7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Item of Invisability
- Resurrection
- Better Reflexes
- Ritual of Saraswati
- Mantras for the Zodiacs
- Physically Enhancing Your Body
- Wrathful Protection of Yamantaka
- Protecting Mantra of Palden Lhamo
- Wisdom Mantra of Manjushri
- Seeing Auras
#1781 - Item of Invisability
- Draw a pentagram.
- Put amaranth in item
- Chant 3x "spirits of the night, hear my plea, enchant this charm, to bring me the ability to make me unseen. This is my will so mote it be."
Put in new or wanning moon for the night.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1782 - Resurrection
Draw the pentagram on the piece of paper and at the corners place the candles with purple at the top then (going clockwise) the blue then the green then the red then the white. Place the special object in the middle and sprinkle ash around it. Then light the candles and think about the person or animal. Meditate for 5-10 minutes then say: "I call to the spirits, I call to the dead let me see my dear (NAME) again. I call to thee come to me to reunite once more. I wish to see whom I seek, whom I miss so mote it be."
Then meditate again and then you should feel a presence, open your eyes and they should be there. They might not stay for long though.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1783 - Better Reflexes
First way
Just change three times:
"spirit of air, hear my plea, make me dexterous, this is my will, so mote it be."
This is strong and lasts for one hour.
Second way
Draw a pentagram, then put the object you wish to enchant in the center, now say,
"Spirits of air, hear my plea, enchant this object with great agility, this is my will, so mote it be!"
Then either burn it, or put it in water. Put the ashes in a safe place, if you used water, tear it up, and put it some where safe.
Last edited on Nov 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1784 - Ritual of Saraswati
After you're done with that, light the candles and incense. If you have a ghee lamp, then light it. If you have a conch or horn or any gongs, bells, or singing bowls, then blow the conch or horn, or ring the gong, bell, or singing bowl to signal the beginning of the ritual. But anyway, after lighting the candles and incense, go into prayer position on your knees. Close your eyes while thinking of Saraswati and chant at least 5 malas(540 times):
''Om namah padmasne shabadrupe aim hreem kleem vad vad vag vadini swaha''
''Om shreem hreem Saraswati namaha''
Yaa Kundendu Tushaara Haaradhavalaa, Yaa Shubhravastraavritha
Yaa Veenavara Dandamanditakara, Yaa Shwetha Padmaasana
Yaa Brahmaachyutha Shankara Prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswati Bhagavatee Nihshesha Jaadyaapaha''
Bow down respectfully when you're done. Then make a short prayer to Saraswati for success in studies, exams, tests, performances, music, or whatever. Present the fruit offerings and flowers and petals to Saraswati while chanting three times:
''Saraswati maha-bhage vidye kamala lochane
Viswa-rupe vishalakshi vidyangdehi namastute
Esho shachandana pushpa bilvapatranjali
Namo Saraswatvayi devyayi namo''
Bow down respectfully to her again and then ask her to accept to the offerings you just made. Then, make another short prayer to Saraswati of thanking her for joining you and ask her for her blessings. Bow down, and then say farewell or good bye to her. The ritual is then over.
#1785 - Mantras for the Zodiacs
Mantras for Aries(Mesh):
"Om Vishnave Namah"
"Om kleem shreem Lakshmi Narayana namaha"
Mantras for Taurus(Vrashab):
"Om Vasudevaya namah"
"Om gopalay uttar dhvajai namaha"
Mantras for Gemini(Mithun):
"Om Keshavaya namah"
"Om Kleem Krishnai namah"
Mantras for Cancer(Kark):
"Om Radha Krishna ya namah"
"Om hiranyagarbhai avyakt rupane namaha"
Mantras for Leo(Singha):
"Om Hariharaya balamukundaya namah"
"Om kleem Brahma ne jagada dharai namaha"
Mantras for Virgo(Kanya):
"Om hrim Pitambaraya Paramatmane namah"
"Om namaha peem pitambarai namaha"
Mantras for Libra(Tula):
"Om shree ram dasrathaye namah"
"Om tatva niran janai tarak ramai namaha"
Mantras for Scorpio(Vrischika):
"Om Narayanaya Namah Om Naraya Namah"
"Om Naranaya sur singhai namaha"
Mantras for Sagittarius(Dhanu):
"Om hreem shreem kreem dharani Dharaya namah"
"Om shreem dev Krishnai urdhva dantai namaha"
Mantras for Capricorn(Makar):
"Om shreem Vatsalaya Namah"
"Om shreem vitsalai namaha"
Mantras for Aquarius(Kumbh):
"Om shring upendraya achyutaya namah"
"Om kreem Govinda Gopalaya Namah
"Om shreem upendrai achyutai namaha"
Mantras for Pisces(Meen):
"Om Kreem Rathanga Chakra Namah"
"Om Hreeng Kleeng sauh"
"Om aam kleem udhvatai"
"Om aang cling udhdritay namah"
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1786 - Physically Enhancing Your Body
This spell will cause healing of illnesses, strength on its own, and when working out muscles with grow so fast no one will beleive you unless you show them a before and after, however I'm not sure if it helps as much as steroids, don't do steroids. All together you will be a for physical fit person.
It can take about 2 weeks to work, no way to tell how long it will take but it's around 2 weeks. Everyday until you see results say: "With the power of the highest helping me I shall become better, greater, like a ball of gleaming light, and I will serve a good deed in return." About 3 times a day.
The Price:
For this to work a great deed, and smaller deeds of good must be committed. You have to wait till you see someone is time of need and help them in a way that you relieve them of a lot of pressure or stress. The small deeds are just being nice, opening doors for people etc. That will keep your blessing alive and strong. Every deed will give you a tingling in your stomach, this is good.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1787 - Wrathful Protection of Yamantaka
Light the incense if you have any. Go into prayer position and close your eyes while thinking of Yamantaka. Chant for at least 3 times the hundred syllable mantra of Yamantaka which goes as:
"Om Yamantaka samaya manu palaya Yamantaka tenopa titra drido mebhawa. Suto kayo mebhawa supo khayo mebhawa anu rakto mebhawa sarva siddhi mentra yatsa sarwa karma sutsame tshitam shiri ya. Guru hung ha ha ha ha ho bhagawan yamantaka mame muntsa Yamantaka bhawa maha samaya sato ah hum phat."
Then bow down respectfully. After that, chant his mantra for one mala(108 times) or more:
"Om Yamantaka hum phat"
Then bow down respectfully again. You must make a prayer to him for thanking him of protecting Buddhism and the dharma. Also, ask him to protect you. Anytime you say his mantras while thinking of him, he will protect you and crush your enemies after deep devotion.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1788 - Protecting Mantra of Palden Lhamo
''Jo ramo, jo ramo, jo jo ramo, tunjo kala rachenmo, ramo aja, dajia tunjo, rulu rulu hum jo hum.''
After that, thank her for saving the world and ask her to protect you. You will be protected. Afterwards, whenever you think of her and chant her mantra, you will be protected.
#1789 - Wisdom Mantra of Manjushri
Go in prayer form and think of Manjushri with your eyes closed. Chant for one mala(108 times) or more of his mantra:
"Om ara pa cha na dhih."
"Om ara pasa na dhih"
After that, bow down. Soon after this, anytime you recite his mantra, wisdom will be granted to you.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1790 - Seeing Auras
The first thing to do is retrieve your white background. Once you have that, move on to the next step.
Now hold up your finger to that background and focus on it. Attempt to focus on one specific place, like a knuckle or fingernail.
Concentrate deeply on that and you should see a colored oval around your finger. The color surrounding it is the color of your aura.
OTHER: In HannahJaide's original spell/ritual, she warns not to buy a fruit or vegetable if it has a WHITE aura, so I will warn you here so you will not make that mistake.
RED: In a positive light, red reflects a healthy ego. In a negative one, red energy represents anger, anxiety, unforgiving, or nervousness.
DEEP RED: Strong willed, grounded, survival, realistic.
CLEAR RED: Powerful, sensual, passionate, competitive, energetic.
ORANGE RED: Confidence.
BRIGHT PINK: Sensual, artistic, affection, love, sensitive.
DARK, MUDDY PINK: Dishonesty, immaturity.
ORANGE: Pertains to the reproductive organs and emotions. A color of vitality and excitement. In a positive light, it reflects productivity, creativity, being sociable, and having courage.
ORANGE YELLOW: Intelligence, detail oriented, scientific, perfectionist.
BROWNISH ORANGE: Low level of ambition. Person is lazy or has repressed emotions.
YELLOW: Color of awakening, easy-going nature, optimism, and intelligence.
PALE YELLOW: Physic and spiritual awareness, optimism, hopefulness, and positivity.
BRIGHT YELLOW: Fear of losing control and respect.
CLEAR METALLIC GOLD: Spiritually activated, inspirational awakening.
MUDDY YELLOW GOLD: Fatigue and stress from studying or trying to learn everything at a time.
GREEN: A comfortable, healthy color. Represents balance, growth, and change and a love of people, animals, and nature.
EMERALD: Healer, loving human.
YELLOW GREEN: Heartfelt, creative.
MUDDY FOREST GREEN: Jealousy, victim, blames others, insecure.
TURQUOISE: A sensitive, compassionate aura that usually surrounds healers and therapists.
BLUE: A cool, calm, and collected color that produces caring, loving and sensitive energies.
LIGHT BLUE: Peacefulness, clarity, intuition, truth.
ROYAL BLUE: Clairvoyant, very spiritual, generous, open to new opportunities.
MUDDY BLUE: Fear of expression, the future, and speaking the truth.
INDIGO: Color of deep feeling and intuition.
VIOLET: The most sensitive of colors in the aura. Intuitive, visionary, magical, and artistic.
LAVENDER: Reveals vision and imagination.
SILVER: Pertains to abundance. A lot of bright silver in an aura may mean money or a spiritual awakening.
METALLIC SILVER: Nurturing, intuitive.
MUDDY GREY: Accumulation of fear in the body, sometimes meaning health problems.
DIRTY GREY: Blocking of energy, skeptical.
GOLD: Represents guidance of wisdom. Someone with this aura is a guide with much wisdom and inner peace.
BLACK: Indicates an unforgiving nature, past life problems, unreleased anger, and grief or health issues.
WHITE: Signals purity, angelic qualities, truth, and health.
DIRTY GREY-WHITE: Potential illness.
EARTH TONES: Indicate people who may work outdoors such as as farmers.
RAINBOW: Indicates a healer.
PASTELS: Pertain to sensitivity and a need for serenity.
BROWN: Greedy, close-minded.
DIRTY BROWN OVERLAY: Holds on to negative energy and insecurity.
More about these auras can be found at Psychic Library, where I got this information.