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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7157 Spiritual Spells
7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Half Demon Spell
  2. Angel's song
  3. PDivine Purification
  4. Become a Pokemon Shifter
  5. Re-bond a Broken Friendship
  6. Simple Protection Spell
  7. Purify and Protect a Room
  8. Self Blessing
  9. Cleanse your Wand
  10. Fairy of Water

#1551 - Half Demon Spell

This is a half demon spell, I made this earlier on DemonLordH2 but that account was muted.
You may need:

  • (Voice and concentration)
  • Must be at night and different moons mean different things
  • Full moon: The strongest type of half demon can astro travel
  • Waxing Moon: Weaker Half demon and the type that cant astro travel.
  • Waning Moon: weakest type of half Demon near no power and little strength.
  • New Moon: the slightly below equal of a full moon just minus the harder abilities.
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    You may need:

  • (Voice and concentration)
  • Must be at night and different moons mean different things
  • Full moon: The strongest type of half demon can astro travel
  • Waxing Moon: Weaker Half demon and the type that cant astro travel.
  • Waning Moon: weakest type of half Demon near no power and little strength.
  • New Moon: the slightly below equal of a full moon just minus the harder abilities.
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    (NOTE) This will cause different amounts of pain on each moon. NewMoon will hurt moderately high waningMoon will hurt almost none fullmoon will hurt the most waxing will hurt moderately now that you know that we can get started of the spell say:

    "Deep in my heart, I give the desire to enhance the inside of me as to if I suddenly change myself into this devilish creature that will suddenly come to me, jumping, running, overcoming will soon to become more of an advantage! Give me the power of a demon that will change my life forever, give me the power to transform into this halfway, make me half demon and create me a better soul."

    Side effects tempory for 1 day stomach aches,headaches, bones hurting,breathing heavy, strength, better at physical activities,eye color changing, urges to be outside, angry more,ect This will now allow you to be a class 1 low level demon, with teaching and practice you can level up transformations and such and become a total badass.

    Added to on Nov 25, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1552 - Angel's song

    Basically this song is pleased for Happy, Sad, Fear and Anger. Required strong emotions and warmth heart. "Sing what's inside of yours."
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Clear mind
  • Pure heart
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Clear mind
  • Pure heart
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    This spell is simple, doesn't use any chant words or visualization.
    Just sing what you want,treat your voice like your problems and the melody is your friend.

    After a few minutes, you'll get better.

    Earth Angel will make sense!

    If the spell doesn't work for you, it means your heart is tough and your soul is black as the coal.

    Added to on Nov 25, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1553 - PDivine Purification

    Helps to purify/cleanse your house/a spirit/a person.
    You may need:

  • A white candle (optional)
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    You may need:

  • A white candle (optional)
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    Go to the place that you wanted to purify or cleanse.Now make sure you're in comfortable position to concentrate your mind and heart. Now, close your eyes.Visualize a circle of light surrounding you with bright lustrous light. Feels the safe within it. After that concentrate your heart and fills them with Love and Peace. Make the feelings getting stronger by visualizing the light within your heart and it's getting bigger and bigger.

    After that, follow your will.If you wanted to purify/cleanse him/her badly, do it. Believe that you can do it no matter what happen. Point your hands to the target. Chant: "I call upon the divine spirit of the earth,please protect me, please hear my plea. The spirit/person/thing in front of me is not in peace and it needs your blessing badly. Now, through the power of (God/Goddess of??/Angel name), the spirit shall receive lights and wisdom from them and you will forever be free.So mote it be!"

    When you chant those words, imagine the lights from your heart that you make flowing through your arms and hands. After you chant, imagine the light goes to the target and it's cleansing/purifying it. It needs time. After a few hours/minutes, the spirit shall be in peace and it'll thank to you.

    Added to on Nov 24, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1554 - Become a Pokemon Shifter

    You will become able to transform from human into any Pokemon of your choice, but it is a long process.
    You may need:

  • Physical representation of your desired type(s) (below)
  • Drawing of your desired full form (this can be shiny, and/or a SLIGHT color variation if you want); make sure your ability and move set is written on it.
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    You may need:

  • Physical representation of your desired type(s) (below)
  • Drawing of your desired full form (this can be shiny, and/or a SLIGHT color variation if you want); make sure your ability and move set is written on it.
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    Before anything else, here are the different representations of the types. If your chosen poke has two types, represent both.

    • Normal: doesn't need a representation
    • Fire: a small flame like a candle, or a source of warmth
    • Ice: anything cold
    • Water: a small bowl of water
    • Grass: a small plant or plant part
    • Dark: do it at night (most of you will, anyway)
    • Psychic: a small gemstone
    • Fighting: something that has meaning to you
    • Ghost: something that represents a memory
    • Dragon: anything depicting a dragon
    • Electric: anything that could conduct electricity
    • Steel: a small piece of metal (jewelry does work)
    • Ground/Rock: a small rock (if both types, then have two)

    First, sit down with your representation in front of you, and look at your picture of your desired form. Then, close your eyes and clear your mind. Then, think of nothing but your type surrounding you. (For example, a fire-type like me would imagine fire around them.) Try to feel your type. If you have two types, imagine both.

    Once you get a feeling that you are one with your type, visualize it until you fall asleep. The next morning, you should feel a presence in you that isn't like your normal self. This is your Pokemon side coming inside you, and this is a sign that it worked. It will bring with it some instincts, and listening to them will bring you closer to your form. However, if you picked a mischievous Pokemon like Zorua, only follow the ones that won't have a big impact in a bad way.

    You will start to feel like an Otherkin, and when the feeling is very strong, this is a signal that there has already been a small change you didn't notice. Your transformations will start so small you don't feel anything different, or see it. But, they will become bigger over time.

    Added to on Nov 24, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1555 - Re-bond a Broken Friendship

    A spell to rebond a broken friendship between two other people.
    You may need:

  • 1 piece of paper (lined or not)
  • Black pen
  • Red pen
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • 1 piece of paper (lined or not)
  • Black pen
  • Red pen
  • Voice
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    Your paper needs to be sideways.
    Write the peoples names you wish to rebond on opposite sides of the paper in the black pen.
    Ex: Elizabeth Alexis

    In the black pen, put a heart between the two names. Color the heart in with the red pen while saying:

    "Lord and Lady rebond these two. Fighting is all they seem to do. Revive all my friends from their headaches and pain, and bring these two back together again. So mote it be!"

    Draw a line to each name in red, connecting them to the heart and each other. Fold the paper in half (hamburger style) and put it under your pillow for 1 night. After that night, put the paper somewhere safe so their friendship can last.

    Added to on Nov 23, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 29, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1556 - Simple Protection Spell

    This is a simple protection spell that can be accomplished by anyone
    You may need:

  • White Candle
  • Piece of Paper
  • Blue pen
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • White Candle
  • Piece of Paper
  • Blue pen
  • Concentration
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    Start by writing your zodiac sign one one side of the paper. Find out which planet is assigned to your zodiac, and write it on the other side. Then, light the candle and burn the slip of paper. While it is burning, chant the name of largest moon of your planet and then say your first and middle name. Keep doing this until the paper has finished burning. Once the paper has finished imagine your room filling up with blue light. You should feel a warm tingling sensation afterwards.

    Added to on Nov 23, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1557 - Purify and Protect a Room

    This is a spell that will protect a room and whoever is inside that room. It does tend to fade over time, but the amount of time it takes before it needs to be redone varies from caster to caster.
    You may need:

  • 4 or more sea shells
  • 5 candles to represent the 5 elements
  • Lemon rind (optional)
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    You may need:

  • 4 or more sea shells
  • 5 candles to represent the 5 elements
  • Lemon rind (optional)
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    This spell will protect a room and whoever is in that room from evil spirits, general evil, and weak curses/hexes. It will not protect you from demons, strong hexes, etc. This spell is very general and will not protect you from everything.

    1. Put one sea shell in each of the four corners of the room, or put one sea shell on either side of all entrances to the room (doors and windows).

    2. Cast a circle like you normally would. Explain that you need help protecting this room.

    3. If you want, this is the time to sprinkle powdered lemon rind around the circle for clarity.

    4. Close the circle like you normally would, and remember to thank the elements.

    Added to on Nov 23, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1558 - Self Blessing

    This is my self blessing spell chant prayer and blessing forever everyone. And please write your own statement of your spell craft hand writing is about the self blessing spell chant prayer.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Please chant this self blessing spell chants for eight or ten times"

    "Love self, love all
    Let go move on
    Grow in beauty
    And in wisdom
    Stand tall
    Be strong."

    Added to on Nov 23, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 06, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1559 - Cleanse your Wand

    This will cleanse your wand mail me if this works
    You may need:

  • Your Wand
  • Grounded Sage
  • Visualization
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    You may need:

  • Your Wand
  • Grounded Sage
  • Visualization
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    Take the sage and rub it all over the
    wand after that, sit down and hold the wand in your writing hand, and point the tip at your other hand. Visualize black smoke or strings energy flowing out of the tip of the wand into your other handinto a ball like shape.

    Do before every ritual or spell you cast
    and your spell should have better results

    Added to on Nov 23, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1560 - Fairy of Water

    This will turn you into a water fairy. Just like my other spell, both genders can do this.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Near a water area
  • Alone (would work better)
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Near a water area
  • Alone (would work better)
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    Oh the great sea, please heed my call. I wish to become a fairy of the water. I will have a water wand and I will be able to use powers of water. This is my destiny, so please grant my wish!

    Say loud:

    "Give me the power of water!
    This may take some time. You will have everything a fairy has, wand, magic dust, and wings. But you will be more connected to the water."

    Added to on Nov 21, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters