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2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2352 Luck Spells
2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2352 Luck Spells
  1. Real Wish
  2. Centaur Spell
  3. RainBow Candle Spell
  4. Calling four Corners
  5. Angel Spell
  6. 5 Ultimate Spells
  7. How to make a Charm Bag
  8. East Indian Tantra
  9. Test Your Magic
  10. Wishing Bundle

#841 - Real Wish

This spell can give you what you want. Because of its simplicity, you can only grant 3 wishes for yourself. If the wish is evil or unkind, it will not be granted.
You may need:

  • A clear voice in your mind
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    You may need:

  • A clear voice in your mind
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    1. Lay down... be excited or calm...
    2. Chant in your mind ''I wish for this to come true. *insert wish here* So mote it be.''
    3. Go on, have a nice day! :)

    Added to on Jun 26, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #842 - Centaur Spell

    This lets you turn into a centaur!
    You may need:

  • A drawn picture of the centaur you want to look like
  • The ability to speak
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    You may need:

  • A drawn picture of the centaur you want to look like
  • The ability to speak
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    Put the picture in your lap, then say the following spell only 1x:

    Magic spirits of nature,
    Please grant me this wish,
    I wish to be a centaur,
    one that looks like this drawing,
    With a strong body,
    And a strong heart,
    I will still be me at heart,
    Let this transformation start right now,
    So mote it be.

    Added to on Jun 24, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #843 - RainBow Candle Spell

    Purpose: To banish negativity. Strengthen positive virtues. To pay respect to both the Goddess and God
    You may need:

  • Athame
  • Anointing Oil
  • Matches
  • 13 Candles (one of each of the following colors):
  • Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, White, Yellow,
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    You may need:

  • Athame
  • Anointing Oil
  • Matches
  • 13 Candles (one of each of the following colors):
  • Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, White, Yellow,
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    Cast Circle Clockwise
    With a Witches' blade
    This circle now is made
    Spirits of old
    I call thee to guard and to behold.

    Face East:

    "I greet the Spirits of the East
    Who inspires Inspiration in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here."

    Face South:

    "I greet the Spirits of the South
    Who inspires Compassion in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here."

    Face West:

    "I greet the Spirits of the West
    Who inspires Faith in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here."

    Face North:

    "I greet the Spirits of the North
    Who inspires Wisdom in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here."

    Move back to the center:

    "I greet the Spirits Within
    Who inspires Understanding in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here."

    Arrange candles on the alter from left to right as follows:

    Silver, gold, white, gray, black, orange, yellow, purple, red, blue, brown, green, and pink.

    Anoint Candles:

    "I consecrate thee
    As a tool of magick
    I charge thee with power
    In the name of the Goddess
    And in the name of the God
    So Mote It Be!"

    Repeat for each candle.

    Light the silver candle:

    "Candle of silver
    I light thee in honor of the Goddess
    May She bless and protect this circle
    So the magick that is within it this
    Night will be brought to life.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the gold candle:

    "Candle of gold
    I light thee in honor of the God
    May He bless and protect this circle
    So the magick that is within it this
    Night will be brought to life.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the white candle:

    "Candle of white
    I light thee for in your light there is truth,
    Purity and spiritual strength.
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I learn to be more centered
    And may I be blessed with wholeness.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the gray candle:

    "Candle of gray
    I light thee so that all negative energy
    From within and without
    may now be neutralized.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the black candle:

    "Candle of black
    I light thee so that all evil
    May now be banished
    And all sorrow and discord
    Be brought to a close
    Bless me with the power to let go of the past
    and put to rest which is no longer
    So that from this ending
    A new beginning can emerge.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the orange candle:

    "Candle of orange
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Encouragement and stimulation,
    Adaptation and organization
    As you burn bright and strong
    May the powers of self-control and
    Concentration be strengthened.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the yellow candle:

    "Candle of yellow
    I light thee for in your light there is unity,
    Persuasion and creativity
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my confidence be increased
    And my mind power be strengthened.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the purple candle:

    "Candle of purple
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Ambition, dignity, and independence
    Bless me with wisdom and protection
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my psychic and occult powers
    Also grow in strength.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the red candle:

    "Candle of red
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Strength, energy and passion
    Bless me with will power and courage
    Like the blood of life that flows through my veins
    May your force always flow throughout
    My body, my mind and my spiritual self.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the blue candle:

    "Candle of blue
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Peace, inspiration and tranquility
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I come to know the virtues of
    Patience, loyalty and understanding.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the brown candle:

    "Candle of brown
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Stability and earthiness
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I learn to overcome
    Indecision and hesitation
    And all that holds me back.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the green candle:

    "Candle of green
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Healing, fertility and prosperity
    Grant me ambition and generosity
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I be blessed with good luck in abundance.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the pink candle:

    "Candle of pink
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Affection and friendship,
    Honor and unselfishness
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my spirit awaken and may my heart know
    The true meaning of love
    For love is the treasure at the end of the rainbow
    And only love can conquer all
    For love is light And light is love
    And love shall be the law
    So Mote It Be!"

    Visualize the magickal energy flowing from the candle's aura into your body through your finger tips. Continue until you feel your body is filled with the magickal rainbow of energy.

    Close Circle:

    Stand in the Center:

    "I bid farewell to the Spirits Within
    Open to the Understanding you inspired
    Attuned to the energied of the Spirit
    Thankful for your attendance."

    Face North:

    "I bid farewell to the Spirits of North
    Open to the Wisdom you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Earth
    Thankful for your attendance."

    Face West:

    "I bid farewell to the Spirits of West
    Open to the Faith you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Water
    Thankful for your attendance."

    Face South:

    "I bid farewell to the Spirits of South
    Open to the Compassion you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Fire
    Thankful for your attendance."

    Face East:

    "I bid farewell to the Spirits of East
    Open to the Inspiration you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Air
    Thankful for your attendance."

    "In perfect love and harming none
    Our sacred spellwork is now done
    As the future becomes the present
    As the present becomes the past
    We bid farewell to the Goddess and God
    This circle of magick is now uncast.
    So Mote It Be!"

    The candles may now be extinguished or burned out.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #844 - Calling four Corners

    Purpose: To banish negativity. Strengthen positive virtues. To pay respect to both the Goddess and God
    You may need:

  • Athame
  • Anointing Oil
  • Matches
  • 13 Candles (one of each of the following colors):
  • Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, White, Yellow,
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    You may need:

  • Athame
  • Anointing Oil
  • Matches
  • 13 Candles (one of each of the following colors):
  • Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, White, Yellow,
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    Cast Circle Clockwise
    With a Witches' blade
    This circle now is made
    Spirits of old
    I call thee to guard and to behold.

    Face East:
    I greet the Spirits of the East
    Who inspires Inspiration in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here.

    Face South:
    I greet the Spirits of the South
    Who inspires Compassion in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here.

    Face West:
    I greet the Spirits of the West
    Who inspires Faith in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here.

    Face North:
    I greet the Spirits of the North
    Who inspires Wisdom in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here.

    Move back to the center:
    I greet the Spirits Within
    Who inspires Understanding in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here.

    Arrange candles on the alter from left to right as follows:
    silver, gold, white, gray, black, orange, yellow, purple, red, blue, brown, green, pink

    Anoint Candles:
    I consecrate thee
    As a tool of magick
    I charge thee with power
    In the name of the Goddess
    And in the name of the God
    So Mote It Be!

    Repeat for each candle.

    Light the silver candle:
    Candle of silver
    I light thee in honor of the Goddess
    May She bless and protect this circle
    So the magick that is within it this
    Night will be brought to life.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the gold candle:
    Candle of gold
    I light thee in honor of the God
    May He bless and protect this circle
    So the magick that is within it this
    Night will be brought to life.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the white candle:
    Candle of white
    I light thee for in your light there is truth,
    Purity and spiritual strength.
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I learn to be more centered
    And may I be blessed with wholeness.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the gray candle:
    Candle of gray
    I light thee so that all negative energy
    From within and without
    may now be neutralized.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the black candle:
    Candle of black
    I light thee so that all evil
    May now be banished
    And all sorrow and discord
    Be brought to a close
    Bless me with the power to let go of the past
    and put to rest which is no longer
    So that from this ending
    A new beginning can emerge.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the orange candle:
    Candle of orange
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Encouragement and stimulation,
    Adaptation and organization
    As you burn bright and strong
    May the powers of self-control and
    Concentration be strengthened.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the yellow candle:
    Candle of yellow
    I light thee for in your light there is unity,
    Persuasion and creativity
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my confidence be increased
    And my mind power be strengthened.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the purple candle:
    Candle of purple
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Ambition, dignity, and independence
    Bless me with wisdom and protection
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my psychic and occult powers
    Also grow in strength.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the red candle:
    Candle of red
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Strength, energy and passion
    Bless me with will power and courage
    Like the blood of life that flows through my veins
    May your force always flow throughout
    My body, my mind and my spiritual self.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the blue candle:
    Candle of blue
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Peace, inspiration and tranquility
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I come to know the virtues of
    Patience, loyalty and understanding.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the brown candle:
    Candle of brown
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Stability and earthiness
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I learn to overcome
    Indecision and hesitation
    And all that holds me back.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the green candle:
    Candle of green
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Healing, fertility and prosperity
    Grant me ambition and generosity
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I be blessed with good luck in abundance.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the pink candle:
    Candle of pink
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Affection and friendship,
    Honor and unselfishness
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my spirit awaken and may my heart know
    The true meaning of love
    For love is the treasure at the end of the rainbow
    And only love can conquer all
    For love is light And light is love
    And love shall be the law
    So Mote It Be!

    Visualize the magickal energy flowing from the candle's aura into your body through your finger tips. Continue until you feel your body is filled with the magickal rainbow of energy.

    Close Circle:

    Stand in the Center:
    I bid farewell to the Spirits Within
    Open to the Understanding you inspired
    Attuned to the energied of the Spirit
    Thankful for your attendance.

    Face North:
    I bid farewell to the Spirits of North
    Open to the Wisdom you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Earth
    Thankful for your attendance.

    Face West:
    I bid farewell to the Spirits of West
    Open to the Faith you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Water
    Thankful for your attendance.

    Face South:
    I bid farewell to the Spirits of South
    Open to the Compassion you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Fire
    Thankful for your attendance.

    Face East:
    I bid farewell to the Spirits of East
    Open to the Inspiration you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Air
    Thankful for your attendance.

    In perfect love and harming none
    Our sacred spellwork is now done
    As the future becomes the present
    As the present becomes the past
    We bid farewell to the Goddess and God
    This circle of magick is now uncast.
    So Mote It Be!

    The candles may now be extinguished or burned out.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #845 - Angel Spell

    Y'> The Angel Spell can be done anytime. It's very effective. Repeat it often for best results.
    Yor final wish to be an angel comes true...
    You may need:

  • Nothin but for the best result it's good to light 4 white candles in east,west,south,north of u and burn a rose or vanilla incense
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    You may need:

  • Nothin but for the best result it's good to light 4 white candles in east,west,south,north of u and burn a rose or vanilla incense
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    State your intention, then say the following:

    Ariel begins it.
    Baradiel guides it.
    The Chalkydri sing it.
    Devas manifest it.
    Elohim wills it.
    The Fravashi better it.
    Gabriel brings it.
    The Hafaza watch it.
    The Ischim balance it.
    Jael guards it.
    Kadmiel births it.
    Lahabiel aids it.
    Michael raises it.
    Nebo ministers it.
    Ofaniel sees it.
    Patron angels devote it.
    The Queen of angels speaks it.
    Raphael inspires it.
    Sandalphon prays it.
    Thrones sanctify it.
    Uriel strengthens it.
    Vrevoil reveals it.
    Watchers protect it.
    Xathanael patrons it.
    Yahriel places the glory of the moon on it.
    Zodiac angels seal it.
    And Spirit brings it through time and space.
    So mote it be!

    Make a sign in the air of an equal-armed cross using your dominant hand.

    Added to on Jun 20, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #846 - 5 Ultimate Spells

    These spells are my object finding spells if one didn't work...try the other one!
    You may need:

  • n/a
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    You may need:

  • n/a
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    "Keeper of what disappears,
    Hear me now -- open your ears.
    Find for me what I now seek,
    By Moon, Sun, Earth, Air, Fire and Sea."


    Cast a circle like you normally would. Then say:

    "By the powers of Moon, Sun, Earth, Air, Fire and Sea
    what once was lost return to me."

    Visualize your lost item being back in your possession.

    Release the magic and wait.


    "Earth, air, water, fire, help me find what I desire
    Candle, cup, wind, seed, help me find what need."

    Remember to think about what you want to find very hard.


    Spoken as needed when you have lost something:

    "Bound and Binding
    Binding, Bound
    See the sight
    Hear the sound
    What was lost
    Now is found
    Bound and Binding
    Binding, Bound."

    Then think of what the object looks like and how it sounds.


    Say or chant:

    "I now invoke the law of three what once was lost returns to me."

    Added to on Jun 20, 2015
    Last edited on Nov 24, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #847 - How to make a Charm Bag

    Blessed be
    You may need:

  • Explained....
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    You may need:

  • Explained....
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    Select the material that you would like to use for your bag. Velvet, felt, or leather are good choices. You can also use cotton or any other fabric. Because of it's rich texture, velvet is a good choice for charm bags designed to bring money and prosperity to you.

    Select the color of fabric for your charm bag. The color you choose depends on the purpose for your bag.

    Pink is used for love.

    Red is used for passion or sex.

    Black is used for banishing and revenge.

    Blue is used for spirituality and healing.

    Purple is used for protection and also for psychic power.

    Gold is used for wealth and prosperity.

    Green is used for financial matters.

    White is used for purity and cleansing. It can also be used for spirituality.

    Other color associations that you may want to consider are:

    Silver for the Goddess

    Gold for the God

    White for the angels or your spirit guide.

    Green for fairies.

    Cut your material into two square sections. Place the two pieces together with the insides facing each other.

    Slowly sew three of the sides of the pouch together. While you sew your charm bag, focus your thoughts on the purpose for the charm. Visualize your goal coming true for you and know that as you sew your energy is being put into your charm bag and being sent out into the Universe and to the Goddess.

    Next you can decorate your charm bag in any way that you wish. You may wish to draw meaningful symbols on the bag. You can can write your purpose on the bag. Sewing beads, sequins, ribbons, or other decorations on the bag is a good idea. The more effort and time you put into decorating and working with your charm bag, the more of your personal energy you infuse into it. While you are doing this, imagine that the charm bag is working its magic for you.

    Now add the ingredients that you want to have in your charm bag. You can use anything that you feel is symbolic of the goal you wish to reach. Dried herbs, crystals, photos, written words, flower petals, trinkets, a small magnet (for magnetism), you can even spray the inside or outside of the bag with a perfume or dab it with essential oil.

    Sew the top of your charm bag closed. If you wish, you can sew a ribbon onto the bag to hang it with. You may also carry the charm bag in your pocketbook, bag, or in your pocket.

    Added to on Jun 19, 2015
    Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #848 - East Indian Tantra

    To get rid of your enemies once and for all.
    You may need:

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    You may need:

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    Added to on Jun 17, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #849 - Test Your Magic

    I did this with my friend and it worked.
    You may need:

  • Necklace or Bracelet
  • Water
  • Concentration
  • Bush or tree
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    You may need:

  • Necklace or Bracelet
  • Water
  • Concentration
  • Bush or tree
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    Place the bowl of water next to you and make sure you have your necklace with you.
    Dip the necklace into the water and concentrate really hard now slowly take it out and wear it.
    now go outside or look outside and focus on a bush or a certain part of it. Slowly whisper these words:

    "Am I magic, am I not
    this is to take my cannes.
    On all I got
    now wind I ask you to give me a sign,
    and move this bush
    and tell me if I am magic."

    If it blows to the left you are and if it blows to the right you aren't.

    Best perfumed on a windy day.

    Added to on Jun 14, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #850 - Wishing Bundle

    Wishing box spell.
    You may need:

  • A box large enough to hold your chosen wishing items
  • 1 silver candle
  • 1 silver ribbon to bind your box
  • Any items that represent your wish
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    You may need:

  • A box large enough to hold your chosen wishing items
  • 1 silver candle
  • 1 silver ribbon to bind your box
  • Any items that represent your wish
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    1. Gather all your items in one place.
    2. When you are ready, light your silver candle.
    3. Center your thoughts and focus on your mind completely upon your intent. Concentrate on your wish as clearly as possible.
    4. Place your items one at a time within the box repeating the chant:
    ''This (item) to bring to life my wish for (name what the item represents).''
    5. Once all items are in your box close it completely and begin to bind it up with the ribbon. As you do so, recite,
    ''With this ribbon I do bind, that it may my heart's wish find.''
    6. Place your box somewhere safe. Do not touch it or open it until your wish has come true.

    Added to on Jun 14, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2352 Luck Spells from Spell Casters