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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7157 Spiritual Spells
7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Sunny Day Spell
  2. Protect your home
  3. Stone of Power
  4. Protective ice spell
  5. Mind persuasion/manipulation
  6. Rain
  7. Forbidden Guardian
  8. Luck Spell
  9. Incognito online spell
  10. Amethyst cleansing spell (easy)

#1361 - Sunny Day Spell

A spell to make tomorrow sunny.

What else?
You may need:

  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Belief
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    Say the following thrice

    Oh Aeolus, go of the weather, wind and sky,
    May I please have a wish granted to me?
    May the day be as pleasant and clear,
    This is a wish I hold dear.
    So mote it be.

    This should take effect by noon of the next day.

    Added to on Mar 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1362 - Protect your home

    Need a quick spell to protect your house from spirits?
    You may need:

  • Belief (yes)
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    You may need:

  • Belief (yes)
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    You need a quick way to protect your house, so just chant a simple spell.

    Start with meditation at 18 pm, clear your mind, in one of your favourite rooms and chant the following:

    Maiden, Mother and The Crone
    Use your powers to protect my home
    Spirits of harm will blow away
    And will never come another day

    Young Son, Father and The Ancient One
    Give your powers from the sun
    Clear my home of the bad kind
    Give me a protected mind

    God of Sun, Goddess of Moon
    Protect here, every room
    Give us peace and more love to bring
    You are my ultimate Queen and King

    Added to on Mar 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1363 - Stone of Power

    A stone to fulfill things.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Stone
  • Night
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Stone
  • Night
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    You need a specific stone for what you need. Want wealth? Get citrine. Love, Rose Quartz. Do the goddess ones at night with a moon out, or a dark moon.

    Hold it in your hand, with your eyes shut and focus on the stone.
    I have made a few chants for some gems, mail me if you need a chant, or make your own.

    Citrine (Wealth):

    Maiden, Mother and The Crone
    I ask ye to give power to this stone
    Let it help with wealth
    And I will use it for myself

    Rose Quartz (Love):

    Maiden, Mother and The Crone
    I ask ye to give power to this stone
    Blessed by the triple goddess above
    So I can use it to find love

    Alexandrite, Amber, Pearl or Opal (Luck):

    Maiden, Mother and The Crone
    I ask ye to give power to this stone
    Give me the luck that I deserve
    And you I will always serve

    Amethyst, Jade (Stress management):

    Maiden, Mother and The Crone
    I ask ye to give power to this stone
    Please take all my stress away
    So I can be joyful another day

    Added to on Mar 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1364 - Protective ice spell

    Ice protection spell
    You may need:

  • Ice
  • Voice
  • Belief
  • Sun
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    You may need:

  • Ice
  • Voice
  • Belief
  • Sun
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    Cast a circle do exorcism spell to remove negative energy chant thrice around the ice walls bound freeze all evil to the ground

    Added to on Mar 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1365 - Mind persuasion/manipulation

    This spell is not exactly mind control, but a spell to convince someone's mind to do something. It will put the idea in their head, and if it is already there, enhance it. No matter their opinions/preferences, this spell will change their mind. It can even change someone's emotions, hates, loves, sexuality, mind-set, etc. It cannot change something the person was born with/they have completely no choice with, such as a mental disease/disorder. This will start working straight away and may take up to a week for any specified action to be taken. This spell is probably dark magic.
    You may need:

  • Piece of paper (blank or lined)
  • Pen/pencil (rubber if needed)
  • An item that could represent what you want the person to do (unless it is impossible to represent)
  • A voice
  • Belief in this spell
  • Determination that the spell will work and a strong will for it to work
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    You may need:

  • Piece of paper (blank or lined)
  • Pen/pencil (rubber if needed)
  • An item that could represent what you want the person to do (unless it is impossible to represent)
  • A voice
  • Belief in this spell
  • Determination that the spell will work and a strong will for it to work
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    1. Place the item on the opposite end of the place you are going to start writing on the paper.
    2. Write what you want to happen. If it makes sense to you and the person, then it will work. Make sure you include their first and second name (middle names optional). Make sure you put ''I will for'' first. At the end, you could put ''this is my will, mote it be.'' but it is optional. For example:
    ''I will for (full name) to (what you want them to do). This is my will, mote it be.''
    3. Fold the paper (doesn't have to be neat) and put the item in the middle of it. Close your eyes and bring the ''package'' to your lips and whisper the person's (full, but no middle names needed) name into it.
    4. Put it under your pillow and keep it there for 1-3 days. You can keep it there longer, which may or may not help the spell. Once it seems to have worked, do anything you want with it.

    Added to on Mar 28, 2017
    Last edited on Dec 05, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1366 - Rain

    This spell does work, though if it's your first time casting it, it might be weak at first and will take a few hours. Sometimes it happens the next day. This spell was also tested, I also checked for the weather for that week just in case it wouldn't be a coincidence. So yes, it does work.
    You may need:

  • •Paper (lined or white[I recommend white])
  • •red nail polish
  • •salt/sea salt
  • •faucet
  • •trash can
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    You may need:

  • •Paper (lined or white[I recommend white])
  • •red nail polish
  • •salt/sea salt
  • •faucet
  • •trash can
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    Set your paper on a flat surface, then get the red nail polish and draw a pentacle with it. Take the salt, pour it in your hand and go over the pentacle that you have just made, directly onto the pentacle.

    Once you have done that, go to the faucet and crumple the paper. Doesn't necessarily need to be in a ball. Run the water over the paper and say three times:

    Gods and goddesses of the rain, make it rain, this my plea, it is my will, make it rain, so mote it be.

    Toss the paper into the trash.

    Added to on Mar 27, 2017
    Last edited on Oct 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1367 - Forbidden Guardian

    Summons a guardian.
    You may need:

  • voice
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    You may need:

  • voice
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    Forbidden Guardian I call to thee
    Rise from the ground to protect me

    Added to on Mar 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1368 - Luck Spell

    *Must be cast at dawn
    You may need:

  • Strand of hair or drop of blood of the person you're casting it on (blood works better)
  • Personal object of the person you're casting it on
  • One green candle
  • One four-leaf clover
  • Paper and writing utensil or chalk
  • Intermediate magical skill
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    You may need:

  • Strand of hair or drop of blood of the person you're casting it on (blood works better)
  • Personal object of the person you're casting it on
  • One green candle
  • One four-leaf clover
  • Paper and writing utensil or chalk
  • Intermediate magical skill
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    1. Light your candle and whisper: ''Domina fortuna hos cereos cuncti viridem.''
    2. Drop the hair (if you have it) into the flame.
    3. Hold the personal object in the flame (over it if it's flammable) and then smear it with the blood (if you have it).
    4. Draw a magic circle and place the personal object in the center.
    *If you're casting it on someone else
    5. Get into lotus position and chant: ''O Fortuna potens fortuna, quaeso, tibi sit bene ac fortunae obiectum protegant (person's name) dum a malo induere.
    *If you're casting it on yourself
    5. Get into the lotus position and chant: ''O Fortuna, quem fortuna, cum fortuna hoc peto benedicere fortunae, quamdiu mala prohibere induere.''

    Added to on Mar 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1369 - Incognito online spell

    Can't stand nozy people next to you figuring out who you are just because they are psychic? Well this will keep that gate closed.
    You may need:

  • Focus
  • And your voice
  • The ability to visualize
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    You may need:

  • Focus
  • And your voice
  • The ability to visualize
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    First take a moment to think about what you are trying to prevent.If you don't want a psychic or telepath reading your mind through your phone tablet or any other electronic device then this is the spell for you.

    Imagine that the screen and you are connected. The connection is easy to imagine as a cord or chain attached to you. Break that cord or chain and imagine the screen is a gate to you.
    The gate is open and anyone can read you. Now take your hand and trace a pentacle onto the screen. Imagine that pentacle locking the gate shut forever and say this spell 10 times
    Elements of water fire earth and air
    Shut this gate that connects me to others against my will
    I place this block in my path to protect myself.
    Those who are psychic or telepath shall not get through.
    My mind is not theirs to enter.
    I close the link forever
    This is how it shall be
    Blessed be.

    Added to on Mar 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1370 - Amethyst cleansing spell (easy)

    Cleansing spell
    You may need:

  • -amethyst
  • -clear quartz
  • -white candle
  • -full moon
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    You may need:

  • -amethyst
  • -clear quartz
  • -white candle
  • -full moon
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    1. Cast a circle (if you want to)
    2. Ask the moon for her cleansing magick (if you want to)
    3. Set up your crystals and candle in a line like this:
    4. Light the candle
    5. Touch the amethyst with one finger and feel the energy of the amethyst.
    6. Say: take away its negative energy
    Take away its pain
    Cleanse this crystal
    And make it happy
    I cast this spell
    So note it be
    7. Stop touching the amethyst
    8. Blow out the candle by saying thank you
    (9. Do whatever you do after a spell)

    Added to on Mar 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters