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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7154 Spiritual Spells
7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
  1. Nangnindil
  2. Dessaperto
  3. Finding your aura
  4. Elemental Eggs
  5. Basic/Simple Protection Spell/Barrier
  6. Ignition spell
  7. Shun pain
  8. Simple Match Spell for Anger
  9. Happiness and Well-Being Sachet
  10. Paint the Mirrors Black

#1191 - Nangnindil

This is an extremely useful spell that requires no ingredients but the Circle of Maglatan.
You may need:

  • Circle of Maglatan
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    You may need:

  • Circle of Maglatan
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    Place the Circle of Maglatan in the crook of your left elbow, face up, the inner most circle visible. Press your left pinkie onto the center and whisper "Nangnindil." The circle will split into two, one in each hand. Each will have the temporary ability to shoot streams of concentrated celestial matter, though it will take a modest toll on your energy. If it is night, the energy will be white. By day, black.

    Added to on Jun 27, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1192 - Dessaperto

    Binds people with enchanted, growing thorny vines that leave them immobilized.
    You may need:

  • 1 red rose
  • Circle of Maglatan
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    You may need:

  • 1 red rose
  • Circle of Maglatan
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    Place the Circle of Maglatan in the palm of your non-dominant hand. Bring the thumb and middle finger of your dominant hand together and draw an imaginary square around the circle. Then quickly, grasp the red rose between the thumb and middle finger and prick your thumb. Let the drop of blood fall into the very center of the Circle of Maglatan, then place the head of the rose exactly within the second inner circle. The spell will commence. If you wish to immobilize another person, let another drop of blood fall into the center for every new person.

    Added to on Jun 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1193 - Finding your aura

    This spell will help you find your aura color. If it dosn't work, don't rage. You can try it again, or try another spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Close your eyes and relax.
    Focus on clearing your mind.
    Then, concentrate on your aura.
    If a color begins to form, concentrate on it.
    That color is your aura color.

    Added to on Jun 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1194 - Elemental Eggs

    This will summon an elemental creature for you to hatch and take care of.
    You may need:

  • Figure or toy of the creature you want to summon
  • Colored candle
  • Glass object (preferably in an egg shape)
  • Black pen
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    You may need:

  • Figure or toy of the creature you want to summon
  • Colored candle
  • Glass object (preferably in an egg shape)
  • Black pen
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    First, take a piece of paper and draw a triangle with a circle around it with the pen. Make sure the edges of the triangle are touching the circle.
    Second, take the figure and place it at the bottom right point of the triangle. This will represent the animal you want. Then place the glass object on the bottom left point. This represents the egg your animal will hatch from. Finally take your candle and place it at the top of the triangle. The color of it is important to this as it will determine the element your animal will control.
    Light the candle then chant this once:
    Powers of earth, night and day
    This creature, care for it I may
    I promise to care for it, give it everything it needs
    For this creature relies on me
    Fire, water wind and earth
    I will protect it with all my heart
    so mote it be!
    Blow out the candle and when you get up tomorrow you should see an egg the color of the candle in the center of the triangle.
    When your animal hatches it will be tintedthe color of the candle, too.
    Fire-will be hot to the touch
    Water-will have fins and gills
    Nature-will have some flowers sprouting along its back
    Earth- will rocklike scales along its back
    Light-will have a soft glow to it
    Love-will have a soft mane
    Darkness-will have an aura of shadows
    Wind-will be cold to the touch
    Remember these have normal needs too so provide it food and water like a normal pet!

    Added to on Jun 24, 2017
    Last edited on Mar 12, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1195 - Basic/Simple Protection Spell/Barrier

    A spell to protect a certain area or living space.
    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Your Voice
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Your Voice
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    Before you go and do this spell right away make sure you read the whole instructions. Sprinkle salt in either a circle around the area you wish to protect or in a line at doorways or windows. A thicker line of salt will be better than a fine line. (If there are any breaks in the salt, evil spirits, dark magick, ect. will be able to either break through your barrier or simply pass through it) DO NOT use this spell in a frequently wet or ever changing area such as a beach, lake, pond, stream, desert, or ocean. This spell is ment for enemies, and or evil spirits, if you consider someone neutral or good they will be able to pass through the barrier. This spell WILL NOT work for someone with bad intention. You also must believe in real magick for this spell to work, do not expect the magic to work the first time. (It didn't for me)

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1196 - Ignition spell

    Ignites the target.
    You may need:

  • Being a fire elemental
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Being a fire elemental
  • Concentration
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    Extend your arm toward the target with your fingers spread apart like you are pushing something, while doing this say ignus minorus and envision heat enveloping the target.

    It may take practice to master.
    Best of luck.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1197 - Shun pain

    If you are wounded or in pain this simple incantation will give you the strength to continue
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this simple incantation : As long as their is blood to be spilt flesh to be severed and tendons to be torn I will not fall to this scorn! This should ease the pain and give you strength.

    This works best in combat situations, if the spell fails you are at least likely to confuse your assailant. Also saying it with passion improves the effectiveness of the spell.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1198 - Simple Match Spell for Anger

    This easy to perform spell will help alleviate any feelings of anger inside you, to leave you feeling calm and able to feel happy.
    You may need:

  • A match
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    You may need:

  • A match
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    When you’re mad, light a match; as quickly as you can, channel all the anger you have into the flame, before it reaches your fingers. Envision your anger “burning down” and decreasing as the flame moves down the match. Put it out (hopefully before you get burnt) and your anger is gone.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1199 - Happiness and Well-Being Sachet

    A sachet spell to help you feel happy, and draw positivity and general goodness into your life.
    You may need:

  • White fabric
  • A needle and yellow thread
  • A bay leaf
  • Peppercorns (courage)
  • Rosemary (general good health)
  • Sage (healing and protection)
  • Thyme (good luck)
  • Lilac (self love)
  • Lavender (peace and relaxation)
  • Salt (protection and cleansing)
  • Yellow citrine (happiness)
  • Sandalwood incense
  • A bell and ribbon
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    You may need:

  • White fabric
  • A needle and yellow thread
  • A bay leaf
  • Peppercorns (courage)
  • Rosemary (general good health)
  • Sage (healing and protection)
  • Thyme (good luck)
  • Lilac (self love)
  • Lavender (peace and relaxation)
  • Salt (protection and cleansing)
  • Yellow citrine (happiness)
  • Sandalwood incense
  • A bell and ribbon
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    Fold a piece of fabric in half, and sew two of the open edges, leaving the last side open. As you sew, think or chant:

    "As I sew each stitch,
    Let happiness be sewn into my life."

    Write your name, or the name of whoever the spell is for, on the bay leaf, and put it inside the pouch. Add the rest of the herbal ingredients, focusing on their magical properties as you do so; feel free to put your own energies into the herbs to amplify their own magic. Put the crystal in last.

    Finish sewing up the bag. Pass it through the sandalwood incense to cleanse it of any negativity, then tie the bell on it to bring good cheer.

    If possible, set the completed charm bag on top of an amethyst cluster to charge it with an extra boost of calming feelings.

    Leave the sachet to sit in the sun for a full day to charge it. Replace the ingredients inside every month, if you wish for this to be an ongoing spell

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1200 - Paint the Mirrors Black

    Inspired by a song; this spell is to help you forget about an ex-partner / lover who was abusive, or just a negative presence in your life. You can also use this spell to help yourself move on from a bad relationship. *This spell requires reflection on negative experience(s); if you are unable to do that for whatever reason, this may not be the best spell for you.
    You may need:

  • A mirror; a handheld mirror is best for this (i.e. pocket mirror, make-up mirror, etc.); you can easily get one at the dollar store
  • Black paint and a paint brush
  • Some fabric to wrap the mirror in (an old t-shirt is fine)
  • A hammer
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    You may need:

  • A mirror; a handheld mirror is best for this (i.e. pocket mirror, make-up mirror, etc.); you can easily get one at the dollar store
  • Black paint and a paint brush
  • Some fabric to wrap the mirror in (an old t-shirt is fine)
  • A hammer
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    Set up your altar / work space by laying down scrap paper or old newspaper and readying your supplies, as well as any other actions you take before spell work.

    Hold the mirror and close your eyes. Reflect on all the negative / harmful / abusive things this person has done to you. Remember how bad you were made to feel because of their actions, and project all that negativity into the mirror. You can either channel it through your body and arms, and out through your hands, or you can take in deep cleansing breaths, and exhale the negativity out and into the mirror. (If you have another method feel free to use that, just expel these feelings out of you and into the mirror.)

    Once you have removed as much of the negativity from your system as you can, set the mirror down on the paper and paint it. As you apply the paint, say / think / modify the following:

    I paint this mirror black to forget you
    I no longer hear you in my mind
    I no longer see you in my dreams
    I no longer feel you in my heart
    The pain you once caused me is no more
    Any influence you once had is no more
    The thoughts and feelings are no more
    Trapped inside the mirror, bound in black
    You are gone from my life
    And gone you shall stay

    Once your mirror is completely covered in the black paint, set it somewhere where you won't see it often to dry (like on top of a cupboard or in a closet, etc.). Once it is completely dry, take it out and wrap it up in the fabric. Go outside with it, and bring the hammer. Set the wrapped-up mirror on solid ground and smash it. Channel any feelings of rage / hatred / etc. you have left in regards to the person or situation into the smashing of the mirror. As you do so, say / think / modify the following:

    As this mirror breaks and shatters
    So does your hold on me
    I am free of your bonds
    Free of your [abuse / lies / manipulation / whatever they did to you]
    No more will you haunt me
    No longer shall you influence me
    You will never come back

    Continue the smashing as long as you like. When you are done, rid yourself of the mirror, either by throwing it out or burying it somewhere away from your home.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters