7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Strength and intelligence spell
- Gaia rain spell
- Divine Portal Spell
- Summon a Forgotten Entity
- Wiccan Initiation
- To Banish Unwelcome Entities
- Good websites!
- Receding Energy
- Summon a Succubus
- Let go or forget person you're attached to
#151 - Strength and intelligence spell
by the strength and courage of Hercules
with the intellect and wisdom of Athena
grant me strength from within
for this my will
so mote it be.
be brave when working with Athena, she likes courage and wisdom.
blessed be.
#152 - Gaia rain spell
chant this three times
seas of the oceans
goddess of the land
Gaia, mother earth hear my plea
let it rain abundantly
for this is my will so mote it be.
three times after saying this chant you'll see the weather change, and it should rain.
#153 - Divine Portal Spell
make sure you cast it with a pure heart, no personal gain, or thy shall be hex.
chant 3x
eyes are closed
eyes are mind
listen thy great divine
let me pass
let me see
for this is my will
so mote it be.
remember do this with a pure heart, any personal gain, leads to be hex by my ancestors and divine family (Athena)
remember have peace and balanced with both sides, dark and light.
for one who is balanced is the strongest witch who can win any spiritual battles.
blessed be.
#154 - Summon a Forgotten Entity
'?' is a long 'a;' 'a' with a line over it (pronounced "Tree-nee-toss Our-gen-tee-ah")
Before you do anything, think of the reason why you wish to summon them. It has to be a good reason; a small quarrel with someone that's easily resolvable or mere hurt feelings are not good enough reasons.
Get a black face mask (it has to be a reusable fabric mask, not a disposable one). While you hold the mask, from the description given, imagine what you believe Trinit?s will look like. While Trinit?s may appear like that to you, they may not appear like that to another (only one person knows what they really look like; you will know if you're the one). While keeping this image in your head and holding the mask, recite this:
"Trinit?s Argentia,
Nox Silenta,
Rise before me,
I ask for a favor from thee."
They should either appear before you or you may just feel their presence. Whatever the case, you will hear a voice in your head say, "Tell me why you've called me." It may sound soothing, apathetic, annoyed, or even angry depending on their mood or if they didn't like what they "read" off of you. Be warned: Trinit?s knows what your intentions may be, as they can "read" anyone like a book. If you're doing this as a joke, Trinit?s will know it and let you know that they're very real (and it won't be pretty for you). This is best used for revenge and power. As I've stated already, they won't take action over mere hurt feelings or a tiny quarrel between someone that can be easily resolved, and if they sense that you will abuse the power be ready to have a lesson learned. As stated already, Trinit?s can "read" people like a book.
As for offerings, the mask counts as one of them, but you need another to go with it. I've noticed that they will happily accept any chain of any kind (as long as it's made out of metal), incense (especially lotus, jasmine, and dragon's blood, but any will do), hibiscus tea, and blood. If you don't have any other offering to go with it, they'll just draw from your energy (I wouldn't recommend this, as they'll draw a large amount).
Again, this is not an entity you want to foolishly mess with. They are already quite ruthless when it comes to getting the job done; you don't want to be a target. If you're lucky enough to be on their good side they are a wonderful protector.
#155 - Wiccan Initiation
- Fill the chalice or cup with the blessed/holy water, whilst in your ritual clothes
- Go into water with friend. They will need this memorised: "Do you reject Loki and his empty promises forever?"
- Reply to this with: " I do reject Loki, his evil empty promises, forever, I do wish you place me into your coven, (insert coven name here), I vow to help you protect the BoS. Come before me today, place me in to the family of (coven) please." Ask friend to use the holy/blessed water to draw the coven symbol on your forehead.
- You have been initiated into your friend's coven.
Last edited on Jan 21, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#156 - To Banish Unwelcome Entities
Begin by clearing your mind and taking some deep breaths to center yourself. Gather your ingredients and cleanse them in whatever manner you're most comfortable.
Draw a pentagram (or any other protective symbol that has meaning to you) on your piece of paper, in black ink if possible, and place it under your candle.
Light your candle and visualize this flame as a beacon of positivity and safety. As it begins to burn, chant
"blessed light, purifying flame
aid this banishing and act as my hearth.
with this light, all harm is driven far from here never to return.
unwelcome spirits are forced to flee by word of my will,
so mote it be."
Next, use the candle's flame to light your incense and walk around the space you wish to rid of unwanted energy. Move your incense in counter clockwise circles and continue to chant the spell. Make sure to smoke out the thresholds of your house/room - the doorways and windows. Try to reach the corners of each room as well, under beds and desks; anywhere that energy might hide and become stagnant. Be thorough in this step and linger anywhere you feel negative energy is the strongest and give the area an extra circle and chant. Use your intuition. Don't be afraid to get angry and loud as you chant; this is your space and you have a right to banish unwelcome guests!
Once you are finished with your incense, leave the candle burning until it is finished - try not to blow/snuff it out. Since this might take a couple of hours, I recommend moving both the candle (and paper with it) to your shower/bathtub where you can let it burn without fear that it will catch fire to anything should it fall over.
Let your candle burn as a way of locking the metaphorical door on whatever was causing you the haunting. The incense cleansing will have kicked the entity/energy out, but it's important to close and lock your doors.
Lastly, wash your hands and visualize the water cleansing your hands of any energy that remains of the spell. Picture it washing away down the drain. You may not feel a difference right away, but you should definitely feel lighter/less paranoid as the candle burns down.
Good luck!
Last edited on Jan 07, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#157 - Good websites!
Here are some websites I think you should check out, I don't expect you to believe me, but the shifters on here are in luck!
These are NOT fake, we as shape shifters found out it all this was possible, this may sound mean, but we don't need a human telling us what is and is not real so no offence, no matter what how anyone may try to dissagree in the comments, I cannot comment so I will no be able to answer questions. But I hope this helped, shifters and random folk reading this!! :D
#158 - Receding Energy
A few reasons to do this might be: to give someone energetic space (for example, if you live together in a small space and they are channeling and need energetic clarity and space. Or if you are around heavy energy and need to protect your own while in a shared space with others.)
Imagine an electric orb or cord of energy above and slightly behind your head, right about where your soul star chakra would be (maybe between it and your crown). Whether out loud, or within (especially with emotion) acknowledge your energy and the desire to call it back.
Imagine this electric orb is like a magnetic Tesla coil, but it magnetizes in all your energy, keeping it constricted to a small space.
It would be most strongly felt behind, above, and in the head, ears, neck, and spine. It can also feel like heat, tingling, vibrating/humming, or electricity, for some people. But when you feel it magnetizing everything back, it can be highly intense depending how far out and ungrounded your energy was beforehand.
If you wish to keep your energy constricted like this, just hold the energy (and visualization if needed) until you are ready to let go and expand again.
Keep in mind that this can and does cause headaches, and imbalance in your energy. Its good to expand and radiate when you safely can. But it's also important to have discernment for when you need to pull back out of protection/respect for others and yourself.
#159 - Summon a Succubus
First off, start by lighting your red candle.
Draw the sigil of Lilith on the paper.
Write in your own words, a letter to Lilith explaining you want a succubus.
Tread lightly. It's Lilith. Do not say anything offensive to her being.
Lilith, my queen,
For how bad it may seem,
Send me one of your beings,
And a shoulder to lean.
So mote it be.
Afterwards, burn the paper in the candle flame and throw away the ashes after it's burned.
Now, lie down, rest and wait for the succubus to come to you.
And remember, it's a succubus. You may feel depressed or even with a low energy level after the deed.
#160 - Let go or forget person you're attached to
Close your eyes.
Visualize yourself with the person in question and the soul contract in your hand.
Visualize yourself ripping the contract into pieces.
(Name) I let you go,
(Name) I set you free,
(Name) I leave you at peace.
So mote it be.