7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Spell to Banish an Illness
- Permanent Energy Source; Key of Secrets
- Creating Sigils
- Protection Jar
- Representations of Leaves
- Eggshell Chalk
- Cord Cutting
- Protection Necklace
#111 - Spell to Banish an Illness
Meditate for at least 5 minutes, imagining a golden light emitting from your body.
You can use a black or white candle if you would like to assist with the banishing of your sickness
Say this spell three times
Great Goddess of day and night
Please protect me with all your might
Banish this illness from me
Healthy I wish to be
I cast out sickness and pain
Return my health once again
I thank thee
Three times three
Blessed be
Be careful if you decide to use the candle!
Say: "Energy," then say, "activate." Then you will start having more energy around the house, it takes around two weeks to start working.
#113 - Permanent Energy Source; Key of Secrets
First, you need to cleanse your working space, then cast a circle (you need to know to do this properly)
inside a circle, put some small compact object (that will be your anchor) that's associated with the source (for example small pedant of the moon if the source is the moon or obsidian necklace if source is center of the earth, or key for etheric field)
Put a simple box atop of your object, and atop of the box, put an metal plate. Put an colored candle in the metal plate, but note that color of candle must represent source of your energy.
At the upper third of your candle, attach 8 pins (just poke 'em in the waxy candle). Then light up the candle
You will need to meditate inside the circle, lying down or sitting, visualizing that anchor connecting with the supposed source of energy. You need to meditate until wax burns down and all pins fall to the metal plate from the candle. Then, you need to note in which shape pins fell. Draw that shape on the paper, that will be the code word, or the "sigil" of your anchor. When you visualize the shape, or look at it on the paper, you are unlocking a pathway to the source with your anchor key, while doing so, meditate on drawing energy trough this channel.
You can leave anchor on the paper with code word, just be sure to draw circle around it and build up some basic protection around it, because you don't want certain entities coming to the leakage of the energy. By doing so, you have perpetual generator of supposed energy, a channel to the source.
#114 - Creating Sigils
Method 1
Write a positive phrase that is your intent. Take out the vowels and use the remaining consonants to create an image that you feel represents your intent.
Method 2
Think of a phrase that is your intent. Start creating images that you feel represent your phrase/intent and use the images in your sigil.
To activate a sigil, you can blow on it, burn the paper it's written on, carve it into a candle and burn it, draw it on your skin, or draw it on certain objects that are significant to you.
#115 - Protection Jar
Cleanse your jar beforehand with incense or herb smoke. Combine ingredients in the jar and gently shake it 9 times. Carefully place your black candle on top of the jar and light it. The wax will melt all over the jar, which acts as a powerful seal.
#116 - Representations of Leaves
Especially in autumn, you can place leaves on your altar or in your home to attract the magical properties of the tree. You can also use them for crafts, such as wreaths.
Maple - love, money, sweetness, good luck, wealth.
Oak - wisdom, strength, youthfulness, healing.
Elm - protection from lightening, the divine feminine.
Birch - fertility, women's health/issues, renewal, growth, warding off evil.
Poplar - protection, money, divination, success, transformation.
Chestnut - abundance, animals, success, love.
Elder - protection, healing, intuition, crone magic, death, rebirth.
Walnut - wealth, money, health, healing.
Apple - love, luck, fertility, immortality, money.
#117 - Eggshell Chalk
Combine ingredients thoroughly and mash the mixture into a thick paste. Form into a tight cylinder and wrap in paper. Let sit for 3 days. Eggshells renew your energy and pull negative energy from your body. You can use this chalk to draw energy, meditation, or protection circles and draw sigils.
#118 - Cord Cutting
Before beginning, cleanse all materials with incense or herb smoke. On your first piece of paper, write your first, middle, and last name and your birthday. On the second piece, write the same for the person you want to break your connection with. Place them next to each other and set a candle on top of each one. Tie your string around the candles so the string is suspended between them. Sprinkle crushed eggshells on both pieces of paper and candles. Eggshells represent renewal and rebirth and also cleanse negative energy. Light both candles at the same time. Once the flames reach the string, it will burn as the connection is severed.
#119 - Protection Necklace
First, cleanse all materials with incense or herb smoke. Attach a clear quartz to a necklace chain with a cage. During a full moon, set the black candle in a window or outside and place the necklace next to it. Sprinkle the candle and necklace with black salt, which is salt mixed with incense and/or herb ash. Lastly, light the candle and let it burn completely. The clear quartz will absorb the protective energy from the black candle and black salt, as well as energy from the full moon.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Say: "[Name of article you want, like 500 TALL GLASS RUE CANDLES 4" DIAMETER ONES]," then say, "activate."
From there you will feel a peaceful feeling if it ordered it for you correctly and in your head it will tell you it gave the candles to you, you can spell write with this, like make a talisman out of a coin, just say after, "please this coin, make it the spell of talisman thingy for peace or love or my choosing." Then you can like put a 5 point pentagram drawing on it with a marker or to your liking stuff like that.
Please Note: If you put like love spells on someone and they don't like you it turns you gay. Each candle comes with stuff like that, backfiring, like if you aren't certified it backfires, so i cant be responsible for you. No white people can use because it is African.