2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Revenge on your Ex Spell
- Help with Insomnia
- Wish Spell
- Most powerful spell of money
- Cat Instincts
- Good Luck Dreamcatcher
- Wishing Misfortune
- Genie Summon
- Instant Wish Powers
- Basic Energy Storing
#391 - Revenge on your Ex Spell
Light the pink candle and stare into the flame for 10 seconds. Write their first and last name on the back on his picture in the permanent marker. Burn the picture in the candle and put the ashes from the picture in the locket. Put out the candle and pick up the locket. Kiss the locket for good luck and put it on.
This may sound like a love spell, but that is because it is. If he/she asks you out, say no. It will break their heart!
#392 - Help with Insomnia
First: Please the three candles in a triangle form, If you have four candles place them in a square form
Second: Place the feather in the middle of the triangle or square
Third: Cast your circle of protection
Fifth: Sit and relax in criss-cross and relax
Sixth: Chant... You can chant how many times you feel sleepy or feel like it worked.
Dear gods and goddesses dear those who listen I ask you take what I have so I can sleep and rest shut my eyes and dream good nothing but good I ask you take what I have that won't let me rest... I ask now I ask now so mote it be
-Blessed Be.
#393 - Wish Spell
First: Place the three candles in a triangle form if you have two place them next to each other.
Second: Write down what you want on the paper ( like toys money etc... )
Third: Place the paper in the bowl
Fourth: Move the bowl in the middle of the triangle of in front of the two candles
Fifth: Poke your finger and drop some blood on the paper
sixth: Burn the paper
seventh: Chat only three times...
Dear gods from the heaven above please grant me what I seek and leave me be ...
The spell may or may not work fast it worked fast for me I found $100 on the street.
-Blessed Be.
#394 - Most powerful spell of money
Next morning remove the lemon and cut the lemon. Take the lemon far away from home, squeeze it and throw it away.
The Spell is to make way for money and increase money flow.
Red chili powder on lemon will destroy and remove all magic and evil eye attacks
#395 - Cat Instincts
"The mother of cats
Let me have the instincts of a cat,
Let me be the hunter of lair rats.
Let me have the will of determination,
And let me have the instincts of your cat creation,
The sharpness of the claws,
The un dieing glow of the eyes,
The clarity of the ears,
The flexibility of the spine, that never fails time apoun time.
Let me run freely with my new found paws,
And let us open new doors, and leave old doors closed.
Let me run freely with my new found cat brother's and sisters,
Thank you mother of cats, so as I say, mote it be!"
Write this on a piece of white or brown paper, fashion it in to a orogami cat or draw a symbol of a cat on the back, and then burn it into a brown candle and focus on what you can achieve with this gift such as power and happiness.
(Burn it with cat hair it is optional)
Just saying this was all created by me if you wish to repost please credit me :) also please mail me and see if it works.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#396 - Good Luck Dreamcatcher
1. Get your dreamcatcher(s), and go outside.
It's recommended if you stay indoors while doing this spell at night.
2. Imagine a turquoise or blue aura surrounding your dreamcatcher(s).
3. Say this spell 2-4 times, in a slow and calm voice (maybe more to make it special or if you need good luck):
"O gods and goddesses,
Hear my plea.
Bring me the power of good luck in this dreamcatcher
This is my will, so mote it be."
4. You should feel a sense of good luck after this spell is done correctly.
If you happen to stumble upon a US dollar, some rare jewelry, or anything that you would want to have, then it shows you did the spell correctly!
Note: I came up with this spell, I tested it out by saying it in my head, and it gave me some good results.
This may not work for everyone, but hey, don't be mad if it doesn't work.
It may take some time to get used to casting thus spell.
I'm a beginner, so I'm still learning the basics of Magic.
Believe and you will achieve!~
Last edited on Apr 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#397 - Wishing Misfortune
"Misfortune all day,
misfortune all night,
bring bad luck to (person's name),
but only for a might, as I say so
mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#398 - Genie Summon
"God and goddess, hear my plea. Let me summon a nice genie that we'll be nice to me. When one appearsmay theycome in half an hour. Let time freeze time while I am making my wish. After I am done let me thank my genie let it check up on me from time from time. Thank you god and goddess, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#399 - Instant Wish Powers
Say "I wish that the wish granting powers subliminal video will give me my wish instantly" and it will work instantly after I watch it 1 time.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#400 - Basic Energy Storing
Hold your hand above the gem and visualise your energy flowing into the gem, its hard and might not work the first time but whith practice you might get the hang of it after a while.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.