully, this spell will work as well for you as it does for me!
#2130 - Wishes Come True
Write your name and date of birth on the piece of paper, followed by your wish.
End it with this:
"While many without faith may dismiss
I promise I will always believe in this wish
And in the things I am yet to learn
So grant me this wish I soulfully yearn."
Fold the paper 3 times.
Now light the candle and burn the paper while repeating the phrase above.
Move the candle to somewhere safe and let it burn out.
It might a bit of time for the wish to happen, but it will, unless what you wished for wasn't white magic or unless the spirits saw it wasn't what you needed, although this happens very rarely. For Good reason, cast it in Full mon, for bad reason cast it in Waning moon.