7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Attraction Spell
- Tickling Socks
- Massacre's Soul Consumption Method
- Calming
- Spell to Attune
- Lucky Charm/Object
- Magical Amulet
- Psyclone Summon
- Protection
- Lesser Invocation to Paeftzeria Bonoceref
#1781 - Attraction Spell
It is best to meditate before hand, for at least 10-15 minutes.
You may place soft, relaxing music or "love songs" to get you in the mood of this spell. Music has a strong effect over us, and can help aid in a spell a lot. Keep this music playing.
Place the picture of the person aside. Make sure you visualize what this person looks like clearly. Memories of the person can also help aid in the spell.
Light your candle(s).
Grab a piece of paper and rip off a small corner. You only need a tiny piece of paper.
In pen (preferably) or marker, write down the following:
Your name + Your crush's name
fall in love
today's date: mm/dd/yyyy OR dd/mm/yyyy
Fold the paper to where it is about the same size or smaller than a coin.
Either place the small, folded paper in the candle. Or, place the paper in the flame then set it on a non-flammable item to let it burn.
Chant the following until the paper is in complete ashes:
"With all of my heart's desire,
Hope yours I do acquire,
with energy from me,
with energy from the ground,the sky, the universe,
the earth, the wind, the fire, the water, the spirit,
Here I say my wish to be,
let this wish come true,
so mote it be."
While you chant, imagine your energy going into the spell. Direct it to do what you wish: making the person love you.
Imagine the outcome.
this spell does not work if one person is an adult while the other is a minor.
Do's and Don't's:
If you mess up during a chant, do NOT go back and fix it. Keep going.
Do not have anyone else in the room.
You may do this during the day time or night time.
if you wish, you may place a pentagram on the ground below you where you cast your spell.
please be careful when messing with fire. If you are a minor, this is not recommended.
love spells can backfire, cause bad luck, or even unwanted events. Love spells are a form of black magick because you are forcing someone to feel a certain way or do a certain thing.
Love spells will often not make the relationship "real" because the relationship can easily fade. Some fade fast, while others last for years. Sometimes love spells can be good sense you learn from them.
Make sure you only concentrate on the person and the outcome. Anything else you think about (For example, thinking of bad luck) can result.
It is best to charge the spell beforehand. This spell is not usually for beginners because of it's energy usage. In fact, most spells with less ingredients are for those who practiced magick for a long time. Beginners are often better with spells with more ingredients.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1782 - Tickling Socks
Draw a perfect hexagram (sorry but it has to be, you can use tools to help you though). Tape the pair of socks and lay them out in the center of the hexagram. Then chant the following:
"Gods and goddesses hear me, the one who talks.
Send your energy down to enchant these socks.
Let these socks have the ability to tickle.
Make whoever wear the socks laugh and giggle.
Oh Gods and Goddesses hear my plea.
This is my wish so mote it be!"
Now leave the socks on the hexagram over night. Do not touch them or mess with them. The next day, put the socks on. If it feels as if your feet are being tickled then it worked. Lastly: Give the socks to who ever you want. If they put on the socks and then their shoes then they will be left with their feet to be tickled until they take them off.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1783 - Massacre's Soul Consumption Method
First off, be completely relaxed. Meditate, and go into a trance state (Preferably the Alpha state, but Theta is more powerful. I found this visual method more powerful. Mother and Father use this method as well.) With your eyes closed, visualise them in front of you, with their back to you.
Visualise you consuming their aura in any way. You could visualise yourself actually eating and ingesting their aura until it's gone, or you could visualise yourself drawing in their aura into your sacral/sexual chakra. ALWAYS draw in energy with your female chakras, as they absorb energy; male chakras project energy.
While they have their back to you, reach into their back; imagine your hand phasing through their back. When you pull your hand away, you should be holding a bottle of white-gold liquid, glowing as bright as the sun. This represents their soul.
With this bottle of while-gold liquid in your hands, open up the top, and start drinking it. As you make each gulp, you take and consume more of their soul. Visualise the individual getting weaker as more of their soul is consumed.
Once you have consumed every last drop of the liquid, visualise pitch black energy going into the bottle. This will render them defenseless, making them even more vulnerable to psychic attacks and black magick workings.
When the bottle is completely filled with the pitch black energy, visualise it condensing into a liquid as dark as a black hole. Close the bottle, and visualise your hand and the bottle phasing into their back. Once when you put the bottle intp the individual, pull your hand away. They will be more open and vulnerable, and you can use their energy and soul as you wish. I recommend transforming them into grey energy, the most devastating energy, and directing it back to them. Grey energy is death energy.
Last edited on Dec 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1784 - Calming
Hold the ring in the palm of your hand and imagine all the bad feelings going into the ring. Do this 4-6 times until you are calm. Put the ring in the corner of your bedroom and use when necessary.
Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1785 - Spell to Attune
2. Sprinkle salt all over whatever surface you are using. The idea is that you want to have a clean and cleansed area. Once you are done, make sure the salt is spread throughtout the work space, you may use as little or as much needed. Any variant salt may work for this.
3. Lay out your desired items. This items must be objects you identify closely with. As vague as it is, really anything goes. You can even go as simple as writing your name on a sheet of paper. Your favorite CD, a rock you find pretty, and medals you've earned are all good examples to use.
4. Place your white candle in the center of your area. You may light it, or switch it on, depending on whether you choose a traditional or electric candle. Either is fine.
5. Now, take time to visualize. If you have trouble visualizing, you may write all your thoughts and ideas on sheet of paper. Visualize a halo of white light around you and your chosen area. Focus on the idea of becoming fully attuned to yourself, and relax. Take time to really appreciate yourself as an unique human being. Do not worry if you are doing the spell correctly, simply focus on steady breathing and having a lightened mindset.
6. Once you feel relaxed and in tune again, you may clean up now!
#1786 - Lucky Charm/Object
Fill a bowl of any size with water from a natural source such as rain water, stream water, pond water, ETC. Get some dirt/soil from outside and place object in it then chant:
"I invoke you mother earth! Come to me and and use this soil to infuse luck and fortune into this object, bring wisdom and protection to this object. Oh mother earth I call you now in time of need, hear me and help me."
Remove the object and fill a bowl with the natural water. Wash the object with the water and while doing so chant
"I invoke you mother earth once more through this element of water! Hear me when I say I need you today. I need you to bring luck to this object. infuse guidance, wisdom, and fortune to this object through the element of water. I beg you now to do as I ask and will return to you something of the to elements combined."
Now dry the object and carry it with you everywhere. be sure you return the favor! As you have invoked mother earth through soil and water you must care for mother earth. The object will only remain lucky as long as you help the earth. It can be by helping hurt animals or planting trees every month or simply Recycling something every earth day.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1787 - Magical Amulet
First of all take the pendant and attach it with the chain. Then take the locket in your hand and chant: "Ohh lords of the divine power hear my plea make this locket magical so mote it be!" Say it three times.
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1788 - Psyclone Summon
Go to your quiet space, with an offering of food, preferably meat. Say or telepathically project these words, "Pyclone, hear my cry, come and feast and converse about my troubles, as many times as you have to until you hear a voice in your head or see him." To most people he will stay invisible.
Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1789 - Protection
Sit down comfortably with the candle in front of you. Look into the candle;
If you are doing this for yourself, imagine a shield around you and if you are doing this for someone else, imagine a shield around them. Once you have the shield pictured in your head, chant this once:
"All acts of negativity will now return to thee,
all bad you try to send my way,
upon your own self will hold sway
all actions, thoughts, words, and hate
will become your decided fate
by all up high, the worlds and wise
by oceans wide and the deep blue sky
by day and night and powers three
this is my will, so mote it be."
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1790 - Lesser Invocation to Paeftzeria Bonoceref
Next, light the candles whilst saying for each one: '' Athran saj yiddel''!
Next, take the cup of river water and speak the following while waving your left hand over it: ''Co-Lai goon Athranian!'' Dip your two fingers (index, middle) of your left hand into the water and make a letter A on your chest making it so the hole in the A encloses your heart. Then, make a C on your chest, the C overlapping the middle line of the A and going beneath the letter's legs.
Next take the rib athame and prick yourself/cut yourself slightly. Just enough to get a bit of blood into your dried pen.
Then, use the dried pen to write on the blank paper the following:
''Fwaceel yiddel-gel Athran, Athran saj Paeftzeria Bonoceref!''
Then burn the paper over the candles saying: ''Cry-lem!''
Thus ends the Lesser Invocation.