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2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2351 Luck Spells
2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2351 Luck Spells
  1. Teach Someone a Lesson
  2. Herbal Prosperity Sachet
  3. Luck Spell
  4. Simple Mermaid Spell ~My Spell~
  5. Voodoo Doll for Advanced Witches
  6. Rotting Apple Curse
  7. Community Good Fortune and Happiness Spell
  8. Wish/Luck Potion
  9. Fortune for Family
  10. To make time go faster

#331 - Teach Someone a Lesson

This spell is for when a person in your life needs to be shown the right way or thing. To change their minds through their dream.
You may need:

  • •one white candle
  • •small piece of paper
  • •black ink pen
  • •belief and intent
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    You may need:

  • •one white candle
  • •small piece of paper
  • •black ink pen
  • •belief and intent
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    ''Guardians of the astral realm, I ask that you show (someone's name) that their eyes/mind judge/ think wrong. Let them see their mistake and learn from it. Thank you (be sure to draw a pentacle after ''thank you''.)

    This should work. PM me if it works!

    Added to on Jul 21, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #332 - Herbal Prosperity Sachet

    An herbal sachet to attract prosperity, wealth, luck, and success.
    You may need:

  • -small green, gold, or white bag and a ribbon of one of those 3 colors
  • -sewing supplies if you're intending on making the bag yourself
  • -green aventurine (optional)
  • -rosemary (optional)
  • -cinnamon sticks ( or powder
  • -basil
  • -1 bay leaf
  • -1 dandelion
  • -1 white clover
  • -parsley
  • -rice
  • -chamomile
  • -3 pine cone pieces
  • -a silver coin
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    You may need:

  • -small green, gold, or white bag and a ribbon of one of those 3 colors
  • -sewing supplies if you're intending on making the bag yourself
  • -green aventurine (optional)
  • -rosemary (optional)
  • -cinnamon sticks ( or powder
  • -basil
  • -1 bay leaf
  • -1 dandelion
  • -1 white clover
  • -parsley
  • -rice
  • -chamomile
  • -3 pine cone pieces
  • -a silver coin
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    To be performed on a waxing moon.

    You can find a small bag at your local dollar or crafts store in the baby shower/wedding section. I personally found a pack of palm-sized green bags for $1 at Dollar Tree that were perfect. However, you can also just buy a piece of cloth and some ribbon if you have/want to make your own.

    I planned this around the new moon on July 23, as it was on a Sunday (the Sun's day), and the Sun and Moon are both in Leo (my star sign), and it's a day before my birthday. So I added some Rosemary to the sachet because of its Leo and Sun representation. I also added some green aventurine beads. These 2 additives are completely optional.

    I then added the rest of the herbs and the coin and tied it in 3 knots. Say:

    ''By Sun in Leo, my prosperity shall increase.
    By New Moon in Leo, success will my magick now release.''

    Meditate with the sachet and infuse it with your personal power. Visualize happiness, success, and wealth coming to you, building positive thoughts and feelings to put the Law of Attraction in motion for you. When you feel the bag start to grow warm, say:

    ''I compel these magickal herbs of prosperity and power
    To assist me me with my spellwork in this hour.
    Pair your natural magick gently with mine,
    So that wealth and success may come to me at all times.
    By the enchantment of herbs, this spell has been spun.
    This is my will, so mote it be, and harm none.''

    Keep this sachet on you for a month, then return the herbs to nature and hand wash the bag and let it air dry.

    This was inspired by an herbal sachet from the book Practical Prosperity Magick and I made it my own. It's a very wonderful, informative book :) Blessed be!

    Added to on Jul 20, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #333 - Luck Spell

    This is a good luck spell.
    I use it and it works for me.
    You may need:

    You may need:

    All you have to do is say
    ''Moon of the finest silver wane,take with you bad luck and bane. as you fade into the night bring new hope back into sight.''

    Added to on Jul 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #334 - Simple Mermaid Spell ~My Spell~

    This spell doesn't require you to do much. You can read off something or memorize.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Belief
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    What 2 Do:
    Look into the water and imagine
    it as a shiny ocean wave and picture
    you as mermaid swimming in the water
    Say this spell 3x

    Oh dear mermaids
    With your strong, beautiful tails
    With your bright eyes
    With your long, flowing hair
    I call upon you
    to change me
    To be with you
    I wish for a (color) tail with 3 powers of
    (your 3 powers that you choose)
    I wish for my eyes to be bright (color)
    and for my hair to be long, strong, and healthy
    Please make this me
    A strong, beautiful mermaid
    My tail shall appear when water touches me for
    more than 10 seconds and become human when dry
    This mermaid wish shall last (forever/your time)
    I can tell my secret to (only people I trust/everyone/no one)
    Oh dear mermaids
    Please listen to me
    Make me a mermaid
    In 5 days
    So mote it be

    For the longevity, you can either put forever
    or a time that you want it
    to last like 5 years, 1 decade, etc

    For your 3 powers, just pick whatever power you want
    Can be any power, your choice

    Yes I put 5 days, spells like these needs time to work

    Side effects:
    Itchy/aching/scaly/tingling legs
    legs changing to the color you choose
    mermaid visions
    eyes aching
    wanting to drink or be around water
    temptations to sing
    legs crossing together or sticking together
    hair becoming for healthy and hair growth

    If you experience some side effects other than these then comment

    Added to on Jul 18, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #335 - Voodoo Doll for Advanced Witches

    A highly effective voodoo doll with a cloaking spell in it to ensure the victim is unaware of their manipulation. It should BE NOTED that this spell can be used for physical harm but works more effectively for spiritual and mental manipulation.
    You may need:

  • -Your targets nail clippings, hair, blood, spit, skin(the more you have the better)
  • -Rice/bean filling(or other to suit your taste)
  • -Handwriting of your target(A boosted plus)
  • -Targets name, written
  • -cloth (works even better if it belongs to them)
  • -sewing kit(if it is a binding doll, black headed pins, if healing/binding specific chakras, use corresponding colors, if a physical for harm doll, use red and black)
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    You may need:

  • -Your targets nail clippings, hair, blood, spit, skin(the more you have the better)
  • -Rice/bean filling(or other to suit your taste)
  • -Handwriting of your target(A boosted plus)
  • -Targets name, written
  • -cloth (works even better if it belongs to them)
  • -sewing kit(if it is a binding doll, black headed pins, if healing/binding specific chakras, use corresponding colors, if a physical for harm doll, use red and black)
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    Make the doll by cutting the cloth into the shape of a humanoid figure. Not too small or you wont be able to fit your ingredients into it. Make it approximately 6inches tall by 3 inches wide. Make sure to make the arms thick enough to put your filling into it. The bigger the doll, the easier it will be to channel energy into your pins and doll. When you've sewn the doll, start to fill it up with your filling material. When you are half full, start putting targets personal items into it.
    NOTE; If you are making a HEALING DOLL use crystals and other healing herbs inside the doll. If you are making a HEX DOLL with intent of PHYSICAL HARM or DEATH, add items such as animal bones(or human if you can get your hands on them), dead bird's feathers, dead animals blood(put it in a WELL SEALED container in the doll for disease and health safety). For Ill intent dolls, the more personal items you put in, the better. NOTE END.
    Finish filling the doll after all items have been added. When finished, sew the opening and begin to mediate on the dolls purpose. Be specific and if it helps, say your intentions out loud.
    NOTE; If the doll is being preformed on another witch and/or they are capable of being aware of being manipulated through magickal purposes, make a binding knot magick string to mask and cloak the doll. Make sure it is powerful, your doll is going to be strong, the cloak needs to be stronger. NOTE END.
    Then, add pins as nesseccary, stating/meditating on the intent of each pin.
    If you have an ill intent doll, keep it well hidden, and protect yourself as much as possible in case of magick back lash.

    Stay safe lovelies!

    Added to on Jul 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #336 - Rotting Apple Curse

    Or alternatively, my Poison Apple Curse!

    A curse to rot your foes away! Spiritually, mentally, and physically.
    You may need:

  • An apple (preferably a slightly old one, not rotting.)
  • Slip of paper
  • Lemon juice
  • Vinegar (you could substitute these with any other nasty liquid you got)
  • Pins
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    You may need:

  • An apple (preferably a slightly old one, not rotting.)
  • Slip of paper
  • Lemon juice
  • Vinegar (you could substitute these with any other nasty liquid you got)
  • Pins
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    Take your slip of paper and on one side write all the details you have on your target, and on the other side write all the things you wish to rot away in their life. Relationships, protection, wealth, etc. Alternatively you could leave this blank to rot them away in all aspects of their life.

    Slice the apple in half and stick the slip of paper inbetween the two slices then pin the slices together with the pins.

    Then, take the lemon and vinegar and dash it on the apple, focusing on the areas where you sliced the apple. Then, take the apple in a far and secluded place where you can safely just leave the apple without causing any problems or littering.

    Goes without saying you should be constantly charging your intent into the items as you do these steps.

    Hope you found my little spell useful, happy cursing!

    Added to on Jul 16, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #337 - Community Good Fortune and Happiness Spell

    A simple spell to spread happiness and good will in your area with the help of animals! (Specifically birds)
    You may need:

  • Bird Seeds (That are safe to eat by birds in your area. Do your research!)
  • A small pouch
  • A larger pouch (alt. a large jar)
  • Anything that you have lying around that has positive correspondences!
  • A Few Examples:
  • River Stones
  • Vial of Moon Water
  • Quartz
  • Turquoise
  • Cinnamon, etc.
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    You may need:

  • Bird Seeds (That are safe to eat by birds in your area. Do your research!)
  • A small pouch
  • A larger pouch (alt. a large jar)
  • Anything that you have lying around that has positive correspondences!
  • A Few Examples:
  • River Stones
  • Vial of Moon Water
  • Quartz
  • Turquoise
  • Cinnamon, etc.
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    Take your birds seeds and pour some in the small pouch. Take the larger pouch (or jar) and fill it with all the happy items you can fit in it, then insert the smaller pouch into the larger one and leave it for a day to soak up all those energies.

    After a day, remove the smaller bird pouch from the jar/larger pouch and go out to feed some birds (ideally on a bright, clear day). It's recommended you remind yourself of your intent and project it onto the seeds as you feed the birds. And voila! You're done!

    Remember to help out your community after to help strengthen the spell.

    Added to on Jul 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #338 - Wish/Luck Potion

    This only goes for the following: -getting a job
    -getting lucky enough to meet your soulmate
    -curing of diseases
    **It does not work if it's used to hurt others.**
    You may need:

  • Water
  • 1 tsp. Nutmeg
  • 2 tsp. Ginger
  • 1 tea bag(any kind works fine)
  • Orange peels
  • Small Pan (optional)
  • Tea kettle (optional)
  • A cup
  • 3 tsp. Sugar
  • Pentagram
  • Stove
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • 1 tsp. Nutmeg
  • 2 tsp. Ginger
  • 1 tea bag(any kind works fine)
  • Orange peels
  • Small Pan (optional)
  • Tea kettle (optional)
  • A cup
  • 3 tsp. Sugar
  • Pentagram
  • Stove
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    1. Pour water into a pan/kettle.
    2. Put the pan/kettle over the fire until it starts to simmer.
    3. Add in the ginger and nutmeg, along with the orange peels. let it boil for 2 minutes.
    4. As those 2 minutes are passing, ready your cup by placing the pentagram under the cup, and placing the teabag inside the cup.
    5. take the pan/kettle off the heat and pour the orange-brown liquid into the cup. add in the sugar, and stir.
    6. Before drinking, make a wish.

    Note: If this spell works for you, let me know by rating the spell.

    Added to on Jul 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #339 - Fortune for Family

    This is a spell to bless you and your family with good fortune. For families who are struggling.
    You may need:

  • 4 Candles to represent the elements; Earth, Wind, Fire, Water; and a match to light them
  • 1 form of money; any value will do
  • Hair from yourself and family members
  • 1 piece of paper
  • Deity in which you worship; or just the Gods in general
  • A burial site
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    You may need:

  • 4 Candles to represent the elements; Earth, Wind, Fire, Water; and a match to light them
  • 1 form of money; any value will do
  • Hair from yourself and family members
  • 1 piece of paper
  • Deity in which you worship; or just the Gods in general
  • A burial site
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    The first thing you need are candles, one for each element, earth wind fire water. They do not have to be distinct colors, if you only have one color then you can engrave them with the name of the element. You will need to surround yourself with them, in the North, South, East and West directions. You will only light them as you acknowledge the elements. For instance, if you place the fire candle north of you, you will say, and I light the fire that burns north for me, or the wind the blows south for me. Leave it to your instincts to tell you where to place the candles.

    You will then need a sliver of hair from each of your family members which you will place in front of you, and a piece of your own that you will keep separate. If you have any form of money at all, even a penny will suffice, you will need it in your circle as well.

    Once you have all the candles lit and in place you will take the hairs of your family and burn them one time in each candle. As you are burning them, again, acknowledge the candle in which you are using. For instance, fire from the north, feel my family in your hands, and help them to prosper.

    Then you will take your hair and burn it only in the candle in front of you, the candle you have chosen for the north. You will say ''I am calling to the Gods, the Gods that have created and chosen me. I am calling for help and mercy.'' You will wait. You should feel intuition telling you when the Gods have heard your call. If a few minutes have passed and you still do not feel anything, say that last line louder and then follow up with this chant. DO NOT CONTINUE IF YOUR INTUITION TELLS YOU OTHERWISE. The Gods may have something working for you already.
    ''I declare, with this hair, that I have burned in sacrifice,
    I shall be blessed not twice but thrice, and with my family I do share.'' You will declare this THREE TIMES, getting louder and with more proclamation each time.

    Once you have finished you will take the form of money in your left hand, and offer it to the Gods who have decided to answer you. You will do this by setting it on a piece of paper and covering it in any ash left over from the burnt hair, and then pouring the wax from each element candle on top of it. You will write in the paper whatever special wish you have, then you will fold the paper 4 times and bury it somewhere special to you. After the sun has warmed it, and the moon has cooled it, you can unbury it on the second sun and burn it after praying to the Gods.

    This is not a quick spell, but it is powerful and effective.

    Added to on Jul 14, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #340 - To make time go faster

    I created this spell to make time go faster when you're bored in class, work or anything else. So far it has worked for me but I'd love to know if it has worked for you to!
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    ''Time is old,
    A thing of the past.
    I cast this spell,
    To make it go fast.''
    3 times and say
    ''So mote it be.''

    Added to on Jul 14, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2351 Luck Spells from Spell Casters