7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Grant a Wish
- Summon a Book Character
- Body Swap
- Fairy Protection Gell
- Become Your Own Vampire
- Wealth
- Wind Spell
- Hello Demon Ritual
- Magic Keep Me Warm
- True Love
#1961 - Grant a Wish
''This is my wish.''
Extinguish the candle. Take the slip of paper and place it on the flowers. Keep it there until your wish comes true.
#1962 - Summon a Book Character
So read about your favorite character then say this 'I wish the name of character is here'.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1963 - Body Swap
Do this when you're alone. Sit down and relax. Imagine the person you want to swap. If you're relaxed say or whisper this:
"God, please swap my body with (First and last name). Let me get his memories, powers and all the other things he/she has. Let my soul go to their body this night, when I wake up I will be him. So mote it be!"
Go to sleep... The next day you wake up in his body. You will not know about the switch and will think you will always be him.
Last edited on Nov 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1964 - Fairy Protection Gell
#1965 - Become Your Own Vampire
Read this in your head once when you sit down after you take your notebook or notebooks with information on the god you made and place the notebook or notebooks next to where you are sitting, anyway you like:" Spirits of the undead, hear my plea. A vampire with everything that is in the notebook or notebooks with information on the vampire I made is what i wish to be. So mote it be."
Note: This spell will fully work 100% even if you messed up in anyway or not.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1966 - Wealth
While holding the item worth money, Say:
"As I hold this item in my hand, shall I earn ___(times its amount/shall not exceed 5)___ in cash without losing it. I shall find all of this cash in money within ___(at least the day cast)___. It will belong to no one but me."
Last edited on Jul 19, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1967 - Wind Spell
"Wind wind oh how you flow. Follow my hand where ever I go flow flow. Follow my hand flow flow and you will see, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1968 - Hello Demon Ritual
If your at school, make someone near you say the following:
"Hello demon are you here? if you are we must hide our fear."
Make sure that you are holding the sharpener (eraser at bottom sharpener on top) and release once you finish the sentence.
Last edited on Apr 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1969 - Magic Keep Me Warm
This spell is very simple and easy to remember. All you have to do is repeatedly say this chant:
"Magic keep me warm
through the winter storm,
through the wind and rain,
let me have no pain."
When you stop saying the chant, the effects will wear off within a few seconds of stopping.
Last edited on Nov 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1970 - True Love
First you must ask yourself. Do you really want to know if you'll find true love? Or who they might be? If the answer is yes, then continue.
First your going to need:
- a candle (choose the colour that you believe really signifies love. It can be what ever you want.)
- something to anoint the candle with that is connected to you (the crystals from your favourite juice, leaves from your favourite tea, something like that)
- supplies to cast a circle (if you want to cast a circle, I suggest it)
- incense (if you want it, again up to you. It's about your true love so it must be connected to you.)
First things first if your casting a circle, then cast your circle, and invoke whatever gods/goddesses you believe in. Then take out your candle, and what your using to connect your candle to you (for example peppermint tea leaves). If you are using tea leaves then you would at this point sprinkle them on your candle. Focus all of the love that you feel in this world on the candle. Feel your love pool into it. Once you are done anointing your candle light it. Then say the incantation.
"I'm having doubts
Doubts about true love
I want it, but am not sure if I'm destined for it
I want to know"
Repeat the last line three times. Then chant.
"So I wish it, so mote it be."
I know I sometimes I forget long spells, and even short ones. So if you have to write all this down on a piece of paper then burn it before the end of the spell. Then don't hesitate to.
After your chant ,blow out the candle, and start to meditate. If you've done the spell correctly the answer should come to you. You may even get glimpses of them.
Last edited on Nov 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.