this banishing spell chant is a really simple and effective way to banish negative energy, behavior and people from Simlish Rose. Use this chant to enhance your banishing magick or on its own as a quick spell to work when it’s needed most. Disclaimer : "These spells were not made by me but they do work (for me atleast) link to wear i got these spells and chants can be found in my bio."
You may need:
You may need:
Gods & Goddesses hear my plea
This is all I ask of thee
The negative things I have shown you
Let it be gone and let it be gone for me too
By the power of three
So mote it be
Gods & Goddesses hear my plea
This is all I ask of thee
The negative things I have shown you
Let it be gone and let it be gone for me too
By the power of three
So mote it be.
Helium filled black balloons on a string one for each habit to banish
You may need:
Helium filled black balloons on a string one for each habit to banish
Write your bad habits on the pieces of paper, now roll the paper into tiny small tubes and tie it to a balloon using the attached string. Wait for a strong gust of wind and release your balloons releasing your bad habits. Wave to balloons until they vanish .
Helium filled black balloons on a string one for each habit to banish
You may need:
Helium filled black balloons on a string one for each habit to banish
Write your bad habits on the pieces of paper, now roll the paper into tiny small tubes and tie it to a balloon using the attached string. Wait for a strong gust of wind and release your balloons releasing your bad habits. Wave to balloons until they vanish .
Are you shy? Or never know what to say? Try this spell
You may need:
9 ice cubes
You may need:
9 ice cubes
Place the ice cubes in the pan on a stovetop, and turn the heat to low,. As your ice cubes melt in the pan, cut the lemon into nine pieces and add them into the melting ice one by one. As you do say this chant:
Easy friendship, breaking the ice, getting to know you would be nice, barriers down, new friends for me, as I will so shall it be
Once the ice has melted completely turn off the burner and go meet new people
A simple protection spell blessed by the goddess, Persephone.
You may need:
You may need:
On January 6th, a group of Persephone's followers carried her statue around her temple and invoked her protection in the coming year. Here's the spell they used.
Open the pomegranate so you may access the seeds. Walk the perimeter of your property dropping a seed at evenly spaced intervals. As you drop these seeds say these words:
This home is protected, safe, and secure. This land is protected, safe, and secure. All those who dwell here are protected, safe , and secure.
Once you've dropped all the seeds dig a small hole near your front door and plant the skin and meat of the pomegranate.
This is a potion of good luck. This is my very first potion, please mail me if it works.
You may need:
1 teaspoon of salt
Warm water
1 Spray Bottle
Your favorite flower(optional)
Tree bark
Source of fire: Matches, Lighter, etc.
You may need:
1 teaspoon of salt
Warm water
1 Spray Bottle
Your favorite flower(optional)
Tree bark
Source of fire: Matches, Lighter, etc.
First, you need to cleanse your bottle with a source of fire. Second, you will need to gather all of your ingredients.
1. Take your bottle and put the warm water in the bottle (don't fill the water all the way up) after you cleansed it 2. Add in your one teaspoon of salt 3. Add in a little bit of grass and your favorite flower if you have it 4. Now add in your tree bark 5. Lastly, put the lid on your spray bottle tightly and shake it 7 times slowly
After you shake your bottle say this: "Gods and Goddesses, lend me your ear, help me get through the day with no fear, so mote it be"
Say this 3 times
Now spray this on your neck and wrist every day and this potion should give you good luck
This spell will allow you to rewind, fast-forward, pause and resume time itself, but only affecting you and no one else. But All of your current memories will remain with you.
You may need:
To whole heartedly believe that nothing is impossible, just unaccomplished.
You may need:
To whole heartedly believe that nothing is impossible, just unaccomplished.
Say this 6x:
"Dea de universi et patris tempus, voco ad te. Peto, quod tibi dandum potestatem chronookinesis ad me. Hoc peto a te, ita sit."
Within 3days, you should be able to feel and see the changes.
Lets you gain the telepathic power level of Charles Xavier from X-Men.
You may need:
Nothing but Belief
You may need:
Nothing but Belief
Say this First to build Energy "Deus Eloi Eloim Elohim Elohooc." pronouciation Deh-yoos Elo-yee Elo-yeem Elo-him Eh-loh-hoh-yok." next say this 3x "Gods and Goddesses of the universe hear My plea I ask of you to make me like Charles Xavier I shall have the same powers so mote it be." Now say this to Bind the spell "for the Good of All and with Harm to none this spell is bound and permanent and will not to be undone by the powers of three times three as i do will so mote it be."