7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- How to See Auras
- Karate by Heart
- Become a Pokemon
- Emotion Control
- the door game
- Wishing Misfortune
- Control the Wind
- Fire
- Levitation Spell
- Genie Summon
#1301 - How to See Auras
Now, instead of looking directly at somebody/something, you look past it. Unfocus your eyes until you see a faint white line surrounding the object. Dont blink, itll cause it to go away. Focus a little bit, not too hard or else you might get a headache. After a bit, you should be able to lightly see some colors. Im not going to post any of the aura meanings, those you can look up yourself. In case youre wondering, auras are somewhat helpful things that help you see how a person truly feels inside. Message me if this was helpful or not, i hope it was.
#1302 - Karate by Heart
Go into a corner of any quiet space and focus your energy surging through your body with your eyes closed, recite the spell 3 times:
"Karate is my wish it is my will. To know by mind, by heart as well.In a period of (how ever many nights) nights. At the end say by the power of three, so mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1303 - Become a Pokemon
Say 3 times:
"O Arceus, turn in me (Pokmon), ego non malum, * fiat mihi facultatem et facultatem ad moveset * et glria * * moveset, tibi gratias agens, sic fiat semper."
(It's: "Oh, Arceus, turn me into a (Pokmon), I will not do evil, My ability will be *ability* and my moveset to be *moveset*, thanks I give to you, so mote it be," in Latin.)
Then, it may take up to 2 days to even a month!
Side effects:
-Body parts changing
-Feel stronger
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1304 - Emotion Control
Sometimes in your life, you get bullied. This is a spell to use in those cases.
Imagine a gigantic red heart shaped stone. This is your heart.
Imagine the heart getting freezed and covered by ice.
Trap the memories and the emotions that you want to numb inside the heart.
When you want to thaw it, just imagine the ice melting.
It might take some time to get your emotions back.
I tried it and it worked-just don't put too much energy in it, your heart might be frozen the rest of your life.
Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1305 - the door game
turn off the lights
sit in the middle of the room
dim the screen
sit silently for 60 seconds
get up and knock on the door
put your ear to the door and listen for breathing
If you hear breathing, continue. If not, turn on the lights and clense the house.
open the door, and let her... eat... or...
keep the door closed and wait untill 6am
at 6am say goodbye.
turn on the lights and clense the house.
Pray that she doesn't get attached to you.
Hope that she doesn't come back when you go to sleep.
That you never see her.
We are the same person. That picture above? That's her. Thats me. I have no idea what's under the mask... She possesed me when I was eight after i summoned her. She appeared to me in a mirror. She looked like me at the age of 23, but pale and dead. She wears a mask with a red ribbon holding it up. I haven't seen her in a long time...
But my friends have.
It's why I am rarely invited to spend the night at the same house twice. Because they don't see me. They see her. She drives them crazy and they do things. They turn into cutters because of her screaming at night, her face in the mirror instead of theirs, waking up with cuts and bruises, family getting really sick, pets disappearing, and waking up with objects like a creepy black eyed plushie staring at them from the foot of the bed. She makes you want to die. Her name is Distora Irene Elemenia. I am the sane, 'normal' half... but even I don't know what i do in my dreams... once there was a dream where I was running from the cops... i woke up sweaty and bruised with a weird, dark line on my face. As if my skin was only tanned on my face to make a smile from ear to ear LITERALLY. She drove me crazy too... so I agreed to let her possess me. The problems stopped... for me, but worse for others... I'm so sorry... I hope I can be forgiven some day... but for now, she is always watching...
So please....
Be careful...
#1306 - Wishing Misfortune
"Misfortune all day,
misfortune all night,
bring bad luck to (person's name),
but only for a might, as I say so
mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1307 - Control the Wind
Imagine taking air in your hands and close your palms. Now say the spell:
"I call upon the wind,
I wish it to blow,
let the wind spin,
let it come slow/fast,
I call upon the wind
so it may blow."
Now if you want this as a protection shield then add this...
"Make me invisible from the harm (object or people) air, make me strong."
Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1308 - Fire
Focus on the object you want to burn and say :"Incendia."
Last edited on Aug 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1309 - Levitation Spell
Say the Incantation below and do the Components below.
(The Incantation Pronounced as "leh-vee-teek-ka!")
Wand/Hand Movement: Point at the object you want to levitate .
Concentration Component: Concentrate on the object you want to levitate.
Willpower Component: Imagine the object will be levitating. Wait a Seconds the object will be levitating.
Note: The incantation is really hard to pronounce.
Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1310 - Genie Summon
"God and goddess, hear my plea. Let me summon a nice genie that we'll be nice to me. When one appearsmay theycome in half an hour. Let time freeze time while I am making my wish. After I am done let me thank my genie let it check up on me from time from time. Thank you god and goddess, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Apr 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.