7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Become a White Witch
- Become a Witch
- Agility
- Armor 1
- Stress Be Gone!
- Spiderman Powers
- To Become a Warlock
- How to see a Psi ball
- Wish Protect Spell
- Reality Creation
#1661 - Become a White Witch
First put the necklace on and then put your hand over it and say: "Moonlight moon bright, I wish to be a witch tonight. Give me the power of three. This is my will, so mote it be".
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1662 - Become a Witch
Place the bowl down and stir in the sugar, then add the herbs. Place gemstones in and around the bowl, then put the candle above it. Light it if you wish, but it will work unlighted.
Put in the hair, and the power items, then place your hands in the bowl and visualize energy flowing through your body into the bowl, gemstones, and items. Then imagine yourself using your witch powers, and riding past the moon on a broomstick, wearing the traditional witch garb (hat and cloak). Then when you're done, remove your hands and chant three times:
"Cauldron black of witches' brew
Witches and spirits, I call to you
Bring alive my only wish
Give me power to join you as a witch!"
Now stir the water with a hand. Feel the herbs, stones and items. Chant:
"Make me a witch with the power to make infinite wishes to myself and others! I will also be able to change my shape and fly, and I will have the powers of (first power) and (second power). I will also control and summon the element of (elemental power)! I will be marked as one of you with a (geometric, tribal or realistic) mark on my (place on body, touch place while saying this), bearing the image of a/n (image you want)."
Remove your hand and say the rest of the spell:
"My wand will be made of (wood type) wood, (describe wand), and when the spell takes effect I will find it, along with a familiar. My familiar will be a (describe familiar) named (familiar name), and if I grow tired of its appearance I may change it at will with its permission. It will have the power/s of (powers, no more than 5) and be my loyal pet and ally forever. And with them I will find a spell book where I may write my spells, and any spell will work for me as I will be a witch! Witches and spirits, make me like you! Give me my powers, familiar, wand and spellbook! Allow my every spell to work, no matter how simple or strange! And give me infinite wishes! This is my greatest wish, so mote it be!!!"
Repeat the first spell six times, to a total of nine. Drink the water from the bowl, but don't choke on the items inside! Then finish with one more "so mote it be" and then kneel (if you're not already kneeling) and bow. You may now bring the materials in. Every day look around for your wand, book and familiar. When you find them, you will receive your powers and wishes!
Powers for power one:
- Super strength (black, smooth stone)
- Catlike senses and agility (cat fur)
- Healing with a touch (flower blossom)
- Telekinesis (Purple string)
- Compulsion (temporary mind control, eye charm or eye drawn on paper and cut out)
Powers for power two:
- Superhuman endurance (feather)
- Enhanced memory (star cut from paper)
- Particle kinesis (sand)
- Communicate with animals (animal hair, if using cat fur just add extra)
Elemental powers:
- Water (nothing needed)
- Fire (piece of candle wax or charcoal
- Plants (piece of plant)
- Earth (a rock)
- Darkness (piece of black cloth)
- Light (shiny tinfoil or something else shiny)
- Electricity (a paper lightning bolt)
- Ice (ice cube)
Pick one of each! Pictures of the wand, spellbook and familiar keep it from getting misinterpreted. Only you can see your familiar, and it won't need food. But if you tell someone about it, they'll see it too! Your familiar and you will communicate through telepathy.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1663 - Agility
Hold your water bottle in both hands and chant:
"I wish to be quick as Hermes and as tireless as a wolf, so mote it be!"
Then take a big gulp of that water when you feel a little tired.
Last edited on Aug 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1664 - Armor 1
Obtain a piece of wood the size of your thumb-print, and inscribe thereon a magical symbol of stability. Attach thereunto a piece of leather the length of your arm, which has been heated over flame, dipped in a lake, hung in the wind, and buried in the earth. Attach this to the piece of wood, and place the wood in your mouth, using it to tighten a knot in the leather as you wrap the leather around your upper arm. You shall have the strength of the oak and the toughness of the leather so long as the knot remains tied.
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1665 - Stress Be Gone!
Scoop some coconut oil into the jar you are using, and wrap your hands around the jar or stick it in a bowl with warm or hot water to liquefy the coconut oil.
Take the oil combinations, either lavender and Vanilla or orange and Grapefruit, and add 2-3 drops each into the melted coconut oil and blend them together.
Then carefully hold the jar and Invision calm, soothing energy filling it as you chant;
''Soothing, calming, this balm will be.
Fill me with peace and serenity.
Take away the stress, the pain, the nervousness,
Fill me with bliss, so mote it be.''
After this, let the jar cool down so the newly magically enhanced contents solidify. Then when ever you or someone else is feeling stress, nervousness, slight anxiety, or need sleep, open the jar and swirl a finger tip into the mixture. Then rub it under your nose.
This works very well, even if you do not put a ton of energy into it or you have never used magic before.
Last edited on Oct 09, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1666 - Spiderman Powers
Put spider in jar or lidded item then say 10 x :"Goddess arachne, I call to you to please give me this spiders powers. I beg of you, I will never harm a spider ever again".
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1667 - To Become a Warlock
"Fire make me higher
Water be my father
Air bring the lair
I'm a Warlock under oath
I spoke the trim I loath
and let me be a Warlock
to thee and I am one to be
So mote it be."
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1668 - How to see a Psi ball
Make your Psi ball and wait until you can feel it.
Look at the sides of your hands and concentrate, you will start to see your aura and little bolts of what looks like lightning (or for me at least) zapping from one hand to the other.
Note: You can't actually fully 'see' the ball, you can see bits and pieces of the ball.
Last edited on Dec 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1669 - Wish Protect Spell
Sprinkle the Basil and bay leaf into the water (the water can be in a cup or it can be in a river, any place with water) Get the bamboo leaf and dip it seven times into the water each time saying your wish. After the seventh time, wrap it around your necklace and dip it all in water, say your wish seven times again. After the seventh time saying it take the necklace out of the bamboo leaf and put it on. Bury the bamboo leaf in a special place. Visit the place you buried it seven times. Every time you visit kneel and whisper your wish.
Your wish will come true.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1670 - Reality Creation
(1) Before you even start on creating your reality you must think of what your reality is at and how big does it consist of a small planet or does it consist an entire universe? Also what are the individuals that live in this reality? How many are they what is there to current level of Technology do they speak the same language as you and much more questions you can ask yourself when you are using the spell? Once you figure out what you want to create you can do so as many times as you like if the first reality fails.
(2) Gather up your magical energies no matter where they come from you need an enormous amount of energy to create this reality. If you had concentrate on creating a small planet you will not need as much energy I recommend you take medication together up the energy necessary creating your reality. Meditate for at least a whole a week if not a month to gather up enough energy. Try to do it daily without any distractions. There is no real technique that will give you the appropriate amount of energy.
(3) This part is rather important. Find object whether small or large it doesn't matter so long as you can add it into this spell. What the object will is create an anchor for both your reality and yourself as an anchor will allow you to travel to your reality and back to your original reality. It still is completed the object will fade from existence but it will still be there existing outside among the two reality as a bridge between them as the object from reality it becomes an immortal object. Even if you find a way to go between reality and ,find that object it cannot be destroyed no matter what force comes at it
(4) Sigil the information for this is available online this is only to be used to boost your magic effectiveness of it this tool that you would probably have to use requires some detail of research and practice. If you cannot use it that is fine it just means the effectiveness of the successful reality creation will be lowered by 45%, there is still room for success but it may require more energy and concentration.
(5) You can use chanting in this spell as long as you visualize your reality taking form as well as the objects beginning to fade from this reality and becomes the bridge to the reality that just formed. You can use any method that you see fit in chant may use the songs or riddles whatever seems to work best with you.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.