2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 2354 Luck Spells
- Saiyan cells spell
- subliminal affirmations wish spell.
- Triple777 7times wish spell
- Azabeela Wish fairy
- Sing-song, A song for Death
- Good luck spell for 7 days
- Arts of fighting :3
- A awesome wish spell:)
- bottle,bottle,- save a spell in a bottle
- Simple wish spell
#411 - Saiyan cells spell
You will get the saiyan cells from the anime dragonball z. Hope it works.
You may need:
Voice. Say it out loud or in your mind or whisper it or mutter it or say it without any noice.
And there's a hidden secret if you
Watch a video of a saiyan character transforming or powering up before you finish up with this is my wish so mote it be it will have more of a effect and you'll feel more energy and power I knows this because I have tried it and I had felt more energy and power and also works if you do it before and after the wish spell so try it and I hope that it works for you oh and one last thing you also have to have seen dragonball z or dragonball super to have a stronger effect.
You may need:
Voice. Say it out loud or in your mind or whisper it or mutter it or say it without any noice.
And there's a hidden secret if you
Watch a video of a saiyan character transforming or powering up before you finish up with this is my wish so mote it be it will have more of a effect and you'll feel more energy and power I knows this because I have tried it and I had felt more energy and power and also works if you do it before and after the wish spell so try it and I hope that it works for you oh and one last thing you also have to have seen dragonball z or dragonball super to have a stronger effect.
Playinggod has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 07, 2017
#412 - subliminal affirmations wish spell.
Hey guys this is to have all subliminal affirmations videos work instantly after listening and watching it 1 time Im not sure if it will work but you must give it ago and if it doesn't work instantly just keep trying and keep saying this before a subliminal affirmations video.
You may need:
Voice.eyes or ears depending on the instructions on the video.
subliminal affirmations videos.
Playinggod has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 07, 2017
#413 - Triple777 7times wish spell
Should Give you 777 times more luck I havnt tried it yet hope it works.
Say by the power of triple777 I wish to have 777 times more luck instantly after I say this wish spell 7 times so mote it be.
Playinggod has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 07, 2017
#414 - Azabeela Wish fairy
This will call the wish fairy azabeela to you don't know if it works yet but just keep trying.
You may need:
Voice,any emotion and you have to finish of your wish by saying make my wish become a reality right now instantly please azabeela so mote it be.
Playinggod has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 07, 2017
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Spells Of Magic
on Apr 20, 2017
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
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Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#415 - Sing-song, A song for Death
Sing a song for Death.
(Black magic involved)
Take the photo and draw on the back, the following.(Black magic involved)
the Lyrics ARE Strong,
Hey there is Trouble Ahead.
May the trouble, Maker be DEAD.
Let the Funeral-Bells ring.
Write All capitals in bold as well as the commas and full stops put sing-song and ding-dong in bold.
Seal it in something like a bag, Then put it some where dark, or you rarely see it for example a curse candle or put a black pice of paper over it, and let the dark forces manifest in time, and when you think it is done burn it in a curse candle.
If you wish to undo this if there are Ashes left over off the curse candle burn the Ashes with a white candle and if there are no Ashes left over write I did not mean it on the seal or bag to put the Ashes in if you wish to chicken out write on the back of the picture I did not mean it in red and soak it in purification water or just normal water and Bury it some where
(Write exactly as I have or it might not work also be care full of what you wish for)
This is ALL WRITTEN BY ME so if you wish to repost it please credit me :)
JazzyBee3131 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 18, 2017
#416 - Good luck spell for 7 days
Brings good luck for seven days
Please mail me if this does or doesn't work.
First light the green candle and put it in front of you then sit down in a meditative position stare into the flame of the candle and clear your mind. After that chant three times :IS NOT TESTED
Please mail me if this does or doesn't work.
''Gods and goddesses of luck bless me with good luck for seven days to come.''
After you say that three times add ''so mote it be''
lemidge has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 18, 2017
#417 - Arts of fighting :3
To know about every martial art in the world. Note say it just one time just to make it easy for you because I love it when a spell is super easy to do and I will say instantly alot in my wish spells so have fun :D
You may need:
Voice,cystal optional necklace optional,emotion optional,say out loud wisper or in head/mind,beginner or master optional,help from anyone that you want and is optional or say by yourself and visualization optional. And that's it.
Playinggod has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 07, 2017
#418 - A awesome wish spell:)
This is my first spell on this site don't know if it works yet it's untested but hope it works this spell will give me powers only but in return I'll help me you more powerful if you complete this wish spell for me :D.
You may need:
Voice,any emotion,no ingreediance required but is optional if you think it will help and already being powerful but optional or you can be a beginner it doesn't matter how powerful you are as long as you use voice or emotion :D.
Playinggod has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 07, 2017
#419 - bottle,bottle,- save a spell in a bottle
(this spell can be used in black gray or white magic)
bottle,bottle,the inside Never changes,
but the Outside of the bottle,
the Earth changes little by little
Time will Save this spell,
Until the End with out,
Fading or Breaking,
(then write your spell here)
(write it exactly as i have or it probably wont work)as you are writing the spell put all capital letters and commas in bold also put bottle,bottle, and little by little in bold. under line little by little
then roll the piece of paper up tie it and but it inside the bottle and seal it and bury it some where or under a near by tree (be careful of what you wish for) if you wish to undo it color the bad bits in black then burn it then put it in water mix it and flush it down the toilet
this belongs entirely by me is you wish to re-post it credit me please :)
(this spell can be used in black gray or white magic)
JazzyBee3131 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 18, 2017
#420 - Simple wish spell
A spell that can make wish come true. Though keep it simple and clear.
First, write down your wish on the paper. State your wish clearly, or it'll messed up. Below the wish, write down your real full name and birth date and the symbol of your horoscope, as well your second name (nickname, etc.)After that, fold the paper five times into a small square, then draw a symbol of a circle with a triangle in the circle. Then light the candle. Burn the paper (careful not to burn yourself) while chanting these words repeatedly;
''As I light the wish into this flame,
The flame will ignite it,
As I desire for the wish to come true,
The power will give it to me,
Believing me to care for it,
As I believe the power will make it come true''
After that let the paper burn. When it's done gather up the ashes and smear it onto your hands. Leave it for a minute then you can wash it off while chanting:
''The flame will ignite it,
The power will give it to me.''
Chant it till all wash off. If you have doubts if your wish not come true, use this chant to brush the doubts.
Shahiera has been a member of the site for 14 years, since May 27, 2011
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Apr 17, 2017
Last edited on Jan 16, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Jan 16, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters