2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- You messed with the wrong witch!
- Pissed off witch
- Witch's secret. (Curse)
- White magick revenge
- Warning spell
- Curse to Cause Misfortune and Chaos in their life
- Karma Spell
- Clear a charm of bad luck
- Create Your Own Brother/Sister
- Lucky day
#221 - You messed with the wrong witch!
Think of the person or say this to the person via pic or in person.
"See you later alligator, no more fighting you're a hater. See you in hell, where you will burn. It is true, not what I heard. As I will it, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Aug 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#222 - Pissed off witch
either say this spell or think the spell.
"Lord and lady grant me the power of fire to burn the ass of the stupid individual. The power of Air to help them fly off the top of a very tall building. The power of Water to wash my hands after choking the hell out of them. The power of Earth to hide their body so it cant be found. As I will it, so mote it be!"
#223 - Witch's secret. (Curse)
Think of the person, or look at the person whether pictures or in person.
"let cruelty and pain follow this villain all the days. Reverse the torment this one creates, to turn on this one a crueler fate. As i will it so mote it be!"
#224 - White magick revenge
Think of the person you want to curse, look at a picture of the person, or say it directly to the person.
"what was brought down upon me be returned but times three. Head to toe, skin and nerve. Maybe you get exactly what you deserve."
#225 - Warning spell
Blood turn black and flesh turn blue, I'll curse you if you force me too. By the left hand and the unclean food. I'll curse your eyes, I'll curse your lies, ill call down a plague of flies. Blood go black and flesh go blue. Evil from me and back to you. With my soul clean and yours on fire, you mess with this witch and you'll get burned, liar!
Last edited on May 20, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#226 - Curse to Cause Misfortune and Chaos in their life
Carve their name in the top of the candle,
write their name, what they did, and your intent on the paper. Charge it with your anger, call upon the energies of the tarot card, and the crystals to assist you. Think about your intent and light the candle after annointing it with chaos water. Light the paper on fire with the candle and burn it safely in a cauldron or small metal dish of your choosing (an altoids tin works if you fold the paper up)
Collect the ash and add it to the chaos water for later use, burn the candle and think about your intent until the name in the top of the candle melts.
Cleanse your space and yourself.
Your spell is complete.
#227 - Karma Spell
Warning: The following spell is somewhat advanced and you should use it at your own risk. Some 'spell ingredients' should only be performed if you've been doing witchcraft for a long time and you know what you're doing. I am not responsible for anything that happens when this is performed. Use at your own risk.
- Begin by writing the name of the person on a piece of paper you wish to give/send karma to.
- You may also draw a pentagram/pentacle on it, or use your own (any that you possess).
- If you have any belongings or anything from that person, add it together with the name.
- Light the candle and focus on it and envision the person getting karma - good or bad.
- It's important that you're in a quiet place and you're focused/concentrated.
- Light the incense
- Feel the energy around you and from the candle and the incense. Clear your mind and focus on what you are about to do.
- Cut your finger slightly and pour some blood on the paper and on the candle
- Chant 3 times:"Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit - I ask the Gods and Goddesses to hear me on this night! I wish to send this person karma back through dark or light! This person has caused me (pain or happiness) and I wish to return the very feeling on this Full Moon night! By the power of the Gods and Goddesses, By the power of Karma and the power invested in me, By my very blood and the act of Justice! Please bring karma back to (Name of Person) So mote it be!"
- Feel free to blow out the candle and clean up the blood, if necessary (use a Band-Aid).
Last edited on Apr 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#228 - Clear a charm of bad luck
First Run the charm under soft cold running water, Chant "Evil Get Out Get out!" you must keep your mind clear and thoughts good and peaceful. Now put your sun in sunlight and say "Oh spirits of light bring good luck to thy charm and burn the bad" You may say "So Mote It Be" if you feel like you must.
#229 - Create Your Own Brother/Sister
Draw your brother/sister the best way you can. Make sure to color it it. Then, write these details:
Skin Color:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
And Extra Details:
Then chant (or just think, but chanting probably works better):
Make me a brother/sister, make them real, everyone knows them, and love me, they will.
Then dispose of the paper
Note: This spell can be cast more than once, and you don’t have to ask me to put it in a YouTube video or whatever. Also, I’m not sure about how long it normally takes, so just put it in extra details.
#230 - Lucky day
simply say "white rabbit" the minute you wake up but it's a once a day spell
if it doesn't work or your thinking " how will this work please feel free to message me I can tell you individually