7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Song Of Nightmares
- Prevention Chant
- Strawberry Ink
- Basic Draconic Protection
- Make Spells Work
- Freeze Your Ex
- Hatch a Baby Dragon
- Communicate With Any Entity.
- Magickal Earth Herb Jar
- Al Qawlu Qawlu Sawarim
#2281 - Song Of Nightmares
Hold the picture and say/chant/sing:
"This person has done me wrong
They deserve a nightmare song
The very things they fear the most
Will be in their standard nighttime host
This curse won't last for very long
Just the amount of lines in this song
For ten days in their sleep of fear
Sleep shall be something they cannot bear!
Wind, Earth, Fire, and Sea
As I say, So mote it be"
Say it however many times you want
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2282 - Prevention Chant
Say "God, oh god keep (say what you want to keep away) away keep (it or them) at bay until (I or we) are home to stay."
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2283 - Strawberry Ink
To bless the ink:
Cast a circle, call upon your Pantheon then say: ''Great gods, please bless this ink with your essence.'' Anoint the bottle that the ink is in with Sage and Sandalwood oil. Seal the bottle shut with red wax. That night, let it sit out on a window sill to soak up full moon rays.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2284 - Basic Draconic Protection
Anoint yourself with the oil and cast a circle, lighting the white candle once you are fully within your circle. Close your eyes, visualise your aura growing larger. State in a clear voice:
"By the dragon's light and power, on this (month) and on this hour, I ask of thee to give me your might, protect me and all within sight."
As you say the words, visualize a dragon curling it's body around you, prepared to fight off any evil. You should feel a dragon's presence within a day.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2285 - Make Spells Work
Theres many different ways to cast a spell, there no right or wrong on how to cast spells, everyone is different. Id like to cover some beliefs about spells and how I cast them.
When I cast spells I first get into a relaxed state of mind, so all my focus will be on the spell casting itself rather than the result, its like getting ready to pitch a ball, you focus your energy on the throw rather then the end result, after that I sometimes invoke outside energies like gods and goddesses or any divine figure of some sort, then I go ahead and cast my spell.
So after the spell has been casted I rely on belief and trust into the spell.
Some people have a hard time doing this but I've learned a way to make it easier to believe in you spells.
Its called affirmations, now i know its words being repeated over and over again but if you put your full intent into the affirmation then the spell will work.
Like for an example:
-my spell will work
-the spell is working
-the spell worked
Putting your mind into a a repetitive subject and saying will cause you subconscious to actually believed it work, and the subconscious as we know is connected to everything out there, and for the subconscious to believe that it worked will cause your spell to actually work, the because the subconscious controls your reality.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2286 - Freeze Your Ex
Ritual: Write the full name on a piece of paper and roll the paper into a ball and put it into the plastic container along with the water and the piece of fish. Hold the container up to the moon and say:
"Light of the Moon
Hear me well
Freeze him/her out
Make him/her gone
The spell is cast
The magic will last."
Put the container into the freezer compartment of your fridge, in a place where you know it won't be disturbed or found. Leave it in your fridge for as long as it takes. Then - and only then - throw it all away far, far away from your house.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2287 - Hatch a Baby Dragon
Put the hair into one container. Then add hot water to another container. Add the element and object and scent to the third container. Mix all three ingredients together into the large container. Move the water around so that the water passes over the hair, the scent, and the element object.
Lay the rock on one of the bottom corners of your bed. Say the spell. (See below) Pour the drop of water on the top of the rock. Wait for at least 30 seconds. If the drop falls off before 30 seconds have passed, the spell didn't work. If the drop falls off after the 30 second mark, it worked. The water should not longer smell like your favorite scent.
Read the rock like a clock, with 12 o'clock to the North. The water line is the time your egg should be exposed to the air again. It doesn't matter how many days or hours, or even weeks pass, as long as it is exposed at EXACTLY that hour.
Put one of the blankets on the bottom of your container, then shape it like a nest. Make sure the bottom of the container is not visible. Place the rock in the nest, and cover it with blankets. Then, take off the shirt you are wearing and place it over the top.
Go do something that makes you happy. Wait until the time on the rock, and remove it. If there is not water streak left on it, the spell probably worked. If you can still see the water, put the rock back and wait until the next time the hour changes to the time on the rock.
"As good as the light
As impenetrable as the dark
It is by magic that I make this rock a spark
Of life, of love, of magic
Element Objects-
- Something charred: fire
- Ice: ice
- Cold water drop: water
- Small rock: mineral
- Dirt: earth
- Any crystal: crystal
- A small, magnetic star or moon: random element
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2288 - Communicate With Any Entity.
First you must write in bold letters on the front of the book "Geniec" Then number each page. When youve done that, stimulate your mind. Think of love or a favorite song if you want. When you think you are stimulated, from the bottom of your heart ask yourself, "How stimulated am i on a scale 1-10" You should feel an answer come to you, if you are an 8 or higher, thats perfect. Now in the book write "I'd like to communicate with an entity (whatever you want to know about. ) For example I want to communicate with an entity that has telekinesis." Now write, "are you there?" An answer comes to you, write it down. Now ask it's name. Again write it down. Continue asking it whatever questions you want. When you are done, write, you are dismissed.
Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2289 - Magickal Earth Herb Jar
Find a quiet secluded area in the woods. mix all of the ingredients into the small jar and secure the lid on very tightly. chant these words as you hold the jar within both of your hands:
"Mother earth i mix you now with other herbs that come from ground. in your magick i believe you'll keep me safe, so mote it be."
Kiss the jar and then place it wherever you wish for protection and good luck.
Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2290 - Al Qawlu Qawlu Sawarim
Once you get the ingredients, light the candle after you washed it with the milk and place some olive oil on the tip of the candle. Then you will need to have the red flower close to the candle and the oak leaf at the right of the candle. Warning, this is very important. It should not be on the left side because it will reverse the outcome of the spell. After you've done that, visualize a barrier and chant " Al Qawlu Qawlu Sawarim " five times with deep voice ( It is pronounced Al Auwlu Auwlu sauwarim) .The deserts of Arabia will then protect you.
Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.