7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Love Potion
- Demonwolf or Dracowolf or Demonicdracowo
- Power Binding Reversal
- To Bind Powers
- To Increase One's Powers
- Banish Demons
- Become a Werebeast
- Induce Calm Spell
- Love Charm
- Rose Revenge Nightmare
#2091 - Love Potion
Should work :)
#2092 - Demonwolf or Dracowolf or Demonicdracowo
Say 5 times:
"Dracowolves, Demonwolves, and spirits of the moon, I wish to be the (demonwolf,dracowolf,dracodemon.) I shall be able to shift into both forms or just one form at will half way or all the way whenever i want. I shall be able to shift for however long I want and shall not be able to shift back untill one hour after the transformation. By the power of the forest, so mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2093 - Power Binding Reversal
*Must be performed at bound persons will*. Otherwise if they are in grave danger the spell will anull itself to protect the person.
Chant: "Cut the bonds, steal the seal, let the powers one more reveal, give back the powers hidden away. Here now in this present day."
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2094 - To Bind Powers
Caster clutch both hands of the target in one of your hands, entwine the targets hands with the cord, and chant the following while doing so: "Hear these words, hear the cry, allow these persons powers to tie, to stop, not strip, let fear and problems lose their grip. Leave no powers from these lips."
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2095 - To Increase One's Powers
Chant the following: "In need of help and power seek, please make me no longer meek. Please times my power by 3."
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2096 - Banish Demons
Mix everything clockwise 8 times(apart from the blood and the quarts) at the end of each full stir pause and say: "Banish demon to the depths of abyss." Then on the eighth stir say: "Banished now, banished forever proven by sacrifice given here together." Then get the blood and put one drop on the quarts and then put the rest in the potion and say: "so mote it be."
Then either drink a tiny bit or enhale it for 3 minutes.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2097 - Become a Werebeast
Say 3 times; night time works best:
"Werebeasts of the full moon, I wish to be a (choose a werebeast like wereleopard or werecyote) iIshall be able to change at will and shall not be able to change back to normal untill 1 hour after the transformation, by the power of the forest, so mote it be."
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2098 - Induce Calm Spell
- Pour the oil into the pot, add water, and whisk thoroughly.
- Turn the heat on to low, sprinkle lightly sugar, add petals, stir, and leave to sit for two minutes.
- Take off and get three incense sticks, cast them in the mixture, and pour the remains of the liquid into the bottle (if it is big enough), and place in the three incense sticks so they are sitting nicely in the bottle, and set to burn.
When it starts to burn chant:
"Fumes from this oil seep, into everyone's minds and sleep.
Calm their thoughts, and calm their heads, gentle the words, gentle the lines
bring calm and piece of mind."
Blow out after five minutes.
Last edited on Nov 01, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2099 - Love Charm
First, get your item. Imagine a beautiful pink light filling it up. Once you think you item is full, put it in the box on put in 3 drops of your essential oil. Then, take the box outside under the full moon, with the lid off and let it sit there for three hours. Now you are done.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2100 - Rose Revenge Nightmare
Draw an pentagram on the floor. Place the two pink candles on the floor (left, and the right.) Place the two red candles (top, and bottom.) Place the black candle in the middle. Sprinkle the rose petals around the pentagram. Light the candles. Place the rose next to the black candle, place it over the black candle. Carefully pour the blood over the rose, while doing that say this spell; "Goddesses of darkness, nightmare, and revenge, please hear my plea. Touch the rose with your powers, make the thorns poison to the touch, please, make it so that if one touches the thorn in a dream, then they will be in endless sleep, not age, nor die, only sleep."
Ship or place the rose on the front door, of your victim. Make sure that it has a note, (they have to put the rose under the pillow for it to work.) You have three days for the spell to work, if not then find another way.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.