7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
- Bring forth the Dark Goddess
- Harness your elemental magic
- Stomach Bug/Ache Healing
- The Hand Element Charm
- Remove a spell
- Linking spell
- forcibly summoning Lucifer
- A spell to temporarily banish a disliked person in your life.
- Nephalem Spell
- Plant growing elixir
#1351 - Bring forth the Dark Goddess
Here is a spell to invoke Hecate, the dark goddess of witchcraft and Sorcery. The formula for the spell is of my devising but the incantation is by the famous sorcerer, Allister Crowley.
First, Create total darkness for yourself, taking in its energy power. Become relaxed, and prepare to let the Dark goddess and her power into your heart. Then, after several minute, light the candle with a single stroke of the match or click of the lighter. Take in the flames light, and heat. Look how it flickers and dances in the darkness. The take the bell in one hand and the knife/wand in the other and face the north. Strike the bell thrice with your Wand/knife and chant the Incantation as so:O triple form of darkness! Somber splendor! Thou moon unseen of men! Thou huntress dread! Thou crowned demon of the crownless dead! O breasts of blood, too bitter and too tender! Unseen of gentle spring, Let me the offering. Bring to thy shrines sepulchral glittering! I slay the swart beast! I bestow the bloom Sown in the dusk, and gathered in the gloom Under the waning moon, At midnight hardly lightening the East; And the black lamb from the black ewes dead womb I bring, and stir the slow infernal tune Fit for thy chosen priest. Here where the band of Ocean breaks the road Black-trodden, deeply-stooping, to the abyss, I shall salute thee with the nameless kiss Pronounced toward the uttermost abode Of thy supreme desire. I shall illume the fire Whence thy wild stryges shall obey the lyre, Whence thy Lemurs shall gather and spring round, Girdling me in the sad funereal ground With faces turned back ,My face averted! I shall consummate The awful act of worship, O renowned Fear upon earth, and fear in hell, and black Fear in the sky beyond Fate! I hear the whining of thy wolves! I hear The howling of the hounds about thy form, Who comest in the terror of thy storm, And night falls faster, ere thine eyes appear Glittering through the mist. O face of woman unkissed Save by the dead whose love is taken ere they wist! Thee, thee I call! O dire one! O divine! I, the sole mortal, seek thy deadly shrine, Pour the dark stream of blood, A sleepy and reluctant river Even as thou drawest, with thine eyes on mine, To me across the sense-bewildering flood That holds my soul for ever!
Then, with a single breath, blow out the candle and wait. Lurking in the darkness you may see a darkness more darker then the shadows around you. You may feel a presence of power and fear. This darkness may take the shape of a woman or dog. If you see any of these things then the dark goddess, and mistress of all magick has come.
Inkspell has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Sep 13, 2016
#1352 - Harness your elemental magic
This technique will connect you to the element fire and help you grow your energy.
light a candle and close your eyes. feel your energy touch the flame.
(be respectful, most cant control elements because they think its a dumb flame or some water or a pile of dirt, but it has immense energy. if you dont treat it as such it will block your efforts.)
try to let yourself relax and flow with the flame
open your eyes and calmly tell it to raise higher
RavenTrigon has been a member of the site for 9 years, since Feb 14, 2016
#1353 - Stomach Bug/Ache Healing
This is a spell that should decrease the effects of a stomach ache or bug, or really any stomach pain, so instead of "stomach bug" say the problem you wish to be gone. *FIRST SPELL* Please mail me feedback! I'd love to make someone's day better!
You may need:
Good Energy
Lavender Candle(optional, only to make energy better)
First, focus and absorb the good energy around you. Imagine all of this healing energy traveling to the area of pain. This might already start making the stomach feel better. *YOU MUST BELIEVE IN THIS SPELL FOR IT TO WORK* You can't just try it for shits and giggles.
Second, chant this as many times you want until you feel comfortable with it. ''Gods and Goddesses above, I am in pain, free me from my stomach (bug/ache/etc.) that is causing this pain. This is my will, so MOTE IT BE!'' (Ending is Powerful)
This may take time, maybe a few hours, just wait patiently! Mail me if it works :).
Thank you!! :D
jmm2003 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 02, 2017
#1354 - The Hand Element Charm
Have the Power of all 5 elements on one hand.
You may need:
5 Rings (Preferable 4 looking the same, and 1 that is more ornate.)
Objects representing the Elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Spirit.)
Your Hand
Your Voice
Take a ring and place it next to the water object. Say ''May I have the tranquility and wisdom of water.'' Take the Air ring and say ,''may I have the playfulness and spirit of the wind.'' Take the Earth ring and say : ''May I be as grounded and good-natured as the Earth.''
Finally, take the last ring, hold it up, and say ''May my Spirit always remain strong and well.''
End the spell with ''So Mote it Be.''
Wildhowl000 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Mar 30, 2017
#1355 - Remove a spell
Remove a spell you cast
You may need:
Your mind,
clear intent
the object you charmed or cursed (if applicable)
A photo of the person you charmed or cursed (if applicable)
Remove the spell I put on thee
Remove it now, so mote it be
If you're removing the spell from an object, hold the object in your power hand
If you're removing the spell from a person, gaze at their photo while preforming the chant
sherbertglas has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Mar 29, 2017
#1356 - Linking spell
Link yourself to anyone that you have met.
You may need:
the person you wish to link yourself to.
true intentions
you must know what the risks are that follow this action.
1. You and the other person WILL start sharing thoughts occasionally.
2. If the other person secretly thinks negativity about you you might not want to do this spell because those occasional shared thoughts might land on a negative thought that just happens to be about you.
3. If this person is your crush and you don't want to know just yet if she/he likes you back don't do this spell.
Those are the risks. You have been warned.
Bennie8673 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 01, 2017
#1357 - forcibly summoning Lucifer
This spell is extremely serious and is NOT to be taken as a joke or just something you can do for fuN. PLEASE HAVE A VALID REASON FOR SUMMONING HIM.
Place rocks in triangle, place candle outside of triangle. take the feather and place it in the flame of the candle. let the feather burn while you read the spellAudite verba exaudi vocem meam. spiritus ex alia parte, transive permittas mihi viam in qua sto. Te ad imginem et formam. Nunc autem adducite eum, invocamus.
tap into your innermost energy and desires
*you should meditate at least 2 hours before this*
if Lucifer's energy becomes too much throw the rocks in opposite directions.
Jazmarie has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Jun 11, 2016
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Spells Of Magic
on Apr 01, 2017
Last edited on Oct 10, 2018
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Last edited on Oct 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1358 - A spell to temporarily banish a disliked person in your life.
I am a newbie. This probably won't work. The Title says what this spell is about.
You may need:
An item that you own that came from the person you dislike
Something you can stir with etc: a stick
Some kind of jewelry ( you with give this jewelry to the person you dislike at the end of the spell so don't buy anything over expensive. Just get a plastic bracelet or something like that )
You may need:
An item that you own that came from the person you dislike
Something you can stir with etc: a stick
Some kind of jewelry ( you with give this jewelry to the person you dislike at the end of the spell so don't buy anything over expensive. Just get a plastic bracelet or something like that )
Bennie8673 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 01, 2017
#1359 - Nephalem Spell
A spell to make you half demon, half angel, with a whole lot of powers.
Say 6 timesOh heavens above and depth down below
May I become a Nephalem, with a dark glow.
I will become able to bend others wills
And have black wings, if not just for the thrill.
May my vision never be clouded, all is what I can see,
devils, angels, spirits, all clear to me.....
May no spell be beyond my reach,
even those that no one would ever teach.
May my body be in perfect condition without decay,
and have healing hands to help with others dismay
And when I wish, my form shall become perfectly clear,
and let me heal myself, have I no fear......
So Mote it be.
FutureEye has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Mar 18, 2017
#1360 - Plant growing elixir
This little elixir will speed up the growing of your plant and give it an extra little boost of power ;) keep in mind it will not instantly grow your plant because that's not possible
Fill your jar to about half way with clean spring water. Carefully drop in your crystals, make sure they're cleansed and charged. If you don't know how to do so mail me :) Then close the jar and leave it under the sun and moon for 1 day/night. This works best if it's either a full moon or new moon. When the time comes take your crystals out and pour it on your plants.If you have any questions mail me :)
Freya.bloom has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Mar 22, 2017
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Spells Of Magic
on Mar 31, 2017
Last edited on Mar 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Mar 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters