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7156 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7156 Spiritual Spells
7156 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7156 Spiritual Spells
  1. warrior CATS
  2. Call Forth the Dead
  3. Elemental energy manipulation
  4. Superhuman Abilities
  5. Summon a Dragon Familiar
  6. Ritual for Prosperous Love
  7. The Calling
  8. Cold touch
  9. Dragon Bond
  10. Sleep

#1461 - warrior CATS

You may need:

  • HOPE
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    You may need:

  • HOPE
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    Added to on Jan 14, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1462 - Call Forth the Dead

    I originally posted a spell called the calling, and reading it over saw there were a million mistakes in it that needed to be fixed. But since the edit spell mod is not working I have to re post the spell. As soon as I figure out how, I will delete the calling. Now with all that said, let me tell you what the spell is. You see, even when I was starting magic I had always been interested in what most people call "the dark arts". (Now, do not get me wrong. I love Wicca and traditional witchcraft as well, it is just I also have an Interest in "the dark arts" as well) And out of all the forms "the dark arts" tales necromancy was always my favorite. Now, most people will say that necromancy is evil, but through my study of magic I have learned magic is neither good, nor evil, the same way it has know color. I think, necromancy can be used for good purposes as well as evil. So I have created this spell so that we may ask the dead for there wisdom and guidance. I hope you enjoy,

    You may need:

  • Calk, white
  • 2 white candles
  • Sage
  • Parchment
  • Bell
  • Candle, any color of your choice
  • wand (preferably hawthorn, hazel, or maple but any will do)
  • Robes, optional (black, white, or Grey)
  • Knife
  • ST. John’s wort
  • Rue
  • Vivian
  • Mugwort
  • A photograph of the dead one you wish to call forth.
  • week rubbing alcohol
  • band aid
  • midnight
  • full or black moon
  • Hecate
  • WHERE:
  • Grave yard, Church, forest, cross roads, old house, any place that may radiates fear, mystery, power, or magic.
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    You may need:

  • Calk, white
  • 2 white candles
  • Sage
  • Parchment
  • Bell
  • Candle, any color of your choice
  • wand (preferably hawthorn, hazel, or maple but any will do)
  • Robes, optional (black, white, or Grey)
  • Knife
  • ST. John’s wort
  • Rue
  • Vivian
  • Mugwort
  • A photograph of the dead one you wish to call forth.
  • week rubbing alcohol
  • band aid
  • midnight
  • full or black moon
  • Hecate
  • WHERE:
  • Grave yard, Church, forest, cross roads, old house, any place that may radiates fear, mystery, power, or magic.
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    The first step to summon a spirit of the dead is to first prepare, and fined, the right ingredients for the spell. Once this is done the magician must surround him or herself with the aspects of death for a one week. This is simply done by pondering, studding, and memorizing this spell or other facts about necromancy. Also, eating two meals a day consisting of unfermented grape juice and flat black bread is a good way do it to, as well praying to Hecate or/and Jehovah so that they will give you their blessing's on what you are about to do. Also, stay away from the sun as much as possible. Then, once the week is done, venture out at dusk on the night of the full or black moon with your supplies to the place you wish to perform the spell (Graveyard, Church, old house, forest, cross roads etc.) Once this done take the parchment paper and the knife out. Use the knife to prick your finger (NOT DEAPLY) and right the name of the person you wish to call up on it. If the person you are calling up used a specific symbol or rune in life as a personal mark, wright that on the parchment to. After you are done, treat your cut by putting it in the rubbing alcohol (the weakest you can find). Then put a band aid on it. That way the cut will not get infected. Then, take your wand and begin to put energy into the parchment. Also meditate and balance yourself so that your energy will run smoothly through your body until it is close to midnight (Give yourself at least 30 minute). You must not leave to do anything else while you are preforming this act. (So make shore you use the bathroom, drink some water, ate some food, and take care of any other needs you may have before you start) Then, when it is close to midnight get up and begin to purify the room so that no unwelcome spirits or negative energy will be summoned instead. You do this by creating total darkness for yourself, save one weak light (the other candle) and light the sage on the candle. Then, walk cloak wise around the room with the bundle of lit sage chanting:

    “I declare this place a sacred space, Where I may work in peace, may negative energy disappear So nothing will interfere, with my work BLESSED BE! Jehovah, Elohim, Hecate, Lucifer, Hades!”

    Then, when you reach the candle again, set the sage down and walk to the center of the room. (if you are preforming the spell indoors that is) Then, take your wand in one hand and your bell in the other. Then, pointing your wand at the candle and then turn counter clock wise while chanting:

    “Spirits of nature, heaven and hell, depart in the name of Jehovah at the ring of the bell Go now unless I have called you to do your part, GO! Or face the wrath of my art! BE GONE! IN THE NAME OF JEHOVA!”

    Then ring the bell three times.

    Now that you have purified the room and have rid it of all unwanted spirits it is time to call forth Hecate and ask her to take up her part in the spell. To do this chant:

    “O’ great Hecate, here my plea! O please, take pity on me! I ......., your humble servant asks only of the That you bless this ritual for me. And as I will, so mote it be! Abac, Venibbeth, Abac, Nature, Tistator!”

    *In the blank space of the spell, speak your name.

    At the end of the chant ring the bell and hail Hecate. The reason you call Hecate is because she is the goddess of witchcraft and necromancy. It is very important to invoke her.

    Now it is time to draw the two circles. The first magic circle to be drawn is the circle (your choice of what circle you use as there are many magic circles to choose from) that will protect you from the spirit entering and taking control of your body. It is to be drawn with the chalk, and then, trace it with your magic wand. When drawing the circle, make shore not to scuff or bluer any of the runes or symbols that may be part of it. Also, leave a gap open in the circle so that when it is time to enter it you can. Once the circle is drawn place the ST. John’s wort, Virani, and Rue around it. The reason for this is because these herbs repel evil. Then, two feet away from the circle, draw the triangle of Solomon. This, if all goes well, is where the sprit will appear and be held until you are finished asking it questions. You can find a diagram on Bing images. Inside of it, the two white candles, and an incense holder of mugwort, are to be put in the middle of the triangle. Also a photograph of the dead one you wish to summon. Once the candles and incense is lit, go to your circle and close it the rest of the way. Once this is done, there is no leaving the circle until the spell is done unless you want to get possessed or something. Let’s hope that is not the case. Then, with all this done you are ready to begin the incantation to call forth the lost, dead sole you wish to see on last time.

    Once everything is ready, the circles drawn, the candles lit and etc. it is time to begin to work your spell. At the stroke of mid night raise your wand, bring your power to its peak, and begin to chant in a quick, rapped, loud voice:

    ''Oh spirit of ......., I call you the in the name of Hecate, the dark goddess, to speak with you. I command you! COME FORTH, less I cast you into the void to be forever lost! Come forth ........, In the name of Hecate!''

    *In the blank spaces call for the name of the sole you are summoning.

    Then at the end of the incantation tare the parchment paper into and release the energy's you had placed in it so that the spirit of the dead will have the power to come. Now you may be wondering, what the spirit may look like. It may appear as a mas of energy, take the form of the smoke from the incense, or may not show itself at all. But before you try to do the incantation again, try and see it with your third eye, or, try and feel it's presence. And when it talks to you, it will not talk to you verbally and out loud, but may send you feelings that give you the answer, or may talk to you in your head. If you are preforming this spell in the woods or at cross roads, listen to the wind as it may choose to speak with you through it. If it does not come the first time, try the incantation again. If it does not come the third time raise your wand and chant:

    “Oh wicked, wicked, spirit you have ignored my calls! As penitence, you shall not find rest for ...........! Be gone! In the name of Hecate, be gone and do not bother me and my family anymore! Jehovah, Elohim, Hecate, Lucifer, Hades!”

    * In the plank space set a time limit to how long you want the disobedient sprit to be punished.

    If the spirit does come, make shore to talk to it pleasantly and respectfully. One you are finished speaking to it dismiss it and say:

    “Oh, ........ I thank thee for your time. I am forever grateful. Now, rest in peace for a while, Till I call you again. For with ashes to ashes, dust to dust in the earth thou must go back!” Yah and Yod He Vau He, Hecate! I chant the spell be done.”

    *In black speak the soles name.

    Then, to dismiss Hecate chant:

    “Oh night mother, I thank thee also for your time Oh great Hecate, be bound her no more, for though have done thy part, and showed the glory of are art. Blessed be!”

    Now, it is safe to leave the magic circle. This spell may be meant for summoning the dead but it can be used to summon other spirits too. I know it is complicated but is effective. And sorry if it was hard to understand. Thanks for reading!

    Added to on Jan 13, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1463 - Elemental energy manipulation

    simple energy manipulation of the natural elements.
    You may need:

  • Required*
  • must be familiar with meditation
  • must be familiar with energy manipulation
  • Must be familiar with usage of the elements
  • You must have an item of yours that you carry around with you all the time, or an enchanted item that can hold magical energy.
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    You may need:

  • Required*
  • must be familiar with meditation
  • must be familiar with energy manipulation
  • Must be familiar with usage of the elements
  • You must have an item of yours that you carry around with you all the time, or an enchanted item that can hold magical energy.
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    Wind: (You must be outside for this to work to its full potential.) Get into a comfortable position outside with your back straight. Have your item held in both of your hands. Now you will relax and take SEVEN deep breaths. You will start to focus yourself on the wind around you and the energy it carries. Focus on the wind until you feel you've completely honed in on the energy. At that moment you will start to retract the energy into your body. You will then move the wind energy into your stomach. Once the energy is there you must infuse some of your energy into the raw energy of the wind. After you infuse your energy you will then move the energy through your body and thru your hands into the item. Imagine that you're sewing the energy into the item. After you feel you've done this long enough slowly stop your connection with the wind until you've completely stopped.

    Message me if you'd like instructions on Water, Earth, or Fire.

    Added to on Jan 13, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1464 - Superhuman Abilities

    It will give you 2 abilities you choose.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say 1x: "By day and by night sun and moon give me (2 abilities) to use for good, so mote it be"

    Added to on Jan 12, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1465 - Summon a Dragon Familiar

    A dragon to protect you, be your friend, and many more.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Coloring supplies
  • Pencil/pen
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Coloring supplies
  • Pencil/pen
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    On the paper, draw a dragon. It can can smooth scales, or fur. It can have ears and horns. Make it your dream dragon. Next to it, write it's name, what type of dragon it is, what gender it is, it's personality, and anything else. Every night, chant the following.

    "Dragon of luck, Dragon of protection, come to thee. This is my truest wish, so mote it be."

    Think of your dragon often. On the third day, in your mind, call out for your dragon. Search for it, and once you found him/her, talk to it. On the sixth day, Search for it. Ask it to come to you, to let you see it. You can almost see a transparent glow in the place of where your dragon is.

    Do not forget your dragon. It will become sad. Try asking your dragon for help, such as some energy, a boost of speed, some luck, or for him/her to protect you.

    Added to on Jan 11, 2017
    Last edited on Jun 27, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1466 - Ritual for Prosperous Love

    This ritual will strengthen the eternal bond between you and your lover, but both must be willing and believe in the power of the ritual. Your lover does not need to be physically present for the ritual, but aware that you are doing it.
    You may need:

  • 1 Pink Candle
  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Blessing Sign
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    You may need:

  • 1 Pink Candle
  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Blessing Sign
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    Have the symbol marked on the back of each partners hand. Light the white candle, and repeat the first incantation. "Manibus hos, benedicito corde, caritas Benedicat anima nostra. Est Anima amoris mundi et postera saecula teneantur."

    Light the pink candle, and repeat a second time. "Manibus hos, benedicito corde, caritas Benedicat anima nostra. Est Anima amoris mundi et postera saecula teneantur."

    Focus your energy, holding hands with your lover if they are present, and finish the incantation. "Manibus hos, benedicito corde, caritas Benedicat anima nostra. Est Anima amoris mundi et postera saecula teneantur. Dique deaeque Per virtus trium hoc optamus, ut fiat."

    Added to on Jan 11, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1467 - The Calling

    Necromancy literally means, divination by the dead. The calling is a spell of necromancy I designed to call forth the spirits of the dead and consult them for there wisdom. Hope you enjoy,

    You may need:

  • Calk, white
  • candle, white(
  • Sage
  • Parchment
  • Bell
  • Candle, any color of your choice
  • wand( preferably hawthorn, hazel, or maple but any will do)
  • Robes, optional(black, white, or Grey)
  • Knife
  • ST. Johns wort
  • Rue
  • Vervain
  • Mugwort
  • A photograph of the dead one you wish to call forth.
  • week rubbing alcohol
  • band aid
  • midnight
  • full or black moon
  • Hecate
  • WHERE:
  • Grave yard, Church, forest, old house, any place that may radiates fear, mystery, power, or magic.
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    You may need:

  • Calk, white
  • candle, white(
  • Sage
  • Parchment
  • Bell
  • Candle, any color of your choice
  • wand( preferably hawthorn, hazel, or maple but any will do)
  • Robes, optional(black, white, or Grey)
  • Knife
  • ST. Johns wort
  • Rue
  • Vervain
  • Mugwort
  • A photograph of the dead one you wish to call forth.
  • week rubbing alcohol
  • band aid
  • midnight
  • full or black moon
  • Hecate
  • WHERE:
  • Grave yard, Church, forest, old house, any place that may radiates fear, mystery, power, or magic.
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    The first step to summon a spirit of the dead is to first prepare and fined the right ingredients for the spell. Once this is done the magician must surround him or her self with the aspects of death for a week. This is simply done by pondering, studding, and memorizing this spell, eating two meals a day consisting of unfermented grape juice and flat black bread and praying to Hecate or/and Jehovah so they will give you there blessing's on what you are about to do. Also stay away from the sun as much as possible. Then once the week is done and venture out at dusk on the night of the full or black moon with your supplies to the place you wish to cast the spell (Graveyard, Church, old house, forest etc.) Once this done take the parchment paper and the knife out. Use the knife to prick your finger (NOT DEAPLY) and right the name of the person you wish to call up on the parchment in your blood. If the person you are calling up used a specific symbol or rune that they used as there mark, wright that on the parchment to. After you are done treat your cut by putting it in the rubbing alcohol (the weakest you can find) and then put a band aid on it. That way the cut will not get infected. Then, take your wand and begin to put energy into the parchment. Also meditate and balance yourself until it is close to midnight (Give yourself at least 30 minute). You must not leave to do anything else while you are preforming this act. (So make shore you use the bathroom, drink some water, ate some food, or took care of any other needs before you start) Then, when it is close to midnight get up and begin to purify the room so that no unwelcome spirits or negative energy will be summoned instead. You do this by creating total darkness for your self, save one weak light (the other candle) and light the sage on the candle. Then, walk cloak wise around the room with the bundle of lit sage chanting:

    I declare this place a sacred space,
    Were I may work in peace,
    May negative energy disappear
    So nothing will interfere,
    With my work

    Then, when you reach the candle again, set the sage down and walk to the center of the room. (if you are preforming the spell indoors that is)Then, take your wand in one hand and your bell in the other. Then, pointing your wand at the candle and then turn counter clock wise while chanting:

    Spirits of nature, heaven and hell,
    Depart in the name of Jehovah at the ring of the bell
    Go now unless I have called you to do your part,
    GO! Or face the wrath of my art!

    Then ring the bell three times.


    Now that you have purified the room and have rid it of all unwanted spirits it is time to call forth Hecate and ask her to take up her part in the spell. To do this chant:

    O great Hecate, here my plea!
    O please, take pity on me!
    I ......., your humble servant ask only of the
    That you bless this ritual for me.
    And as I will, so mote it be!

    *In the blank space of the spell, speak your name.

    At the end of the chant ring the bell and hail Hecate. The reason you call Hecate is because she is the goddess of witchcraft and necromancy. It is very important to invoke her.


    Now it is time to draw the two circles. The first magic circle to be drawn is the circle (your choice of what circle you use as there are many) with the chalk, and then, trace it with your magic wand. When drawing the circle, make shore not to scuff or bluer any of the runes or symbols that my be part of it. Also, leave a gap open in the circle so that when it is time to enter it you can. Once the circle is drawn place the ST. Johns wort, Vervain, and Rue around it. The reason for this is because these herbs repel evil. Then, two feet away from the circle, draw the triangle of Solomon. This, if all goes well, is were the sprit will appear and be held until you are finished asking it questions. Inside of it, two white candles, and an incense holder of mugwort, are to be put in the middle of the triangle. Also a photograph of the dead one you wish to summon. Once the candles and incense is lit, go to your circle and close it the rest of the way. Once this is done, there is no leaving the circle until the spell is done unless you want to get possessed or something. Then, with all this done you are ready to begin the incantation to call forth the lost, dead sole you wish to see on last time.


    Once everything is ready, the circles drawn, the candles lit and etc. it is time to begin to work your spell. At the stroke of mid night raise you wand, bring your power to it's peak, and begin to chant in a quick, rapped, loud voice:

    Oh spirit of ......., I call you the in the name of Hecate, the dark goddess, to speak with you. I command you! COME FORTH, less I cast you into the void to be forever lost! Come forth ........, In the name of Hecate come forth!

    *In the blank spaces call for the name of the sole you are summoning.

    Then at the end of the incantation tare the parchment paper into and release the energy's you had placed in it so that the spirit of the dead will have the power to come. Now you may be wondering, what the spirit may look like. It may appear as a mas of energy, or take the form of the smoke from the incense. Or it may not show it's self. But before you try to do the incantation again, try and see if you can feel it's presence. And when it talks to you, it will not talk to you verbally and out loud, but may send you feelings that give you the answer, or may talk to you in your head. If you are preforming this spell in the woods, listen to the wind as it may choose to speak with you through the wind. If it does not come the first time try again. If it does not come the third time raise your wand and chant:

    Oh wicked, wicked, spirit you have ignored my calls!
    As penitence, you shall not find rest for ...........!
    Be gone! In the name of Hecate, be gone and do not bother me and my family any more!

    * In the plank space set a time limit to how long you want the disobedient sprit to be punished.

    If the spirit does come make shore to talk to it pleasantly and respectfully. One you are finished speaking to it dismiss it and say:

    Oh, ........ I thank the for your time.
    I am forever grateful. Now, rest in peace for a wile,
    Till I call you again.
    For with ashes to ashes, dust to dust
    In the earth thou must go.

    *In black speak the soles name.

    Then, To dismiss Hecate chant:

    Oh night mother, I thank thee also for your time
    Oh great Hecate, Be bound her no more,
    For though have done thy part,
    And showed the glory of are art.

    No, it is safe to leave the magic circle. This spell is meant for summoning the dead but it can be used to summon other spirits too. I no it is complicated but is effective. And sorry if it was hard to understand. Thanks for reading!


    Added to on Jan 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1468 - Cold touch

    this is a spell that will let you control the temperature of your hands ( I'm not sure if it works on other parts). Please don't judge this is one of my first spells
    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Hands ( they have to be your own)
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Hands ( they have to be your own)
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    Concentrate on your hands. Imagine blizzards and snow and other cold things. Picture all of this going to your hands. After doing this for about 10 seconds , your hands should feel cold. If you want to make them warm , do the same except concentrate on warm fire . pleas enjoy .

    Added to on Jan 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1469 - Dragon Bond

    This will help you bond with your dragon. It works 100% for me. It is tested.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine. Think up a dragon/drago. It's scales can be any color, it can be spiky, or smooth. Once done, give it a power. Such as, Ice, fire, water, anything. Next, give it a name. Now, in your mind, imagine calling out "(Dragon's Name)! Come forth! Do not hide. For we are meant to be, as salt and pepper. I will not hurt thou if you do the same for me." You should hear a small voice inside your head, saying hello.

    Next: Just ask your dragon to fill you with (anything) and you should get that.

    Things your dragon can do:

    • Help you run faster
    • Give you more energy
    • Cheer you up
    • Protect you
    • Heal you

    Added to on Jan 10, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1470 - Sleep

    Use this spell carefully if you cast it too many times the person or yourself will never wake up.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant as many times as needed till you or the person your casting this on gets sleeping

    "Goddess of sleep please put me to slumber. I wish to lay my head on this pillow and fall into a deep, deep sleep. When morning rises or a loud sound goes off I will awaken from my slumber and go on with my day."

    Added to on Jan 10, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7156 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters