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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7154 Spiritual Spells
7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
  1. Self-Initiation
  2. Guardian Earth
  3. Shade Meditation
  4. RainBow Candle Spell
  5. Calling four Corners
  6. Mirror Gazing to Contact a Loved One
  7. Call to the Moon
  8. Wind Bound
  9. Spell to Attract Men
  10. Multiple Baby Conceiving Spells

#2521 - Self-Initiation

For solitary witches.
You may need:

  • Mentioned below...
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    You may need:

  • Mentioned below...
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    Although some would say only a Witch can make a Witch, this is not always practical or possible. Those who wish to enter the Craft and worship the Goddess and God should be excluded due to geographic or spiritual isolation.

    This ritual must be preformed alone, on a night when the moon is full. If indoors, the room should be clear of distractions. If outdoors, a private location, equally clear of distractions is desired.

    For this ritual, it is best to work sky-clad. If this is not practical, then a simple robe or gown would be best.

    Set up an altar. This may be a small table or any similar thing. At minimum you will need a small bowl of salt, and a small bowl of water. Some incense in a censer, or incense sticks in a holder. Two altar candles, and candles for the four cardinal points. Set your altar facing North. A pentacle of some form should be placed on the altar, even one just drawn or printed on a sheet of paper will suffice. Light all the candles and the incense. If indoors, turn off the lights.

    Preform an opening ritual (Casting a circle). In place of an Athame, use the forefinger of your right hand. When drawing the Circle, do not leave an opening / gateway to the north-east.

    Once the circle is prepared, kneel before the altar. At this point, take some time to meditate on the path on which you're about to embark. Use this time for prayer and contemplation, as you prepare to commit yourself to the craft.

    When you feel prepared, state the following aloud, while facing towards the altar.

    I, [your name] do pledge to learn the ways and secrets of the Craft, to use this knowledge in honesty and truth, and not to cause pain, nor for personal gain.

    I, [your name] do pledge to honor the Goddess and the God, and to honor my fellow Witches.

    This I do pledge before the Gentle Goddess [Goddess name here], the Powerful God [God name here], in witness thereof, beneath the full moon, before the altar, and within this Circle.

    Move to kneel facing the Eastern Watchtower, and state:

    Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the East, Ye lords of Air, in your presence and as ye witness, do I pledge to become a Witch.

    Move to kneel facing the Southern Watchtower, and state:

    Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the South, Ye lords of Fire, in your witness, do I pledge to become a Witch.

    Move to kneel facing the Western Watchtower and state:

    Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the West, Ye lords of Water, Lords of Death and Initiation, in your presence and as ye witness, do I pledge to become a Witch.

    Finally move back to kneel before the altar and state:

    Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the North, Ye lords of Earth, Boreas, thou guardian of the Northern Portal, thou Powerful God, thou Gentle Goddess, in your presence and as ye witness do I pledge to become a Witch.

    Now, using the consecrated water and your fingertip, anoint yourself in the following sequence: Forehead first. Then right hip second. Left shoulder third. Right shoulder fourth. Left hip fifth. Then finally the forehead again.

    As you are anointing yourself in this way (essentially creating an Invoking Pentagram upon yourself), speak aloud the following words:

    Gentle Goddess [name], Great God [name], before thee in this Circle, I do now call myself, [your name], a Witch, a follower of the Old ways, and a worshipper in Your Names.

    If you wish, you may preform a single consecration at this time, of some piece of personal jewellery, to be worn for the next lunar month. Otherwise, no works should be preformed at this time.

    After further meditation or prayer, preform the Closing Ritual, again using your forefinger in place of an Athame, and finally blow out the candles. The initiation is ended.

    Take time over the next month to further reflect upon the path you have begun, Read the book, and be attentive to the ways of the natural world. Upon the next full moon, you may begin your work as a true Witch, preparing and consecrating any working tools you have made or acquired.

    Hope this goes well for you. If you have any questions feel free to message me!!

    Blessed be !!

    Added to on Jun 24, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2522 - Guardian Earth

    This is a simple spell and very easy steps
    It lasts for about 6-8 hours and after all of that bury and break the jar
    You may need:

  • Dead insect
  • Jar that can be closed
  • Water (requested to be from rain but also tap)
  • Nature plants and objects
  • Fire
  • paper
  • Pencil
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    You may need:

  • Dead insect
  • Jar that can be closed
  • Water (requested to be from rain but also tap)
  • Nature plants and objects
  • Fire
  • paper
  • Pencil
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    1. Place insect in jar and put soil in it than add a small amount of water
    2. Put your nature objects in it now like some daisy's, moss also some exotic flowers
    3. Say these words and write them at the exact same time.
    4. Burn the paper and put ashes into jar then close jar
    5 put it somewhere close to YOU also were it can not break.

    Added to on Jun 22, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2523 - Shade Meditation

    A simple meditation form, however requires medium meditation skills
    You may need:

  • Small enclosed space(recommended)
  • Time
  • Relatively strong mind
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    You may need:

  • Small enclosed space(recommended)
  • Time
  • Relatively strong mind
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    If possible, turn all lighting source in the space off, then sit up straight and sit in a comfy position. After this, picture a blank black space in your mind, let yourself get lost in its darkness. The picture a light somewhere in this darkness. Imagine you walking towards it, and then finally out into your favorite natural place. Do this for as long as you like.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2524 - RainBow Candle Spell

    Purpose: To banish negativity. Strengthen positive virtues. To pay respect to both the Goddess and God
    You may need:

  • Athame
  • Anointing Oil
  • Matches
  • 13 Candles (one of each of the following colors):
  • Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, White, Yellow,
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    You may need:

  • Athame
  • Anointing Oil
  • Matches
  • 13 Candles (one of each of the following colors):
  • Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, White, Yellow,
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    Cast Circle Clockwise
    With a Witches' blade
    This circle now is made
    Spirits of old
    I call thee to guard and to behold.

    Face East:

    "I greet the Spirits of the East
    Who inspires Inspiration in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here."

    Face South:

    "I greet the Spirits of the South
    Who inspires Compassion in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here."

    Face West:

    "I greet the Spirits of the West
    Who inspires Faith in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here."

    Face North:

    "I greet the Spirits of the North
    Who inspires Wisdom in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here."

    Move back to the center:

    "I greet the Spirits Within
    Who inspires Understanding in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here."

    Arrange candles on the alter from left to right as follows:

    Silver, gold, white, gray, black, orange, yellow, purple, red, blue, brown, green, and pink.

    Anoint Candles:

    "I consecrate thee
    As a tool of magick
    I charge thee with power
    In the name of the Goddess
    And in the name of the God
    So Mote It Be!"

    Repeat for each candle.

    Light the silver candle:

    "Candle of silver
    I light thee in honor of the Goddess
    May She bless and protect this circle
    So the magick that is within it this
    Night will be brought to life.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the gold candle:

    "Candle of gold
    I light thee in honor of the God
    May He bless and protect this circle
    So the magick that is within it this
    Night will be brought to life.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the white candle:

    "Candle of white
    I light thee for in your light there is truth,
    Purity and spiritual strength.
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I learn to be more centered
    And may I be blessed with wholeness.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the gray candle:

    "Candle of gray
    I light thee so that all negative energy
    From within and without
    may now be neutralized.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the black candle:

    "Candle of black
    I light thee so that all evil
    May now be banished
    And all sorrow and discord
    Be brought to a close
    Bless me with the power to let go of the past
    and put to rest which is no longer
    So that from this ending
    A new beginning can emerge.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the orange candle:

    "Candle of orange
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Encouragement and stimulation,
    Adaptation and organization
    As you burn bright and strong
    May the powers of self-control and
    Concentration be strengthened.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the yellow candle:

    "Candle of yellow
    I light thee for in your light there is unity,
    Persuasion and creativity
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my confidence be increased
    And my mind power be strengthened.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the purple candle:

    "Candle of purple
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Ambition, dignity, and independence
    Bless me with wisdom and protection
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my psychic and occult powers
    Also grow in strength.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the red candle:

    "Candle of red
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Strength, energy and passion
    Bless me with will power and courage
    Like the blood of life that flows through my veins
    May your force always flow throughout
    My body, my mind and my spiritual self.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the blue candle:

    "Candle of blue
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Peace, inspiration and tranquility
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I come to know the virtues of
    Patience, loyalty and understanding.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the brown candle:

    "Candle of brown
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Stability and earthiness
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I learn to overcome
    Indecision and hesitation
    And all that holds me back.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the green candle:

    "Candle of green
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Healing, fertility and prosperity
    Grant me ambition and generosity
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I be blessed with good luck in abundance.
    So Mote It Be!"

    Light the pink candle:

    "Candle of pink
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Affection and friendship,
    Honor and unselfishness
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my spirit awaken and may my heart know
    The true meaning of love
    For love is the treasure at the end of the rainbow
    And only love can conquer all
    For love is light And light is love
    And love shall be the law
    So Mote It Be!"

    Visualize the magickal energy flowing from the candle's aura into your body through your finger tips. Continue until you feel your body is filled with the magickal rainbow of energy.

    Close Circle:

    Stand in the Center:

    "I bid farewell to the Spirits Within
    Open to the Understanding you inspired
    Attuned to the energied of the Spirit
    Thankful for your attendance."

    Face North:

    "I bid farewell to the Spirits of North
    Open to the Wisdom you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Earth
    Thankful for your attendance."

    Face West:

    "I bid farewell to the Spirits of West
    Open to the Faith you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Water
    Thankful for your attendance."

    Face South:

    "I bid farewell to the Spirits of South
    Open to the Compassion you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Fire
    Thankful for your attendance."

    Face East:

    "I bid farewell to the Spirits of East
    Open to the Inspiration you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Air
    Thankful for your attendance."

    "In perfect love and harming none
    Our sacred spellwork is now done
    As the future becomes the present
    As the present becomes the past
    We bid farewell to the Goddess and God
    This circle of magick is now uncast.
    So Mote It Be!"

    The candles may now be extinguished or burned out.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2525 - Calling four Corners

    Purpose: To banish negativity. Strengthen positive virtues. To pay respect to both the Goddess and God
    You may need:

  • Athame
  • Anointing Oil
  • Matches
  • 13 Candles (one of each of the following colors):
  • Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, White, Yellow,
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    You may need:

  • Athame
  • Anointing Oil
  • Matches
  • 13 Candles (one of each of the following colors):
  • Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Gray, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, White, Yellow,
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    Cast Circle Clockwise
    With a Witches' blade
    This circle now is made
    Spirits of old
    I call thee to guard and to behold.

    Face East:
    I greet the Spirits of the East
    Who inspires Inspiration in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here.

    Face South:
    I greet the Spirits of the South
    Who inspires Compassion in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here.

    Face West:
    I greet the Spirits of the West
    Who inspires Faith in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here.

    Face North:
    I greet the Spirits of the North
    Who inspires Wisdom in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here.

    Move back to the center:
    I greet the Spirits Within
    Who inspires Understanding in all of us
    Come and join with me
    For you are welcome here.

    Arrange candles on the alter from left to right as follows:
    silver, gold, white, gray, black, orange, yellow, purple, red, blue, brown, green, pink

    Anoint Candles:
    I consecrate thee
    As a tool of magick
    I charge thee with power
    In the name of the Goddess
    And in the name of the God
    So Mote It Be!

    Repeat for each candle.

    Light the silver candle:
    Candle of silver
    I light thee in honor of the Goddess
    May She bless and protect this circle
    So the magick that is within it this
    Night will be brought to life.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the gold candle:
    Candle of gold
    I light thee in honor of the God
    May He bless and protect this circle
    So the magick that is within it this
    Night will be brought to life.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the white candle:
    Candle of white
    I light thee for in your light there is truth,
    Purity and spiritual strength.
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I learn to be more centered
    And may I be blessed with wholeness.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the gray candle:
    Candle of gray
    I light thee so that all negative energy
    From within and without
    may now be neutralized.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the black candle:
    Candle of black
    I light thee so that all evil
    May now be banished
    And all sorrow and discord
    Be brought to a close
    Bless me with the power to let go of the past
    and put to rest which is no longer
    So that from this ending
    A new beginning can emerge.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the orange candle:
    Candle of orange
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Encouragement and stimulation,
    Adaptation and organization
    As you burn bright and strong
    May the powers of self-control and
    Concentration be strengthened.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the yellow candle:
    Candle of yellow
    I light thee for in your light there is unity,
    Persuasion and creativity
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my confidence be increased
    And my mind power be strengthened.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the purple candle:
    Candle of purple
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Ambition, dignity, and independence
    Bless me with wisdom and protection
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my psychic and occult powers
    Also grow in strength.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the red candle:
    Candle of red
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Strength, energy and passion
    Bless me with will power and courage
    Like the blood of life that flows through my veins
    May your force always flow throughout
    My body, my mind and my spiritual self.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the blue candle:
    Candle of blue
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Peace, inspiration and tranquility
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I come to know the virtues of
    Patience, loyalty and understanding.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the brown candle:
    Candle of brown
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Stability and earthiness
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I learn to overcome
    Indecision and hesitation
    And all that holds me back.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the green candle:
    Candle of green
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Healing, fertility and prosperity
    Grant me ambition and generosity
    As you burn bright and strong
    May I be blessed with good luck in abundance.
    So Mote It Be!

    Light the pink candle:
    Candle of pink
    I light thee for in your light there is
    Affection and friendship,
    Honor and unselfishness
    As you burn bright and strong
    May my spirit awaken and may my heart know
    The true meaning of love
    For love is the treasure at the end of the rainbow
    And only love can conquer all
    For love is light And light is love
    And love shall be the law
    So Mote It Be!

    Visualize the magickal energy flowing from the candle's aura into your body through your finger tips. Continue until you feel your body is filled with the magickal rainbow of energy.

    Close Circle:

    Stand in the Center:
    I bid farewell to the Spirits Within
    Open to the Understanding you inspired
    Attuned to the energied of the Spirit
    Thankful for your attendance.

    Face North:
    I bid farewell to the Spirits of North
    Open to the Wisdom you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Earth
    Thankful for your attendance.

    Face West:
    I bid farewell to the Spirits of West
    Open to the Faith you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Water
    Thankful for your attendance.

    Face South:
    I bid farewell to the Spirits of South
    Open to the Compassion you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Fire
    Thankful for your attendance.

    Face East:
    I bid farewell to the Spirits of East
    Open to the Inspiration you inspired
    Attuned to the energized of Air
    Thankful for your attendance.

    In perfect love and harming none
    Our sacred spellwork is now done
    As the future becomes the present
    As the present becomes the past
    We bid farewell to the Goddess and God
    This circle of magick is now uncast.
    So Mote It Be!

    The candles may now be extinguished or burned out.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2526 - Mirror Gazing to Contact a Loved One

    Below is Raymond Moody's mirror-gazing method to help you contact the spirit of a deceased loved one.
    You may need:

  • Fan or white noise device
  • Mirror
  • Chair
  • Candle
  • Item of person
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    You may need:

  • Fan or white noise device
  • Mirror
  • Chair
  • Candle
  • Item of person
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    Below is Raymond Moody's mirror-gazing method. You can find the link to his book at the bottom of the page. Dr. Moody's patients have had great success using his mirror gazing method to communicate with departed loved ones and find healing for their grief. Dr. Moody got the idea for this from the psychomanteums that the ancient Greeks used. He built his own psychomanteum and allows people to use it to visit with their loved ones who have passed over. He gives instructions in his book for how to built your own psychomanteum so you can mirror-gaze in the privacy of your own home. The book gives more detail on the technique. I've written a basic outline of it here for you.

    This should be done in a dark and quiet room. Use a fan or a white noise device to block outside noises (ear plugs may also work). The lack of light and noise assists you in achieving a deeper meditative state while making it less likely that you'll be startled out of your trance by outside noises.

    Set up a large mirror with a place for you to sit, either in the floor or on a chair. You should be seated so that you can see into the mirror, but not see your own reflection. So sit at an angle to the mirror.

    Place a lit candle behind you. It will provide indirect light. You shouldn't be able to see the candle flame. It's meant to put out a very dim light in the room.

    Gather personal items from the spirit that you wish to connect with and lay them around you close enough to touch them from your seated position in front of the mirror.

    Sit quietly in front of the mirror and hold one of the items that remind you of your loved one. Think about your loved one and mentally ask them to come and communicate with you.

    You may close your eyes or look away from the mirror as you take some time to relax. Breathe deeply. An easy way to relax is to breathe in to the slow count of five, hold the breath for five seconds, then breathe out very slowly to the count of five. After you do this several times you will notice that you are very relaxed.

    With unfocused eyes, gaze into the mirror. You will eventually begin to see the mirror clouding over. Try not to focus on the cloudy shapes that pass by. Just let them pass and keep staring off into the space, into the mirror.

    Continue gazing at the clouded mirror as you reach out and touch the other items around you and/or connect with the energy of the item in your hand. If you have a piece of fabric or a cologne bottle that smells like your loved one, pick it up and smell it as you continue gazing.

    If you are in a deep enough trance state, you will eventually begin to see the clouds taking the form of a human shape or shapes. Or you may hear your loved one's voice speak to you, either aloud or in your mind. Many people using this technique have seen (in the mirror) their loved one walk up and stand next to them and they had a conversation or a mental exchange of thoughts and feelings. Sometimes the loved one will appear to you and simply smile or wave. You may first see a group of people and then your loved one will walk out from the group to greet you.

    A black mirror may be used in place of a regular mirror, but they are harder to find. Trophy shops or online occult stores may have them.

    You will almost certainly want to talk to someone about what happened so make sure that you have a friend or relative you can call afterward (or who is there waiting in another room). The visit with your loved one could be emotional, although most people feel elated after such a visit.

    Occasionally you will want to see a particular person, but another person will show up instead. Try to accept the spirit who visits you and see if they have a message to give you. They may have been sent on behalf of the person you wanted to see.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2527 - Call to the Moon

    This spell is perfect if you easily get fatigued or run low on magical energies.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Energies
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Energies
  • Voice
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    Stare at the moon, and say this as many times as possible:

    "The Moon's Raw power, harnessed for the purpose of magick."

    Then, hold your item up in the moons direction, and do this for 1 minute. The reason you must do this with an item and then use the magical energies from the item transferred to it from the moon is because the raw energies from the moon is hard to handle and can harm you spell casting.

    Added to on Jun 20, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2528 - Wind Bound

    a simple spell that helps you improve with controlling speed of the wind (IE: fast and slow, or normal)
    You may need:

  • Basic understanding of wind based magic.
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    You may need:

  • Basic understanding of wind based magic.
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    If this is your first time using such magic, you need to recite this chant 3x, by memory ''By the power of three,bind me to blessed thee wind.'' After doing this once, you shouldn't have to recite it again, but if you feel it will help,it does no harm. Keep in mind this part of the spell only allows speed change, not direction or shaping.

    Added to on Jun 20, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2529 - Spell to Attract Men

    It work I'm sure.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    "I conjure thee I conjure thee,
    I'm the queen and you are the bee,
    As I desire so shall it be."

    Added to on Jun 20, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2530 - Multiple Baby Conceiving Spells

    This is a spell for those ambitious witches who are married and want a baby....
    You may need:

  • It's Explained in instructions
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    You may need:

  • It's Explained in instructions
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    Spell to Give Birth to a Healthy Baby

    If you are worried that your unborn child may be ill or be born with an inherited problem, cut an apple in half. Take one half and rub the fruit over your belly. Envision any sickness being drawn out of your womb and out of your child, and into the fruit. When you are done, bury that tainted half an apple in the ground, away from your baby's nursery window. Then go wash up, you are probably all sticky.

    If a tree grows from the seeds left in the buried apple, this is an indication that your child will be very strongly linked to the element of Earth, and will never know hunger.

    Eat the remaining half while envisioning your baby being born happy and healthy. You may wish to light a green, pine-scented candle while doing this. Green candles are great for healing spells, and pine is associated with Earth and fertility. If you are allergic or can't eat apples, throw it out, but take the time to do the visualization.

    (The apple doesn't have to be green. I just used a picture of green apples.)

    Spell to Conceive a Son

    During your most fertile time arrange three candles in a triangle. At the top should be a yellow one (Sun), to the left a green one (Earth) and to the right a blue one (Rain). These are the symbols of the Father. Take a dried Oak Leaf and in red ink write the following: ''Sow in my womb a son as tall and healthy as the mighty Oak''. Place the leaf in the center of the triangle. Next, place an acorn on top of the leaf, repeating the following:

    ''From this seed is born the Sacred Oak
    From this union is born my beloved Son''

    Visualize a tree growing, from the first shoots pushing through lush soil, the slender sapling, all the way up until the tree stands strong and proud. Its leafy arms spread above you. Hold this image in your mind for a few minutes. Picture the leaves rustling with the breeze, the sun shining through here and there. Now, picture an infant lying at the base of the tree, gently cradled in the protruding roots. Picture him as you would like your son to be, happy, healthy, smiling. Hold this image for a few moments.

    When you are ready, take the acorn and place it under the mattress before making love. Let the candles burn down. Each night before attempting to conceive, repeat, using new candles but the same leaf and acorn.

    Keep in mind, this spell increases the likelihood of conceiving the gender you seek. This means you may not conceive at all if the potential child was of the opposite gender! So think long and hard about using this spell.

    Spell to Conceive a Daughter

    During your most fertile time arrange three candles in a triangle. At the top should be a silver one (Moon), to the left a brown one (Earth) and to the right a blue one (Water). These are the symbols of the Mother. Take a rose (blossom only) and place it in the center of the triangle. Using a thorn from the rose stem, prick your finger and squeeze three drops of blood on top of the bloom. Repeating the following:

    ''Sweet as the rose may be, and as strong as the thorn
    From this union of flesh and spirit, my daughter is born''

    Visualize a rose bush growing and flowering before you. Its blossoms smell sweet and the thorns are proof that woman is both beautiful and powerful. Soft and strong. Hold this image in your mind for a few minutes. Picture the leaves rustling with the breeze, butterflies drifting around the blooms. Now, picture an infant lying at the base of the bush, gently cradled by the curling stems and buds. Picture her as you would like your daughter to be, happy, healthy, smiling. Hold this image for a few moments.

    When you are ready, take the rose and place it under the mattress before making love. Let the candles burn down. Each night before attempting to conceive, repeat using new candles and a new rose blossom.

    Keep in mind, this spell increases the likelihood of conceiving the gender you seek. This means you may not conceive at all if the potential child was of the opposite gender! So think long and hard about using this spell.

    Spell to Improve Chances of Conceiving a Child

    Fill a warm (not too hot) bath and add 3 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of orange oil and 3 drops of lime oil. Take turns bathing one another thoroughly (no soap, just a clean cloth and the scented water), until the water cools. About 30 minutes. After you have bathed and before love making, each of you should drink a half a cup (4 oz.) of caffeinated coffee or tea. Caffeine improves sperm motility in males and studies have shown women who drink this amount of caffeinated tea each day improve chances to conceive up to 200%.

    After making love, the male should place several pillows under the woman's hips, tipping her pelvis up and back. This makes it easier for the sperm to travel to the ovum. To help alleviate the discomfort this awkward position can cause, he should remain with her and massage her feet and calves. This stimulates blood circulation through out the body including the womb. This position should be held for 30 minutes.

    Added to on Jun 19, 2015
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