It will make you able to shift between a human and a wolf at will. (This is not a werewolf spell.)
You may need:
You may need:
Go outside to a peaceful area where you will not be disturbed. A streambank or a clearing or a little wooded area will do.
Imagine your wolf form and recite the spell below one time.
As you recite the spell, imagine yourself shifting back and forth with ease.
''Let me shift at my will,
Into a wolf, from a human.
Let me shift at my will,
Into a human, from a wolf.
Let me shift at my will,
Wolf to human, human to wolf.
Teeth shift into fangs and back.
Hands and feet shift to paws and back.
A tail grows and shrinks,
Ears change from wolf to human and back.
Fur grows, fur disappears,
In the shifting from human to wolf,
In the shifting from wolf to human.
Give the tongue two dialects,
One of human, one of wolf.
Both may be spoken in either form.
May strength be bestowed on the wolf,
To carry whatever is needed upon its back.
Let the shifts come easy and without pain,
Let quickness of shifts come too.
May the paws be swift,
The body strong,
And the mind intelligent.
Let me shift at my will,
Into a wolf, from a human.
Let me shift at my will,
Into a human, from a wolf.
So mote it be,
So mote it be.
I have not tested this spell yet, so mail me feedback, side effects, and how long the spell takes to work!
You should carry this bottle about with you (in a bag for example) when you wish to be lucky. Luck will follow you as long as it is near you.
You may need:
Apple pips (about 10*)
Pine needles (about 5 needles*)
Small container(ideally a small bottle)
You may need:
Apple pips (about 10*)
Pine needles (about 5 needles*)
Small container(ideally a small bottle)
Dry out pips if necessary. Put the apple pips into the container. Add the pine needles. Once all of the ingredients have been added hold the bottle in both hands and say: 'Fortuna condita sint mecum' twice.
Concentrate hard on your enemy. Think of the wrong things they did to you backfiring much stronger, then chant 13 times: "You've done me wrong, now feel my wrath!"
Chant:"The water in my veins,the air in my lungs, the beautiful earth, the fire in my heart. Please help me have (thing you want). Thank you, my best friends. You are so powerful.
First, you write your spell instructions on the piece of paper. Then, say ''Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, I call on you, to make this spell magic. So mote it be!'' Only say it once though. It should work. You can also use other spells to gain more power.
Start off by meditating to help you get positive energy for this spell. After you have done that, take one, nice large breath and say, ''I need luck for today, give me the luck I need for this day.'' After that, take just a few more breaths, and you're done.
Whoever you cast this spell upon will immediately have bad luck.
You may need:
A candle
Bowl of cold water
Strip of Paper
Quill with Ink (a pen will do fine)
You may need:
A candle
Bowl of cold water
Strip of Paper
Quill with Ink (a pen will do fine)
First you must light the candle near the bowl of water. Write the full name of the person whom you wish to cast the spell on, on the strip of paper. Speak the spell into the flame, making it flicker. The spell for misfortune:
"Alaka Mon At-tu Ala (Al-aka, mon, at-too, ay-la) May luck fade, dying away Kissa ra oreume (key-sa, ra, or-em) Luck burns away from thee, until thy water sets thy free Quet Revera Sef Mopilee Aquar Pudeo (key-et re-vehr-a seph mop-e-lee aquar pood-eo)"
Now light the flame and place the paper into the fire. As soon as it disappears and turns into ash, say the following;
"Seven days of misfortune torture thee, but after the spell will be released Meria colenso peressi alakanomen nerye duli (mur-ea colenso par-e-see ala-ka-nom-en near-ye duel-e)"
Dip the candle into the water until the flame sizzles out. As soon as this happens the spell will instantly show effects and will last for seven days. I guarantee it will work if used properly although sometimes the misfortune may not appear so obviously.