7148 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Love Me
- Four Elements Wish Spell
- Spirit's Aid
- Rid Yourself of Misfortune
- To Find Someone
- Psi Ball
- Animal Summon
- More Power
- Elemental Pet Summoning
- Goofer Dust Recipe
#2491 - Love Me
With The Person's Picture Sit or kneel in a quiet room with a picture of the person you want to Love you. Draw a heart around the face of the person's picture with the red marker. Next, take the pink Marker and write Love Me in the heart. Hold the picture to your heart and say, "Eros, God of Love, shoot him in the heart with your arrow. Make him love me, I beg you!" Close your eyes, still holding the picture to your heart, concentrate but remain calm and chant, "You know you love me, I know you do. It's only True, (their first & last name)" No Picture Sit or kneel in a quiet room and think of the person you want to Love you. Picture red heart around their face and pink words in it saying, "love me." Hold your heart and say, "Eros, God of Love, shoot him in the heart with your arrow. Make him love me, I beg you!" Close your eyes still holding your heart,concentrate but remain calm and chant, "You know you love me, I know you do. It's only True, (their first & last name)" The spell will work within 24 hours - 48 hours. Enjoy!
EDIT: I've come to realize with love spells, they tend to fade rather quickly. It works best if you love them and they already have a natural attraction to you. Won't work on that sexy music star you want to date (Someone seriously tried that so I'm writing it here)
Last edited on Jun 15, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2492 - Four Elements Wish Spell
1. Chop up peanut. Set aside.
2. Grind chalk into dust. Set aside.
3. Light the candle
1. Draw in energy from the earth into your body. Let it flow to your mind, heart, and voice.
2. Place your hand/s over the candle and say, '' Fire, fire, hot as the sun. Joyful warmth, but deadly fun. I summon you now.''
3. Drop all of the peanut pieces into the flames and say, '' Earth, earth, from the grass to a the dove. A poisonous touch, yet tender love. I call upon you now.''
4. Grab the item holding the water and say, '' Water, water, strong as a wall. Feared by some, but needed by all. Please come to me now.''
5. Spray or drip water on the candle until the flame goes out. Let the smoke stay in the air.
6. Place your hand in the smoke and say, '' Air, air, forces engage. Kind to most, yet a swirling rage. Come to me now.''
7. Put your hands together and say,'' I ask the four elements to grant me this wish. I'll dance like a flame, I'll swim like a fish. I'll grow like the earth, I'll soar through the sky. Now please grant this wish to I.''
8. Say the wish. Sprinkle the chalk around you in a circle and say,'' This is my will, So Mote It Be!''
9. Thank the elements and walk away.
#2493 - Spirit's Aid
First you have to ride something if you are going somewhere. When you are riding the vehicle cast this spell in your mind:
"Spirits of Flames: Gather those flames for us to be saved. Spirits of Earth: Gather the dirt to protect us. Spirits of Wind: Carry the wheels for a fast move. Spirits of Water: Gather the liquids that are seen"
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2494 - Rid Yourself of Misfortune
Say these magic words: "I (name) rid misfortune from my mind and body. Go away never to return."
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2495 - To Find Someone
And Put a few blood on the map
And Focus
And say ^Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous^
#2496 - Psi Ball
First, hold out your hand. Then imagine energy forming into a ball. Last you imagine its shooting at the way you are aiming.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2497 - Animal Summon
Say the animals name you want 3 times. Every time you say the animals name clap once. When you are done doing this say: "Mote it be" and your animal will appear.
Remember only you can see your animal. You can cast this spell as many times as you want. This animal will protect you and attack for you until another animal conjured by this same spell kills your animal. This animal can also cast spells if you teach it to.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2498 - More Power
Say x2
"By the power of the moon and
The Rays of the sun
The power within has just begun
Gods and Goddesses
With all your might give me the power
To win this fight"
"By the most powerful three
This is my will so mote it be"
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2499 - Elemental Pet Summoning
This spell is very time consuming. Before you go to sleep on the 1st of any month, think of a pet. Any pet from an Ant to a Zebra, you can summon. Once you have thought of a pet, Say this chant.
"On the night of this day,
A new beginning starts,
I want an animal,
And we will never be apart."
Say this 3 nights in a row. On the third morning, look outside. If you see any hint of your animal being there, then it worked.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2500 - Goofer Dust Recipe
Mix all MUST Have ingredients together, be careful to not touch the powder after you have made it.
Take the Goofer Dust to the victims home and place in the path they will walk on, or sprinkle somewhere where the victim with walk onto it.
Be warned again, if another person walks on the Goofer Dust it will have the same affect on them, so before sure only the victim walks on it.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.