7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Empowering Spell
- Meditation to gain energy
- luck and prosperity on house + self
- Magic Mixies Summon Spell
- Binding Spell
- Home Blessing Candle
- Breath of Fire
- Apollo’s Devotional Chant for Inspiration
- Spell of Protection
- Invocation of Nyx, Greek Goddess of Night
#241 - Empowering Spell
Simply chant "infinita virtus in me influit. confirma me. conforta me. ditans me."
#242 - Meditation to gain energy
Sit in a meditation position (legs crossed hands on your knees) in the middle of a room with no sound, close your eyes and take deep breathes. Once you are reloaded make a psi ball and hold it out in your hands. Keep on taking deep breathes and keep in the same position, one your arms feel tired imagine you suck in all the energy from the psi ball into your body. Once done put yours hands back on your knees, keep your eyes closed and maintain your deep breaths. If done correctly you should feel tingly or feel like your magical energy is restored, enjoy!
#243 - luck and prosperity on house + self
When it's raining put a bowl out and place a coin in the center.
Wait awhile maybe even a day and then take out the coin. It should still be raining or close to the end of the rain.
Save the coin and check often on the bowl, leaving it outside.
When the spell is done there will be a leaf in the center of the bowl.
Take out the leaf.
I put the coin and leaf together on my altar but you can put it anywhere as long as they stay together.
Keep the coin and leaf until the leaf completely turns brown and dries out completely.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#244 - Magic Mixies Summon Spell
Pour the water into the couldron, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
Water for life, stop all the strife. Water to Grow, Make my Magic Aglow!
Pour in the sound dust to give the Mixie its voice, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap tap tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
Dust for sound, and say it loud
Add in the Glimmer Star to add sparkle to the Mixie's eyes, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
For a glint that will be known near and far, time to drop in the Glimmer Star
Add in the Magic Feather to grant the mixie its wings, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
One magic feather for flight, keeping it airborn day and night
Drop in the fizz flower to color up your Mixie, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
Give it color with the flower that fizzes, if you know it, you're a wiz!
Drop the Creation Crystal to speed up the process of creation of your Mixie, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
A Crystal for creation, use your imagination!
Write the name you want to give your Mixie on a scroll and drop it on the scroll, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
With a scroll for identification, (insert chosen name here) shall be your name, what a halation!
remove the wand from the couldron and say the magic words
This spell from finishing is a step away, so now there's one last thing to say "Magicus Mixus!"
if the spell goes right, you'll have a new friend
#245 - Binding Spell
Here we go. Write the name of the person you wish to bind on the piece of parchment paper. If you want to stop them from a certain behavior, you can also write that down on the paper. If you have a photo of the person, get that, too. It helps.
Now place the paper and photo between the two mirrors, with the mirrors facing inward toward each other.
Wrap the yarn around the mirrors, tying a knot with each pass. As you tie the knot . When you’ve run out of yarn, tie it off.
Dig a hole. It doesn’t have to be super deep, but it feels good to dig deeper. Again, repeat your intention as you go. Place the mirrors inside the hole with the final knot facing up, and if you want to spit on it, that’s up to you.
Light the candle, and let the wax spill onto the mirrors/yarn, focusing on your intention, and sealing the negativity within. When the candle burns out, bury it with the mirrors. When the hole is covered, pour a circle of salt around it to trap the bad vibes there. Turn your back on the spot and vow to never return.
The Spell
By air and earth, by water and fire, so be you bound, as I desire. By three and nine, your power i bind. By moon and sun, my will be done. Sky and sea keep harm from me. Cord go round, power be bound, light revealed, now be sealed.
Last edited on Dec 08, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#246 - Home Blessing Candle
A floating candle is used due to the size for writing.
To begin: Carve the word bless onto the candle. For my working I used a white floating candle. Dress the candle with sandalwood oil or another oil you feel the spell calls for. Take care to get enough oil around the carving. Sprinkle next your powdered herb around the lettering on the candle. This can even accentuate the word carved. Peace herbs are great for a blessing working. In example, powdered lavender flower. Now that your candle is dressed place it on a mirror disk. Light the candle with intent of bringing blessings into your home or space.
Last edited on Nov 24, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#247 - Breath of Fire
Contract your abdominal muscles, forcefully, creating an exhale, by pumping your stomach muscles in and out, hard and fast, but controlled. Air will enter the top part of your lungs by itself. Use the rapid contractions of your abdominal muscles to inhale and exhale with this exercise. The contractions should be rhythmic.
Practice a few times, and get a feel for it.
Do 20 in a row, in and out, using your abdominal muscles in rapid succession, and at the end of the 20th breath, exhale, inhale and fill your lungs, contract your anus, lower your chin to your chest, hold your breath as long as you comfortably can- DO NOT PUSH YOURSELF!
4. Exhale slowly.
#248 - Apollo’s Devotional Chant for Inspiration
Arrange all the ingredients then recite below text :-
Come blessed healer,
Bearing a golden lyre, generative, agrarian, Oracular one,
Wild, radiant divinity, lovely one, glorious son,
Cultivator of joy, whose arrows achieve their aim, mighty archer.
You who achieve from afar, prophet, holy one,
all-seeing eye bringing the light which shines on mortals,
Golden-haired, making clear oracular utterances,
Hear me with gracious soul as I pray on behalf of mankind.
Upon the blessed earth you look from above through the dark of night.
In the restful shadow of a night filled with stars,
You clearly see the root below and you arrange and support the boundary of all:
For the origin and completion are both in your care,
The cause of the blooming of all things,
with your resonant lyre you command the axis of the heavens,
Placing all in harmony, by which, indeed, you advance to the lowest pitch,
Elsewhere to the highest, at times playing in the Dorian mode,
Tempering all the poles you keep the tribes of living creatures distinct.
Let inspiration come to me.
Support my quest for creativity.
Make my imagination unlimited.
And my mind open to new ideas as I manifest my talents.
Let me surround myself with creative people.
So I can be in touch with my creative source.
Help me release any resistance to fully expressing my creativity.
Give me the time to think, to relax and focus.
Powerful spirit, express yourself in all possible ways.
Let inspiration flow so that I can easily express myself.
My creative work fills you with joy,
And anything can be my source of inspiration.
I promise to always look out for new experiences.
To recognize and overcome my limitations.
If you eliminate all mental blockages, remove barriers,
And any habits that oppress my inspiration.
Dear Apollo, come to me.
You have mingled harmony into the share of all mortal men,
Giving each an equal measure of winter and summer,
The highest three strings in the winter, the lowest in the summer,
The Dorian mode produces the lovely and blooming spring.
Thereupon the mortals celebrate and call you lord and
Pan, the two-horned God who sends the whistling winds,
Wherefore you form and bear the seal of the entire Cosmos.
Hear, happy one, the supplicating voices of the initiates and save them.
#249 - Spell of Protection
How to draw a Pentagram: Just draw a circle and a Five-point star inside of it. It's really easy to draw.
Chant the Following:
"Power of the five-point star, spirits be you near or far, I call on you to hear my plea, bless this space and protect me, oh ancient ones I ask of thee, defect all harmful energy."
Last edited on Nov 24, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#250 - Invocation of Nyx, Greek Goddess of Night
First: Smudge the altar, the candles and yourself with sage.
Second: Place the Sage on the altar and let it burn out.
If you have the flats of your altar face the four directions then put the four candles on the altar with the blue in the North, red in the South, black just behind the blue, and white in front of the red. Purple should be placed in the middle.
If you have the corners of the altar facing the four directions the place the blue in the North, black in the East, red in the South, and white in the West. Still, the purple should be placed in the middle.
Light the candles in this order regardless of the arrangement: Black, Blue, Red, White, Purple.
Say the following: " Nyx, great Goddess of the Night, lover of Erebus, mother of Moros, Thanatos, Hypnos, Charon, Nemesis, and the Fates, I ask you to accept my loyalty and my love as your follower and servant. I ask for your protection and guidance, bringer of the night, I ask for your wisdom and blessings."
Re-light the Sage if it burnt out and light up the Sweet Grass. Use the Sweet Grass to smudge the altar, the candles, the rose pedals and yourself. Place the Sweet Grass next to the Sage and let it burn out as you visualize Nyx sending you her protection, wisdom, guidance, and blessing. Once the Sweet Grass and the Sage burn out again let the petals drop from your hands to the gaps between the candles and the herbs as you chant: "I am (your name). I am a Priest/Priestess for my Goddess, you, Nyx, if you will have me. This is my request, and these are my words. May this spell not reverse, my faith never wavers, my love never weakens. Blessings of Nyx, wash over me!"
Honor Nyx with offering and prayer and she will always answer your call.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.