7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Be Able to Hear and See Spirits
- Get Your Dream Kitty
- Summon Nature Guardian
- Help You Sleep
- Magic Dream-Catcher
- Wish
- Wings in 2-4 Days
- Breakup, Banish and Get Your Ex Back
- Gemstone/Crystal Elixir
- Spirit Animal Dream
#2351 - Be Able to Hear and See Spirits
First, light the lavender insence, crush the lavender flower or spray the scent. Then on a flat surface, place the candles with the tall candle in the middle of the two small ones. If you are trying to reach bad spirits, now arm yourself with a cross and put salt around the candles.
Now take the tissue with your tears on it. Bunch it up and put it in the flame of the largest candle. Be careful. Take the pair of earrings or headphones and place them under the two small candles. Say the following chant:
"Spirits are around me each and everyday.
Their ghostly arms surround me and carry me away.
I know they are around me all the time.
I wish that I could hear them, see them.
So mote it be."
You may feel lighter after saying the chant. Shake it off and blow out the candles. This ability will only last for up to an hour at a time.
Last edited on Oct 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2352 - Get Your Dream Kitty
Draw and colour your kitty on the paper. Drawing a collar won't work but I don't know why. Fold it hamburger style. Write the details on the paper. For example:
- Name
- Nickname
- Gender
- Powers ( No ridiculous powers like flying or breathing fire. Maybe telepathic connection and invisible to people who don't know about their existence. If you don't know if your powers are suitable message me and I will tell you.)
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Miscellaneous
Fold hamburger style again. Write and say at the same time:
"By the power of the gods and godesses, I wish to have my own kitty. She/He will have ____ colour fur and ____ colour eyes. Her/His powers are _____ (and ___ ). They will be like my best friend and I would never abandon her/him because I love her/him. They will die when I die and they would be there for me when I am sad or angry for me when I'm angry. This is what I wish for, the pet for my heart so mote it be".
Mote it be should be as big as you can make them. Then fold the paper again hamburger style. Draw a pentagram. Fold it again. Hold the paper to your heart and say so mote it be as loud as you can.
Bring the paper everywhere for those 10 days. Put it under your pillow when you go to sleep and think about you and your kitty meeting up.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2353 - Summon Nature Guardian
Crush pinecone scales, grass, flower, salt or dirt and the leaf together in the mortar and pestle. Sprinkle the mixture in a circle big enough to fit the animal that you are using. Put the animal inside of the circle. Put the candles and chalice in a square shape around the circle. (Caution: Place the candles far away from where the animal can reach them) Say the following chant:
"Nature Guardian let thee show,
As I gaze upon the water flow,
Earth, water air and fire,
Please fulfill my heart's desire.
So mote it be."
You will feel a rush of energy flow through your body as the Nature Guardian begins its life-long watch over you.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2354 - Help You Sleep
Lay in bed or where ever your going to sleep. If you could clear your mind that would be best and try not to think about anything. Now close your eyes and breath in 1, out 2, in 3, out 4 , in 5 , out 6 , in 7, out 8, in 9, out 10 and then say/whisper (your choice)
"Oh gods and godesses help me tonight, help me sleep, oh gods and godesses close my eyes and put me to sleep"
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2355 - Magic Dream-Catcher
Whisper "A gentle breeze blows, and tonight is calm, no nightmares to night, only sweet dreams, and when the day spreads across the sky, all in this house will awake happy and well rested, grant on to this house a a wall to block the darkest dreams and one that pulls the brightest through, tonight is quite, tonight is good, tonight all is as it should."
Lie on your back as you go to sleep and imagine a bubble around the house that is keeping out shadows and letting in light. Continue imagining this untill you fall asleep.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2356 - Wish
Write down your wishes (5 limit) with the pen/pencil. Put your hands over the paper imagine energy flowing from your hands into the wishes with all your belief. Then chant 5 or 10x
"Stars, moon, sky
I wish to wish today
These wishes I write down
Shall come true
I know you can do it
With all your power
In my need
My wishes are what I need
I will put all my belief
To help for these wishes to be a reality
That shall last forever be
This is my will
So mote it be"
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2357 - Wings in 2-4 Days
First, go into a quiet room with no one else in it. Then, say this spell ONLY once in a normal voice or louder(dose not work in a whisper):
"Gods and godesses of the air, listen now and hear my prayer, let me soar with wings of flight, speed right through the cold of the night, my wings are (color). They can stretch to be (# feet)
long. (Names/Everyone) can see them, gods and godesses of the sky, let me now fly, fly, fly!"
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2358 - Breakup, Banish and Get Your Ex Back
Sit in a meditative state until your mind is cleared of all disbelief, self-doubt and insecurities. You want to feel strong and confident in your manifestation. Make sure your intent is CLEAR. This should take no more then 5 minutes.
Stare at the picture of your target until that image of them is in your head clearly. Then close your eyes and visualize them being erased from the picture. You may also visualize their image catching on fire and turning to ash, being blown to the dirt of the earth. Say the following incantation:
"(First and last name of target) go away!
From (first ad last name of your love interest)you will stray.
By the 7th day,
you will be far away.
Leave (first and last name of target)to me.
This is my will, so mote it be."
Say this for 7 consecutive days, counting down the days each time you say it. (for example, tomorrow you will replace "by the 7th day" with "by the 6th day". then "5th day", "4th day", "3rd day", "2nd" or "next day" and "by today" for the final day.)
If your target is responsible for your breakup and you want revenge on top of it, then do this in the restroom and write their first and last name on a piece of toilet paper, then do the spell. Afterward wipe feces on the toilet paper and say "you're s#*t! You're life is s#*t!", and flush it down the toilet. Not only have you broken them up, and banished her/him, but you've also turned his/her life upside down. If you go more then once a day, then you can do this spell multiple times during the day too.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2359 - Gemstone/Crystal Elixir
Put water and gemstone/crystal into container. Let it sit in a windowsill for at least a day and a night to become charged with the energies of the sun and the moon. (You may want to cover the top if it is placed in a dusty area.) When you feel as if it is ready, set up your altar and do any regular practices. Place your hands around the container and recite the following chant:
"Water of (gemstone/crystal), sun and moon,
Bring me the blessings I ask of you.
Bring me (desired properties of the stone. Ex. Calmness (from Turquoise), Love (from rose quartz)) I plea,
As I will it, so mote it be!"
Imagine the energy of your words flowing into the water. Take a sip from the cup. Drink it all, put it in a bottle to wear around your neck, or save it for later.
Last edited on Jul 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2360 - Spirit Animal Dream
Write out:
"Guardians of the dream world, I call you to me side. Show me my spirit animal, my protector, my guide. Show me the power, The beauty, and the grace in the radiant eyes of my guardians face."
Meditate on this before you go to sleep, And keep the paper under your pillow. The paper is just a reminder that it is there.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.