7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Make Your Familiar
- Child Protection Mojo Bag
- Bast Oil
- Dream Oil
- Dark Huntress Oil
- Protection Grid
- Death Potion
- Happiness
- Familiar Dream
- Suck Energy From a Light
#1631 - Make Your Familiar
Add all Ingredients into container then stir vigorously for 2 Mins then find bigger container with lid to keep for longer. When you take a bath, put a drop of this potion into the water. Imagine what you want your familiar to look like. While wet, say "Familiar of mine - become real"
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1632 - Child Protection Mojo Bag
Also light the sage stick and candles the moral and pestle then crush the egg shells into it
then add the herbs into it after adding all the herbs and the egg shells into the moral and pestle. Then take the black or white cloth, add the mixture into the cloth then chant
"Great Goddess I ask of the please protect my child so mote it be "
Then tie the bag into three knots so the herbs wont fall out then place under child's bed
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1633 - Bast Oil
Take a bottle or a mason jar then add catnip, cats claw bark, mrrh and add the tigers eye into the bottle. Then chant " Goddess bast I pray to the I have made this oil to honer thee "
Add the oil base you wish ways to use the oil when working with the goddess you can anoint the candles in the oil or yourself .
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1634 - Dream Oil
Light the white candles and take the bottle or mason jar and add the jasmine, lavender, mug wort and armony into the bottle or jar then chant .
" Goddess of dreams I ask of three please send me sweet dreams so mote it be"
Then add the small amethyst chip into the bottom of it. After making you can use it to rub on you before going to bed just a tiny dab.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1635 - Dark Huntress Oil
First take a small mason jar and add the jasmine, dried lemon, worm wood flower and the garnet chip into the jar. Then, place your hands over the jar and chant " Darker goddess darker me please bless this oil so it may help me " Then add the oil base and place on a window seal so the dark moon can place the energy into it .
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1636 - Protection Grid
If you have an altar cloth you may lay that out. Place the Quartz generator in the center of the cloth, in a circle around it place your 2 tigers eye, the Amethyst and the onyx.
Next you have to activate the crystal grid. Take your wand (or finger) and start at the Quartz generator. Visualize a line of energy coming from the wand linking all the crystals up starting and ending at the Quartz generator. You may say a chant if you have one that you think will help.
When you're done you can keep it activated for as long as you like. Do deactivate it you just need to use your wand and unlink all the crystals. Remember to charge and cleanse the crystals again when you're done.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1637 - Death Potion
Add the water, cut up mint, aloe, and 1 1/2 whole roses and say " Death to those who've made me mad and death to those who deserve to die". Then say who should die and say why they need to die. Then say "He/she who rots within my mind shall die tonight for he/she is my enemy. So mote it be" say it 10-20 times and drink the potion or give it to thy enemy.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1638 - Happiness
Recite the following once:
"Allah, yurja mill
lee mae alssayadat
waltakhallus eye
hizen almucksanat
daki lee,
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1639 - Familiar Dream
Write down the name you wish to give this animal and fold the paper. Place the paper under your pillow as you fall asleep. A new or crescent moon is best for this occasion.
As you sleep, you should dream of your animal. If you do, then your familiar has approached you. In the morning, as soon as you remember the dream, write on the paper ''My familiar, I thank you for approaching me. I accept your request to join me.'' When this is written, ask a question in your mind.
''Is your name (given name of familiar)?''
If done correctly, you should hear some sort of sound outside, be it a thud or a scratch or a bump. When this is heard, your familiar has joined you in the waking world.
Within a few days, you should see your familiar in reality. Only you can see them unless you allow others to, but only with permission of your familiar.
The type of animal you pick should reflect your personality. If not, then it may not work properly.
#1640 - Suck Energy From a Light
First point your staff at the light. After that hold it there close your eyes. Imagine the warm energy from the light going in to the staff. As the energy transfers, you should feel the energy in the staff. The light will go out if you do this for long enough.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.