2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 2354 Luck Spells
- Study/ essay writing/ test taking luck
- Make A Dream Real Spell
- Speak fluently in any language
- Wishing Truth
- Bendy spell
- Misc Moon Magic
- Spell of pink luck
- Necklace Enchantment
- Attraction Charm Bags
- Bring change to your life
#321 - Study/ essay writing/ test taking luck
It allows you to do well on tests or anything academic really.
You may need:
Can be pipe cleaners, or yarn or cord
-one red
-one orange
-one yellow
-one green
-one light blue
-one purple
-one pink
-one white
-one black
Oh, (name of deity),
Hear my plea,
I put these colors together in harmony
White for truth and peace,
Red for the diving force, courage and fast action,
Light Blue for the wisdom and understanding,
Green for success and luck as well,
Yellow for the intelligence, learning and imagination,
Pink to make it all go down it peace,
Purple to unlock my hidden knowledge, power, and ambition,
Orange to help me adapt to anything that comes my way,
And black to bind it all together (at this time you wrap the black yarn around the others like a bundle)
By the power of three,
So mote it be
Then you can start your studying or whatever you are doing this to help you with. Make sure you keep your bundle next to you when you are doing this, or it won't work. When you are done with the spell, make sure you thank the deity you used above for their help so they will continue to help you in the future. Thanks so much for reading this, please tell me if this works for you. It did for me but I want to know your experiences with it.
Kizziecat has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Sep 07, 2017
#322 - Make A Dream Real Spell
This allows one of your dreams to leave your mind and slip into the grips of reality. My Pack helped write this so hopefully it will work for you.
You may need:
Night (passed 11pm but before 12am)
Somewhat in shape (depending on dream)
2.Spread your bed sheets all across your bed, tucking the edges underneath your mattress, making your covers smoothly flat
3.slip into the bed
4.stare up at the dark ceiling and feel yourself drift away
5.feel yourself asleep but mind awake and aware
6.once you enter a lucid dream say the following spell 3 times
''Dear creators, monsters, creatures and spirits, enter my mind and search for the dream I describe (describe the dream you wish to be real), once I wake things In my life shall mould into my dreams, SO MOTE IT BE''
This spell has a high chance of backfiring, so if it's harming someone, you may get it, or share it with whom you wanted to attack.
Side affects depend on your dream
Thanks to my pack for helping me write this
FuairBlaui has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Sep 08, 2017
#323 - Speak fluently in any language
you can speak in any language fluently.
Say 3x:''Gods and goddeses i call on you to make my wish come true
i shall speak fluently in (language) thats all i ask of you. thats what i shall know what i shall be able to speak so mote it be!''
Jeny1089 has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Feb 22, 2015
#324 - Wishing Truth
I recently made this, sorry if it doesn't work. I tried and, did research on goddesses that would go with this spell. Hopefully it works.
You may need:
Necklace (optional, if you want it in the necklace)
Gemstone (optional)
Chant this two times. (2x)
I call to Ma'at for truth (say a brief description of your wish but not the wish itself. But something simple that corresponds with it)
I call on Brighid for protection and healing from harm.
I call onto Moon Goddesses
To grant my wish with no harm to come.
Chant a third time, but at the end,
State your wish, and add to the end ''So Mote It'll Be!''
Then fold the paper with your written wish into a small square. Keep it with you.
(If you're putting this onto a necklace or piece of jewelry hold the jewelry in your hand whilst chanting this 3x times.)
I don't know if this works but give it a try. I'm gonna try it soon I'll update this to let anyone know.
WillowValue has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 19, 2017
#325 - Bendy spell
It will make you body like bendy.I don't know side effects.
**** STEPS ****1.Draw a pentagram in the paper and draw bendy middle pentagram.
2.Cover the whole paper in ink.
3.Say the spell 5 times: half ink,half demon,I will be like bendy,melt when angry,scared or worried,re-grow limbs,immortal,A demon from hell,this is my wish,SO MOTE IT BE
Filomena has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 08, 2017
#326 - Misc Moon Magic
This can be used on anyone, highly recommend for the waxing for full moon.
Note:if you get any dreams of Lilith, dont fret too much. (Unless your male, so be careful)
This is basically a spell for whatever problem someone ypu know or yourself is having and you'd like it solved.
Note:if you get any dreams of Lilith, dont fret too much. (Unless your male, so be careful)
This is basically a spell for whatever problem someone ypu know or yourself is having and you'd like it solved.
You may need:
Purple candle
Yellow candle
Blue candle
Red candle
Green candle
Rosemary (can be in a seasoning shaker of sorts)
Black ink pen
Find a clear space big enough to make a circle. Use the broom to sweep away bad energies, and dirt or whatever that will afect the spell negatively.
Get your salt and pour it into a cirle (be sure that you dont have any gaps)
Put the purple candle in the North cardinal direction. Make a star with the candles.yellow left and green right, red far right in the back and blue far left in the back. This should make a candle pentagram or pentacle.
Get your bowl and pour/put the rosemary into it. Then get your lighter and light the candles. Have your paper with you. Then read aloud your incantation that you've written. When you are done reading, put some of the rosemary in the middle of the paper and fold it tight, light it with the purple candle and set it into the bowl to burn completely. When you are done, close the circle, blow out the candles, clean up the salt, and wait for it to work.
Note: How i know Lilith will come into your dream is because this has happened before to me the first time i casted this spell. I dont know how she has anything to do with this, i only know that the spell is powerful and she's probably a sign that it is working. This spell has many uses, but ALWAYS be polite and cast on a waxing or full moon. It works best on those moon phases.
MaxxineWeird has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Mar 27, 2017
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Spells Of Magic
on Aug 17, 2017
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#327 - Spell of pink luck
This spell brings luck(I tested it)
Lay the string in a straight line.Light one end on fire.As its burning chant: Let this string be some luck, this is my wish so mote it be.
satinsfriend has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 04, 2017
#328 - Necklace Enchantment
This spell may enchant a trinket to bring good luck.
Set the candle side by side in front of you. Make sure they are as close as they can get to each other. Using a match or a lighter, light only the white candle. then use the white candle to light the green. Then holding the necklace by the chain, dangle it in the candle flame while saying this spell loud and clear.
"O, great god(ess) (your deity)
Please grant me a wish in the flame,
I call upon you to bring me good luck,
Luck is just the same,
Please, O great god(ess) (your deity)
Change my luck to good!"
Say the above 3 times loud and clear so the universe can hear.
Wicca_Magick has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jul 31, 2017
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on Aug 02, 2017
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Last edited on Aug 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#329 - Attraction Charm Bags
This works best when searching for love or friendship, but it can be adjusted for good luck or money. The point of the charm bag is to carry it with you so it will bring what you're looking for to you passively and naturally, as opposed to a spell that may actively bring it and risk imposing your will over anothers.
You may need:
Some sort of small bag or pouch, a small plastic baggie will work fine too.
A slip of paper and something to write on it with.
Optional: A stone or crystal.
Optional: A colored string or ribbon.
Fold the paper and put it inside of the bag along with the catnip. The catnip is there as the main power to attract whatever it is you wish to you. Like a cat is drawn to catnip, so too your desire will be pulled to you.
If you choose to add a crystal, do it at the same time you add the paper and catnip before you close the bag.
For Love/Friendship - Rose Quartz
For Money/Luck - Tiger's Eye
For Healing - Bloodstone or Dragon Stone
For Protection/Emotions - Amethyst
If you don't have any of the above, clear quartz is always a pure energy amplifier that will do the same as any of them. If you want to charge or purify the stone, do it before hand using any method of your choice. (Full moon, energy ball, running water etc.)
When you are done, tie the bag with a colored string to correlate with your wish, or simply seal it if you are done.
For Love/Friendship - Pink, Yellow, or Orange ribbon
For Money/Luck - Green ribbon
For Healing - Red or White ribbon
For Protection/Emotions - Black or Purple ribbon
When you are finished, carry the bag with you or put it somewhere you go often. If you ever wish to undo the charm, unwrap the bag, burn the paper, throw away the catnip (Or give it to your feline friends!), and cleanse your crystal for future uses.
DarkDagger has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jun 26, 2017
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on Jul 31, 2017
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#330 - Bring change to your life
If you feel you're life lacks variety and needs to be shaken up this spell could help you!
Find a body of water that you can see your reflection in.Make sure that it is completely still and you can see yourself clearly
Pick up a roughly fist sized stone and hold it in your hands.
Think about the boredom in your life and how you want to be rid of it.
When you are ready say this: my life is stagnant and a bore.
Please end this suspense which I hate and abhor.
Let my life flow once more.
I wish to end this strife.
Please let me have an eventful life.
Throw in the rock and watch as your reflection dissolves then re solidifies.
You will be given an exciting opportunity in the future but it is up to you to realise it.
Crayfish has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jul 15, 2017
2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters