Invite the Goddess of the Night, Nyx, to bless you with her motherly care and protection
You may need:
4 White Candles
Epsom/Sea salt
A pinch of black pepper
4 Star Anise
Lavender Oil
Jasmine Flowers
You may need:
4 White Candles
Epsom/Sea salt
A pinch of black pepper
4 Star Anise
Lavender Oil
Jasmine Flowers
Please Note: This spell needs to be done at night, and from experiance, works the best during a full moon. The closer to midnight, the better.
Turn off your lights and light your candles. Place them in the corners of your bath. Run your bath to your desired amount and temperature (preferably hot). Add your pinch of pepper and Epsom/Sea salt.
Take your Jasmine flowers and add them to the bath along with your Star Anise. Add 6 drops of lavender oil to your bath, and say the following: "O great Nyx, deity of the Night, I humbly ask of you, to place your sacred blessing of the moon upon me and this pool of pure water. May I be graced by your protection and care, O dear mother of the night."
Anoint yourself with your lavender oil, and enjoy your moon soak.
This is a spell that allows you to enhance a hag stones ability, usually a hag stone has 1 hole in it wether it is on the side or in the middle. The use of a hag stone is for O.B.E (Out of Body Experience) and can also be used to scry.
You may need:
A hag stone (Necessary) You can find this at a beach or a Mediterranean beach.
A rag/Cloth (Necessary)
Water (Necessary)
You may need:
A hag stone (Necessary) You can find this at a beach or a Mediterranean beach.
A rag/Cloth (Necessary)
Water (Necessary)
You first must find a hagstone or buy it somewhere preferably if you have one with a big hole and it should be rounded. Get the bowl of water and wrap the hagstone in the cloth/rag/towel and slowly place it in the water and let it sink. When it touches the bottom chant this:
"Hagstone, Hagstone grow
your power when the moon,
shines be the kind of stone
that one would scry with.
Listen to me Spirits/Angels
and grant my wish,
So mote it be."
After saying the chant bring the bowl outside to the moonlight and let it stay there the whole night. In the morning it should be ready to Scry with!
Have you ever wanted to summon a calm and cool demon?
You may need:
Demonic Prayer
You may need:
Demonic Prayer
Look online, look up Set Demon Sigil, draw sigil on paper. Pray to your true god "Lord Satan, by your grace, i Pray thee the power to concieve in my mind , The Great Demon Set, O Mighty Satan the one true god who livest forever." The demon will stay in your mind for the day. It will not "possess" you, or "harm" you.
Need peace and harmony? Just pray this Cheyenne Indian prayer.
You may need:
You may need:
"Let us know peace.
For as long as the moon shall rise,
For as long as the rivers shall flow,
For as long as the sun shall shine,
For as long as the grass shall grow,
Let us know peace."
Need the Native American spirits to guide you or help you? Just chant it.
You may need:
You may need:
Look at the sky. Chant:
"Spirits of the American Indians, I need your help, bring me wisdom and guidance and in turn get something of thanks. Please, I beg you, I worship you. Amen."
Put the present down on the earth, and up and bow. Then leave go on on with your life.
A spell to make your sleep rejuvenating and fulfilling
You may need:
An item to symbolise earth-leaf ect
Water or ice
A desired bed to strengthen the spell
You may need:
An item to symbolise earth-leaf ect
Water or ice
A desired bed to strengthen the spell
First put your earth element in one hand. Grab droplets of water or ice in the other.
"Water flow through my soul,
Earth rejuvenate and make me whole ,
Listen to these words I say as night shall soon turn to day.
I wish to be restored,
Night shall be no more.
My slumber will now be complete
As I lay down upon this blessed sheet!"